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After Update Windows Explorer context menu "Browse in Bridge" not open the right clicked folder

Contributor ,
Dec 10, 2022 Dec 10, 2022

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Before the Update to Version Bridge 13.01.583 it was possible to do this:

  1. Bridge is already started, and I have the folder X open in bridge
  2. In another task through Windows Explorer, I make a right click to folder Y, then I choose "Browse in Bridge": the task change to bridge and bridge shows me the folder Y



Now after update:

  1. Bridge is already started, and I have the folder X open in bridge
  2. In another task through Windows Explorer, I make a right click to folder Y, then I choose "Browse in Bridge": the task change to bridge and bridge shows me the folder X

I wish that bridge shows me folder Y not X. Is this a bug or a setting that has changed with the update?


(When Bridge is not started, then the “Browse in Bridge” function in the Windows Explorer context menu works well. Then it opens Bridge and show me the folder, that I selected in Windows Explorer.)
I use Windows 11, last updates.


Problem or error




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