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This has been happening for quite a while now (probably about a year or two) and not just in the latest version of Bridge, I've always just thought it was my work computer but having to work from home due to Covid-19 I have realised it's not and it also happens on my home computer as well. This only happens when I am on the desktop tab, everywhere else it's OK.
As you can see from the attached image, I occasionally get duplicated icons, it's usually either my external HDD or ownCloud - it can also end up being duplicated so I end up having over 100 items even though there is usually around 12 items on my desktop.
I'm not sure if this has been reported before as I could only see posts relating to duplicating files.
Any help in resolving this would be great or if you need to to provide more info, please let me know.
Hi jbm007,
I think I have fixed it... In ownCloud there is a setting for "Show sync folders in Explorer's Navigation Pane" which was enabled, unchecking this seems to have fixed the problem.
Thanks for your help with all of this 🙂
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Here's another example... you can see from this one it says I have 436 items on my desktop even though it should only show 12 items.
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Have tried resetting your preferences?
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Hi jbm007,
I have, I just tried it again and the issue is still happening - as you can see from the screenshot I now have 203 items according to Bridge (this has increased since I took the screenshot to 209).
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what shows up if you select "desktop", and R-click "reveal in explorer"
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Just a blank screen as I don't have anything on my desktop other than the recycle bin.
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You are using a "own cloud client app" to handle all your cloud management.
Bet you Bridge is finding temp files on your desktop that "own cloud "is using for syncing files.
Can you turn it off and check?
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I have quit the app and it's still doing it, still shows numerous instances of ownCloud. It's not always ownCloud this happens with though, from the first screenshot you can see it does it with my external HDD.
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Just to be sure you quit the app, rebooted your machine, and the relauched Bridge, and the files still appear?
Just wanted to make sure.
Those files remain in cache even after you close the app.
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BTW your original screen shot does not appear to show duplicate ext. hard drive files
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I didn't restart my computer at first, but I have just done it and it's still happening I'm afraid.
In the original image on my first post "My Passport" is my external HDD.
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Can you retake a screen shot of the "open in explorer" but
high light the "own cloud" folder.
Also High light passport folder, and then Desktop folder and post? Your explorer screen shot does not show what is actually in your desktop folder.
As you can see from my screen shot this is how your view should appear.
I am wondering if at this point you should uninstall ridge using the ACC tool cleaner, rebooting,use a registry cleaner, reboot again and reinstall. I know its a lot of work, but something is buggered up in your configuration. I just have not seen such a situation in 10 years of using Bridge.
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If I right click on My Passport and select reveal in explorer it shows this...
If I right click on ownCloud and select reveal in explorer, nothing happens.
I must point out that this also happens on my work computer, I thought it was just my work computer so just lived with it but since working from home it also happens on my personal computer.
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own Cloud syncs between your work environment and home.
Can you R-click the the "own cloud" folder and hit properties. Change hidden files to show.
Then go back to the root "own Cloud" folder and select it and see if temp files are being created.
I honestly think the that the Own Cloud client is responsible for what is going on.
I have not seen this problem on from anyone else ask for help on the forums besides you.
I know it does not solve the problem, but then again Adobe is not going to research the issue for one individual. We will keep trying.
Going to get another cup a coffee and think about it.
We will hopefully figure it out.
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OwnCloud syncs my external HDD to the cloud.
I presume I need to do this within Windows Explorer and not Bridge. I have shown hidden files and gone into the root of the ownCloud folder and there are some hidden files there...
If it is ownCloud causing the problems then I will just have to live with it as I can't stop using ownCloud due to work but if there is a way to stop it that would be good as sometimes I am unable to click on the folder/item I want to because of the continuous increase in items.
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Hi jbm007,
I think I have fixed it... In ownCloud there is a setting for "Show sync folders in Explorer's Navigation Pane" which was enabled, unchecking this seems to have fixed the problem.
Thanks for your help with all of this 🙂
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Great news.
I will mark your solution correct answer.
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Thanks for your help 🙂