We are happy to announce the release of Adobe Bridge Beta (
We have been tracking the issues reported on the latest release version of Bridge and have been working on fixing those issues. This Beta release contains several user-reported bug fixes.
Steps to install/update
Install: Go to the Creative Cloud desktop app and select Beta apps in the left sidebar of the Apps panel. Then select install for your beta app.
Update: Go to the Creative Cloud desktop app, click on Update in the left sidebar of the Apps panel, and Check for updates. Then click update for your beta app.
Fixed Issues
- Favorites list get longer each time user clicks on favorites arrow in Bridge's menu bar
- Checkboxes cannot be activated with the keyboard in Filter Panel
- Smart collection removes from favorites on clicking Smart collection in Favorite panel, if migrated from previous version
- [Mac] Checker box size gets increase in content panel after purge cache and select file.
- [Mac] Drag and Drop a folder to Bridge 2024 dock icon does not work if we close the Bridge using cross button
- "ParseValue unexpected char" error and Bridge crashes on launch
- Folder moves to another folder after renaming.
- Scroll bar in content panel moves to top after renaming a folder.
- Metadata Column Resizing | Multiline text box's label is getting hidden, if comes in centre and remove some text from text box.
- Metadata Column Resizing | Multiline text box having overlapped text
- "Invalid Surface Image" error on Bridge launch
- Flipped images are not reflected correctly in Full-screen preview, slideshow and in exported image
- Stability fixes to the video library
This release also contains fixes that came out with the Beta release
For more info on what a beta is and how you can participate, see Adobe Creative Cloud Beta FAQ