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How to add words in the description field on multiple selected photos without deleting previously inserted parts
Here is an example of 3 files, each with different, unique Description metadata.
When all 3 files are selected, the Metadata Panel indicates "(Multiple values)" in the Description field.
Now, in this example, I wish to add a common extra description to the 3 multiple selected files:
In the screenshot above, I have used a regular expression to find the end of the current text, which is the $ (
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Unlike Keywords/Subject, Description is a single string of text, so we can't append an item to a list of multiple entries.
This requires a Find/Replace in the Description metadata, which can be performed via a custom script.
Can you provide a before and after example of the edit you would like to perform?
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The following script from Paul Riggott can find/replace in the Description:
P.S. As this is an old script, the following version has been edited with cosmetic GUI updates for later versions of Bridge:
#target bridge
if (BridgeTalk.appName == "bridge") {
ReplaceDescription = new MenuElement("command", "Find and Replace Description/Caption", "at the end of tools");
// Load the XMP Script library
if (!xmpLib) {
if (Folder.fs == "Windows") {
var pathToLib = Folder.startup.fsName + "/AdobeXMPScript.dll";
else {
var pathToLib = Folder.startup.fsName + "/AdobeXMPScript.framework";
var libfile = new File(pathToLib);
var xmpLib = new ExternalObject("lib:" + pathToLib);
ReplaceDescription.onSelect = function () {
var win = new Window('dialog', 'Find & Replace');
//g =;
//var myBrush = g.newBrush(g.BrushType.SOLID_COLOR, [0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 1]);
//var myBrush = g.newBrush(g.BrushType.THEME_COLOR, "appDialogBackground");
//g.backgroundColor = myBrush;
win.orientation = 'column';
win.p1 = win.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { borderStyle: "black" });
win.p1.preferredSize = [380, 100];
win.g1 = win.p1.add('group');
win.g1.orientation = "row";
win.title = win.g1.add('statictext', undefined, 'Description/Caption Editor');
win.title.alignment = "fill";
var g =;
//g.font = ScriptUI.newFont("Georgia", "BOLDITALIC", 22);
g.font = ScriptUI.newFont("dialog", "BOLD", 13);
win.p6 = win.p1.add("panel", undefined, undefined, { borderStyle: "black" }); //Replace
win.p6.preferredSize = [380, 100];
win.g600 = win.p6.add('group');
win.g600.orientation = "row";
win.g600.alignment = 'fill';
win.g600.st1 = win.g600.add('statictext', undefined, 'Replace');
win.g600.st1.preferredSize = [75, 20];
win.g600.et1 = win.g600.add('edittext');
win.g600.et1.preferredSize = [200, 20];
win.g610 = win.p6.add('group');
win.g610.orientation = "row";
win.g610.alignment = 'fill';
win.g610.st1 = win.g610.add('statictext', undefined, 'With');
win.g610.st1.helpTip = "Leave this field blank if you want to remove the characters";
win.g610.st1.preferredSize = [75, 20];
win.g610.et1 = win.g610.add('edittext');
win.g610.et1.preferredSize = [200, 20];
win.g620 = win.p6.add('group');
win.g620.orientation = "row";
win.g620.alignment = 'fill';
win.g620.cb1 = win.g620.add('checkbox', undefined, 'Global');
win.g620.cb1.helpTip = "Replace all occurrences of";
win.g620.cb2 = win.g620.add('checkbox', undefined, 'Case Insensitive');
win.g620.cb2.value = true;
win.g620.cb3 = win.g620.add('checkbox', undefined, 'Remove any ()[]');
win.g620.cb3.value = false;
win.g1000 = win.p1.add('group');
win.g1000.orientation = "row";
win.g1000.alignment = 'center';
win.g1000.bu1 = win.g1000.add('button', undefined, 'Process');
win.g1000.bu1.preferredSize = [170, 30];
win.g1000.bu2 = win.g1000.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel');
win.g1000.bu2.preferredSize = [170, 30];
win.g1000.bu1.onClick = function () {
if (win.g600.et1.text == '') {
alert("No replace value has been entered!");
var sels = app.document.selections;
for (var a in sels) {
var thumb = sels[a];
// Get the metadata object
md = thumb.synchronousMetadata;
// Get the XMP packet as a string and create the XMPMeta object
var xmp = new XMPMeta(md.serialize());
if (win.g620.cb1.value && !win.g620.cb2.value) var patt = new RegExp(win.g600.et1.text.toString(), "g");
if (!win.g620.cb1.value && win.g620.cb2.value) var patt = new RegExp(win.g600.et1.text.toString(), "i");
if (win.g620.cb1.value && win.g620.cb2.value) var patt = new RegExp(win.g600.et1.text.toString(), "gi");
if (!win.g620.cb1.value && !win.g620.cb2.value) var patt = new RegExp(win.g600.et1.text.toString());
// Read existing dc:description property
var Caption = xmp.getArrayItem(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description", 1);
// Change existing dc:description property based on user input
var result = patt.test(Caption.toString());
if (result == true) {
var newCaption = Caption.toString().replace(patt, win.g610.et1.text.toString());
if (win.g620.cb3.value) newCaption = newCaption.replace(/["'\(\)]/g, "");
