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I edited an image in Lightroom classic, then I used a workflow
to save as jpeg, resize and rename, but the image is saved without the changes I've done in lightroom.
If I use the export module, no problems. What am I missing?
Photo saved with the workflow
Photo saved with the export module
1 Correct answer
The basic difference between LRC and Bridge is that the former is a database while Bridge is a viewer with special powers. LRC is a DAM, Bridge is not. LRC can display GPS data, Bridge cannot.
On the other hand, as you pointed out Bridge is, for the most part very easy to use and LRC has a learning curve. (The actual image adjustment process is pretty much the same because they both are using Adobe Camera Raw.)
I hope that helps
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Wait, let me see if I'm following your workflow:
You're in LRC. Then you're in Bridge using Workflow.
How did you get from one to the other?
Why didn't you use the Export features in LRC to export the JPG, that way, you would have had your changes (see below)
You do realize that unless you have your Catalog's Preferences set to Automatically write Changes to XMP, all of the changes are saved in the catalog and are only put into the file during export.
To demonstrate this, take any file in LRC, and make it as bizarre as you want to make it very obvious that changes were made (nothing subtle). Now, in LRC, right-click on the file and select show in finder/explorer. Now tap the space bar: you will not see your changes because those changes are in the Catalog. If you have your Catalog Settings set as above, you'd see your changes. [However, depending on how many images you have in your Catalog, it can take hours or days for LRC to catch up writing the XMP data to each image.
Please, for your own comfort, when working in LRC, stay in LRC. Everything you can do in Bridge's Workflow can be done in LRC. Similarly, when working in Bridge, stay in Bridge for all the same reasons. They are diametrically different in how they deal with and treat images.
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Thanks for the info. Yep, LRC is setup to save to the sidecar file and I could see that the image modified is showing up in bridge.
I want to use bridge because it's more simple with the workflows. I'm also curious about one thing. You said "Similarly, when working in Bridge, stay in Bridge for all the same reasons". My understanding is that bridge is there to view, categorize and export the photos, otherwise I don't see any use for it. Do I see that in the wrong way?
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I recommend using one or the other. There are some keyword bugs but more importantly, its whether you want to work with a database app or just a file browser.
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The basic difference between LRC and Bridge is that the former is a database while Bridge is a viewer with special powers. LRC is a DAM, Bridge is not. LRC can display GPS data, Bridge cannot.
On the other hand, as you pointed out Bridge is, for the most part very easy to use and LRC has a learning curve. (The actual image adjustment process is pretty much the same because they both are using Adobe Camera Raw.)
I hope that helps
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Thanks a lot, Gary, that makes sense, will revert to LRC for photos management 😄
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Hi @Giovanni Colapinto I use LRC for all of "MY" images, those that I wish to keep in my collection. But for all the images I take that do not fit into the "keepers" category, I use Bridge. Plus, when people send me images for a newsletter I do in InDesign, I use Bridge for that as well — again, those are not keepers for me.
Thus, I use both almost on a daily basis. I hope this helps in my "application use" logic. Enjoy!
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Oh, before I forget, if you are new to Lightroom Classic, check out the website If you sign up for her (very infrequent emails), you can access her free PDF on how to use LRC. It's very good.