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Adobe Bridge Photo downloader does not work with CFE Card reader

Explorer ,
Jun 25, 2023 Jun 25, 2023

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I see posts about this going back a few years but no concrete solutions. Neither the "stable" or beta version of Bridge will recognize that a CFE reader is attached, Win 10 and 11. Either version of Bridge will display the contents of the CFE card via the reader but the downloader does not recognize that the CFE card is attached--Schroedinger's CFE card reader Adobe style. Windows Explorer obviously can read and display the images via the CFE card reader. For years bridge has not been able to display thumbnails of NEF files from any XQD card reader (3) I've tried, just generic icons, both Win 10 and 11, while File Explorer displays thumbnails. Curiously the downloader can display thumbnails of NEF files on SD cards using the same readers. So as much as Adobe deserves praise for new AI processes in PS it is frustrating that the same bugs persist year in and year out in what should be easy, bullet proof functions: if File Explorer can access a card reader the Adobe photo downloader should be able to do it.

Bug , Import and export , Problem or error






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