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Bridge 2018 freeze

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Oct 18, 2017 Oct 18, 2017

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Is it just me? Bridge 2018 freezes before I even finishing arranging the workspace. Did it multiple times. Unusable. 2015 MacBook Pro, Sierra. Bridge 2017 runs fine.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

Hi All,

We have released a new version of Adobe Bridge (CC 2019) on 15 October 2018. The new version build number is This version is available to install via Adobe Creative Cloud application.

Please check the following link to know about all new features in Adobe Bridge CC 2019 - https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/using/whats-new.html

You may need to update the Creative Cloud application and restart your computer to see the updated installer.


Deepak Gupta


Community Expert ,
Nov 30, 2017 Nov 30, 2017

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To everyone who's having problems with Bridge.

First off, I am not having ANY issues of freezes, slowdowns, or any strange problems with Bridge 2018. While known problems do get released as "finished software," big issue such as crashes and freezes do not. [There is no such thing as bug-free software by ANY manufacturer.]

But please think about this, you're having problems on something as basic as starting while others are not. Please review the following tips for getting better support from these forums.

That notwithstanding, when you go onto a forum and say "My Bridge 2018/2017/whatever freezes" that doesn't mean much unless you add the following. 

1) The the kind of system you were on (e.g., Mac or PC),

2) The approximate year your machine was made (if you are trying to run this on a 10 year old machine, that may illuminate one of the potential issues/problems)

3) What version of the OS are you using (if you are using that 10 year old machine mentioned above but are trying to use Windows 10, that also provides some important information).

4) Do you have a unique setup on your system (e.g., you have your applications on an external hard drive as opposed to on your computer's hard drive)

and some other things to think about: when was the last time you did a system software update for your system?

It's hard to selectively update your video drivers on a Mac as that is usually included on a system update but PCs typically do not do that and the user needs to be sure they have the latest driver update for that software. This is one of the few things I'm aware of about PCs but I can't provide much greater info since I'm a Mac user. I'm sure other PC users can fill in some other general maintenance tips here.

On Macs you can go into your System Prefs and into Users and create a new User account. Give that test User complete Admin control and then restart into that test user (you can use your same password for this test user, makes it easier). Then try to run the same software. IF THERE IS NO PROBLEM, than there is something screwy in/on your system.

Meanwhile, it's probably worth it to download either ONYX or (your system)* Cache Cleaner. The former is free, the latter requires a minor payment (I use the latter, it's worth it) and run the general maintenance repairs (on (your system) cache cleaner, I also to a medium cache cleaning of all parts of the system). There very likely is something that needs to be addressed on your system, Doing this level of general maintenance has work wonders for me.

*(your system) Cache Cleaner (e.g., El Capitan Cache Cleaner, Sierra Cache Cleaner, High Sierra Cache Cleaner).

Hopefully something here may helps some of you.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 25, 2017 Oct 25, 2017

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Hi David Remington , stafftopia , ruidelgadoalves  , corneliush16155308rosk43364472 , leonardo21​ @glt_mff , @jJohn Wadman

To help you resolve this issue, could you please check following

1. Could you run Bridge CC 2018 and start with a folder with less number of files. While you navigate to a folder having large number of files, leave Bridge for a while and then start using. How is the experience If you leave the Bridge running in background for 10-15 minutes ?

2. Is “Generate Monitor-Size previews” option is turned ON (from Advanced tab of Preferences dialog)? Is yes, please turn it OFF and check the performance.

3. Do you see a “Build Criteria” message in Bridge window? If you let the Bridge run for some time, does the message go away and you see some images in Content Panel?

Please let us know after following these steps, if you are still facing the bridge freeze more frequently.






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New Here ,
Oct 25, 2017 Oct 25, 2017

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Avinash... It works!!

I just left Bridge running in background (I don't know how many time... more or less a couple of hours).

Thank you!





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Contributor ,
Oct 25, 2017 Oct 25, 2017

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I started Bridge in a smaller folder and checked the preferences.

"Prefer thumbnail generation over preview generation" is ON.

“Generate Monitor-Size previews” is NOT checked.

No “building criteria” or other messages.

I then switched to the larger folder. Bridge froze and I let it sit. After 10 minutes or so, it displayed the contents and I was able to navigate to other folders.

At the moment is seems to be working. I continue to monitor performance and post any changes.




