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Bridge CC 2019 Bad user experience

Participant ,
Dec 21, 2018 Dec 21, 2018

Hi, I am not unexplored to new program versions, styles or UX. But Bridge CC 2019 is the worst update of Bridge I ever had. There are too many disturbing elements, the screen usage (I have 4k+5k) is not optimized - you waste the space. Now I see less and smaller images, a terrible grid, no small and compact  folder view.

How can I reset the old styles?

In the meantime I've erased CC 2019 and use CC 2018. The new version is even not faster (so why should use it??)

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Contributor ,
Dec 28, 2018 Dec 28, 2018

I also erased Bridge 2019 as not usable.

The previews are blurry, the interface is cramped, and you cannot adjust the background brightness as you want it. It's a very standardized product to look like all the other Adobe products, and with no regard to their users.

Just take note that Bridge 2018 us incompatible with Photoshop 20. If you have only there two versions on your computer you lose the whole Photoshop command: no batch processing, no image processor.

Bridge 2018 only works with Photoshop 19. Which is why I am using now 2 Photoshop versions, V20 for working, V19 for batch and image processor, and often I have both versions open. Crazy!

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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 02, 2019 Jan 02, 2019

Hi All ,

Thanks for sharing your valuable feedback to us. Please use different custom setting to customize the look and feel of Adobe Bridge CC 2019 that fits your need.

You can try these options

1. Open Preferences Dialog -> Click on Interface and select the color theme .

2. For Content panel use the Thumbnail slider (at the bottom of content panel) to increase and decrease the size of the thumbnail.

3. Also for Content panel you can choose from different view options like view content as details, view content as list.

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Contributor ,
Jan 02, 2019 Jan 02, 2019


The only real solution would be to allow the photographers to decide on the layout of Bridge.

Bridge 2018 was a good layout and could be very well customized.

The layout of Bridge 2019 is ugly, cramped, distracts from the work, and the color themes are a joke compared to what you can do in Bridge 2018.

Suggestion: Why force people to an ugly look? Let them choose. It can't be so difficult to include the classic Bridge theme with its clean design and much better customizability in color backgrounds. If someone wants his Bridge to look like Lightroom, they can have it. Just don't force it on us.

PS: Currently the code of Bridge 2019 is so faulty you can't use it. Have you seen those blurry previews?

PLEASE DON'T PUSH TO MANY UPGRADES. Fewer upgrades, but better checked out. It's been a few times that new Bridge editions had blurry previews at the beginning (just google it).

This is why I don't like these constant upgrades. Photoshop/Bridge is my work tool, and I don't need bells ringing and whistles blowing to be satisfied.

I'm satisfied if it just works.

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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 04, 2019 Jan 04, 2019

Hi Robert,

Thanks for writing to us. We are reviewing all the feedback specific to UI changes done in CC 2019 and our designers are evaluating addressing some of the issues in the coming updates. We shall keep you posted and will also seek your feedback where needed.

Happy New Year!

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