Along with many out on the web now, are concerned about the support of Windows 7 ending and having to make a choice to go to the very privacy invasive Windows 10. This has prompted discussions about leaving Windows all together for the first time, even among conservative users and going to Linux. As I understand it, Adobe does not at this time plan to have support for this. I would strongly encourage at this time to provide Adobe Audition for Linux.
Just buy a Mac?? Yeah, I know, but really, just buy a Mac. macOS is UNIX, but that does not mean a port to Linux is in the future, in part because Linus is Unix but not UNIX.
Besides, given Linux's market share, hovering around 2%, and that more likely being the techy/server community and not the creative community, it would be hard to justify porting the Adobe suite to Linux I would think.
I wish you luck but, maybe just buy a Mac while you are waiting?