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Contributor ,
Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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Hi Avinash,

Bridge 2108 will un-freeze and function normally for a short period but when navigating to a new directory it will freeze again. After another 10-15 minutes it will work again, then freeze again, then work again, and so on. It seems that every time there is significant more data to cache Bridge freezes for a short period.




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Contributor ,
Oct 26, 2017 Oct 26, 2017

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It may depend on the folder or contents. I am now working on a network volume browsing directories with 200 or so 75MB TIFF files in each of them and Bridge 2018 is working OK with no freezes. It does take a little time to draw new thumbnails but that is normal. I’ll work with it a bit more and keep the list posted. This is my only install of 2018. Testing it out on the MacBook Pro along with Photoshop 2018 and CR 10.




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Contributor ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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Browsed a local 11 GB folder with 3,193 files. 2,628 on the top level and the rest nested. Mostly jpegs, some tiffs, pdfs, and Nikon and Canon RAW files, DNG. Bridge started to draw thumbnails then froze after a second or two. I let it sit and, again, after 10 to 15 minutes it was functioning. Strange that for me this is more likely to happen on the local drive (an SSD) than on our network storage volume. So far browsing the network has not caused a freeze (not that it won't happen).




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 29, 2017 Oct 29, 2017

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Sorry, this is too strange. We are not your Beta tester. Please make sure that your apps running stable....we pay for them and we need them for our work....by the way your idea doesn't work....after one week working with the new bridge 2018 it still freezes after seconds...nothing helps, tried everything!!!! We need an upadte otherwise we won't pay for that app anymore!!!




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New Here ,
Oct 29, 2017 Oct 29, 2017

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This is ridiculous and NONE of the suggested fixes work. It doesn't matter if I navigate to a folder with 3 files or 300 files...Bridge freezes for 5-15 minutes and freezes again the minute I choose another folder. Right-clicking the Bridge icon and selecting quit will not close the program and the Apple menu cannot be clicked to Force Quit without going away from Bridge to another program or Finder. Additionally, video files have no thumbnail or preview now so with all of this my workflow has come to a screeching halt.

Thank you to the people suggesting a reinstall of Bridge 2017. Once I reinstalled and opened it everything is working again without checking and unchecking boxes in preferences...it just works...as it should.

Let us know when you fix 2018 and maybe I'll try it again when I don't have actual work to get done.

Mac Pro (brand new desktop for video editing)

macOS Sierra 10.12.6




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Explorer ,
Nov 06, 2017 Nov 06, 2017

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Has anyone contacted Adobe about this problem.  I tried their Chat Support and after 2 hrs and 3 support people I got no where.  Is there any one at Adobe that actually cares about the subscription customers.  My subscription is up for renewal soon. ??????




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

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I have an iMac with all the latest OS and CC 2018 upgrades. None of Adobe's suggestions work to solve the slow thumbnail displays and repeated freezes from Bridge CC 2018. I have tried phone support which took hours to receive. The fix was temporary and went back to failure after one hour. My old Bridge CS6 works perfect. I have spent 2 days trying to make things work with this "wonderful" upgrade. In all the years I've used Adobe products, I have never had problems like this before. Why should I pay for applications that don't work? Very unhappy with Adobe right now.




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Explorer ,
Nov 13, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

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Reinstall Bridge 2017.  It will work on Apple Sierra and High Sierra.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2017 Oct 25, 2017

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Running Mac Pro.....Mid 2010 with Sierra. I also get the freeze. Seems to happen when I try to access certain specific folders including the desktop. Reverting to 2017 version is the best option right now.




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New Here ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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I have tried on 2 machines with the exact same results.  I am fine as long as I am on a local drive.  As soon as I try to browse any folder on my NAS I get the freeze.  Waiting hours for Bridge to index my NAS is absolutely horrible.  I dont see how any of you at Adobe find this acceptable.  Bridge 2017 didn't do this.  Please unfuck whatever you did to file indexing. 




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New Here ,
Oct 28, 2017 Oct 28, 2017

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I have puched bridge in the Nile and reinstalled 2017 all of 2018 is total frezen.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 29, 2017 Oct 29, 2017

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Tried everything running latest software and 64gb of RAM on latest iMac. Current solution I have found to get on with work, rather than spend hours screaming at the screen and wanting to punch stuff, is to go in and reinstall Bridge CC 2017 (go to apps and click down arrow next to open button then click previous version then select version 2017). Works fine and no problems I can see working with Photoshop 2018 or Camera Raw. Adobe please let us know when you have corrected your mistake with 2018 and next time maybe spend more time using it more thoroughly before releasing rather than letting paying customers do the work for you! Thanks!