// Delete the dc:description property
xmp.deleteProperty(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description");
// Populate the new dc:description property and set lang to x-default
xmp.appendArrayItem(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description", newCaption, 0, XMPConst.ALIAS_TO_ALT_TEXT);
xmp.setQualifier(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description[1]", "", "lang", "x-default");
// Paul Riggott's original write method
md.namespace = "";
var Caption = md.description ? md.description[0] : "";
if(Caption == "") continue;
var result=patt.test(Caption.toString());
if(result == true){
var newCaption = Caption.replace(patt,win.g610.et1.text.toString());
if(win.g620.cb3.value) newCaption = newCaption.replace(/["'\(\)]/g, "");
md.description = newCaption;
// Write the packet back to the selected file
thumb.metadata = new Metadata(updatedPacket);
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Try the script on copies of the original images to find/replace the text.
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I don't think I'm capable of doing this operation
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I don't think I'm capable of doing this operation
By @bersani_4639
Full instructions were provided in the link to my blog on how to copy and save the code and how to install it into Bridge, it's easier than you might imagine. Give it a go!
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I added the script. In the caption field the text is not added but replaced. I don't understand why in ligtroom and other programs with metadata this doesn't happen. The text is added to the pre-existing one
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I'm having problems understanding the separate image attachments, inserting inline images is usually easier to follow:
Can you simply type out the before/after description for the find/replace?
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Again, please type a before and after example of the text (instead of the screenshot attachments). Then I can provide an example for you.
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Here is an example of 3 files, each with different, unique Description metadata.
When all 3 files are selected, the Metadata Panel indicates "(Multiple values)" in the Description field.
Now, in this example, I wish to add a common extra description to the 3 multiple selected files:
In the screenshot above, I have used a regular expression to find the end of the current text, which is the $ (Dollar symbol, Shift + 4)
The common text replacement is _NEW TEXT
Here is a screenshot of the final result:
Where _NEW TEXT has been added to the end of all 3 selected files, retaining their original unique description and adding the new common description.
To add a common text entry at the start of the existing text, one would use the ^ (Caret symbol, Shift + 6) instead of the dollar sign.
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Thank you so much. the method is very slow. impossible to do without knowing the program thoroughly. isn't there a keyboard shortcut to speed up the process?
with lightroom just position the cursor after the bracket of the text (multiple values) and double click to add the new text without changing the previous one. what i don't understand is why in a program like bridge which is expected to intervene on the metadata there are no faster paths to perform the changes. thanks again
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Thank you so much.
You're welcome!
the method is very slow. impossible to do without knowing the program thoroughly. isn't there a keyboard shortcut to speed up the process?
I wouldn't call it very slow, however, it's definitely not as simple or fast as you mention in Lightroom. Yes, it does require extra knowledge and a 3rd party script, such is life and the benefit of these forums to learn from other's knowledge and experience.
with lightroom just position the cursor after the bracket of the text (multiple values) and double click to add the new text without changing the previous one. what i don't understand is why in a program like bridge which is expected to intervene on the metadata there are no faster paths to perform the changes. thanks again
By @bersani_4639
Bridge predates Lightroom and has a different development team.
This is not to say that Bridge shouldn't be able to do what Lightroom does, just that it currently can't.
You can add feature requests here if one doesn't already exist that you can upvote:
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image search using the "image description" metadata can make work efficient and fast, making the various tags, keywords, colors superfluous. I mainly use captions. unfortunately the few programs that manage workflows with metadata are very expensive and aimed at large archives. a useful program for managing metadata for personal or medium-sized archives was fotostation by foto ware. unfortunately now there will be no new versions. thanks