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

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I tried that and the option isn't there.




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Explorer ,
Nov 13, 2017 Nov 13, 2017

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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Similar freeze issues are happening also in 2017 version. I was able to reduce them by purging some unused parts of cache. I also invested in NVME SSD to keep cache loading quickly and it helped.

Before that after running Bridge for first time I have to leave machine for 10 minutes. After that time Bridge unfroze.

I noticed that during that time the cache disk was working 100% so I assumed bridge was initializing cahce.

I nave not updated to version 2018 because there is nothing useful added there. And from this thread I see bunch of new issues.

And we actually just need two things:



If the freezes are happening because of previews generation - improve your thread safety in code. Also improve the performance - so thumbnails and previes are generated quickly.

BTW Did you know that Bridge is not using multiple core to generate previews?

So no point in investing in 10+ core high end machine - Bridge will still crawl.

Check out this thread : Why Adobe Bridge is not fully using the system resources when rebuilding cache.

There is serious issue with Adobe cutting consts of Bridge development. I can pay much more for this product if you make it stable and fast!




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Community Expert ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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I do not have an answer for anyone here other than to say that I have not had any of the freezes that you folks have found. I'm only mentioning this to let you know that there is something unique to your systems and/or my system that is causing or not causing the problem.

I'm assuming that everyone has Bridge on their computer's hard drive and is not on a separate remote drive? I'm assuming that everyone has gone to their Preferences, selected "Cache" and tapped the Purge All Cache Now, button? I'm assuming that those who have had this problem have gone to that same Cache preference and moved the Cache Size slider over to the right?

On a side note, for those of you using a Mac, I've had great success when trying to solve problems like this with (system) Cache Cleaner. Here, "System" refers to El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, etc. It does have a modest payment but when things like this come up I do the General Maintenance tab (all of them) and the Cache Tab (Medium Cleaning of all options). I'm pretty sure you can use it free for 10 days and then need to pay for it. It solved a problem I was having with Acrobat Pro years ago and have bought every upgrade ever since as a thanks.

I can easily feel your pain on this, I know how hard it is to depend upon a vital piece of software and have it fail.

Good luck, I hope something I've pointed to will help.

p.s., FWIW, when I want delete the Prefs, I press the Shift-Option-Command keys as I double click the Bridge icon, NOT after Bridge starts.




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Explorer ,
Nov 16, 2017 Nov 16, 2017

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Thank you for for suggestions.


Just wanted to mention that Purge All Cache Now button that is number one solution for Bridge can be a huge problem for users.

I have about 300K-400K photos (20TB) on Drobo – scattered in multiple directores with 1-2K photos each.

Generating cahce for this takes WEEKS.

Realistically – given that my machine is not in use 24/7 and i cant run gache generation all the time - is it MONTHS before I have cache for most used directories.




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Explorer ,
Nov 27, 2017 Nov 27, 2017

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How the f***does anyone contact Adobe support here? I have a full on session going on and Bridge is just showing my pictures in a totally random order. Adobe are just terrible to contact. Just send you to wander around forums. Like wandering around a supermarket.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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Hi All,

We have released a new version of Adobe Bridge (CC 2019) on 15 October 2018. The new version build number is This version is available to install via Adobe Creative Cloud application.

Please check the following link to know about all new features in Adobe Bridge CC 2019 - https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/using/whats-new.html

You may need to update the Creative Cloud application and restart your computer to see the updated installer.


Deepak Gupta




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2018 Oct 15, 2018

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Hi All,

We have released a new version of Adobe Bridge (CC 2019) on 15 October 2018. The new version build number is This version is available to install via Adobe Creative Cloud application.

Please check the following link to know about all new features in Adobe Bridge CC 2019 - https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/using/whats-new.html

You may need to update the Creative Cloud application and restart your computer to see the updated installer.


Deepak Gupta




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New Here ,
Jun 24, 2020 Jun 24, 2020

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Just firewalled the Adobe bridge and problem solved !

but it should not be solution ! please suggest !




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