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I just updated to Bridge 2024 and now suddenly I can't change star ratings and color labels without having to use the command key! Very incovenient to need two hands to do this! I looked at the preferences, figuring I'd just check the box that says you don't need the command key, but its gone!!! There's no option for labeling and starring without command anymore! This needs to be fixed. How is it an improvement to make something harder to do???
1 Correct answer
Hi @DefiningImagery ,
Thank you for reaching out to us. You can set the numbers as shortcuts for labels/ratings from keyboard shortcut options
1. Open Bridge
2. Go to Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts to open the keyboard shortcuts dialog
3. Search for the desired command like Red Label, Yellow Label, 1 Star, etc
4. In the adjacent column, named "Shortcut" click in the empty area and add the desired shortcut like
5, 6, 7
5. Save the preset and click the OK button to apply the changes
You can follow this wiki f
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The removal of that very handy checkbook for using/not using the ctrl key when applying labels and ratings was one of the first things I noticed about this version of Bridge. My solution was to use the new feature which allows customising keys. So keys 0 to 9 can be customised to do what they used to do. This works but takes a while to perform as you have to customise ten different keys instead of unchecking one little box. I haven't discovered a quicker method. Maybe someone else has?
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I love hoe they brought back the ability to bring back windows but took away the easiest labeling set up we ever had... one step forward, 8 steps back.
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Hi @DefiningImagery ,
Thank you for reaching out to us. You can set the numbers as shortcuts for labels/ratings from keyboard shortcut options
1. Open Bridge
2. Go to Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts to open the keyboard shortcuts dialog
3. Search for the desired command like Red Label, Yellow Label, 1 Star, etc
4. In the adjacent column, named "Shortcut" click in the empty area and add the desired shortcut like
5, 6, 7
5. Save the preset and click the OK button to apply the changes
You can follow this wiki for more information and usage
Please reach out to us if you have any queries.
Bridge Team
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Or you could put the tick box back that enabled us to label WITHOUT going through all that hassle!!! It used to be one of the highlights of using bridge, now bridge is awkward... listen to your customers!!!
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AGree 100% with this post. This looks like another item where some dingbat 'programmers' thought they knew best what usesrs use, want etc, and so they decided to simply remove this very useful, simple and elegent solution and hide it deep within an over-complicated tool used by probably 2% of the bridge population: people who hyper-personalise their bridge environment.
As for the user below who said its probably better 'in the long run'. i completely disagree. Why would you replace an elegant check box with one you need to change 9 or more 'settings'. Especially this, whereby im sure 99% of the mac population use the command-(numpad) for somethign else on their computer - like zoom to 100% or something completely useufl out side of bridge. a good question to ask would be: what % of users would set up special keymapping in bridge for their every day work and who would prefer to keep the old check box where it is.. its not as if they are dying for space in the preference pane for this - see attached.
Secondly, i work in a company where my designers like to actually design, not set preferences everytime an app gets 'updated'. i can easily rush around to computers after an 'update' and set every body's machine to basically work the same, keep it simple. now to change 15 peoples computers through the 15+ clicks is just a waste of time.
If it aint broke, DONT FIX IT.
Bring back the code,
bring back the code,
bring back the old unbroken code.
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I am the one who said it's better in the long run. I agree with keeping the checkbox though. No need to remove it! That confused me for a while.
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Thank you for the solution but ask yourself as Bridge Team the following question: are we enhancing the user experience in Bridge or do we make it a hog people run away from?
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Thank you!!!
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I was not happy when I saw this was removed, but I do have to say keyboard shortcuts is a better solution in the long run
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Interesting. Why is this a better long-run solution - what is the benefit? Thx.
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Hi @Stephen36714666wj6e, overall, this provides more control and efficiency when working with Bridge. The specific issue around Ratings and Labels is a glitch in the continuum. In a perfect world, there would have been the ability to have a one-button control on that but it didn't happen (and last I checked, we are not in a perfect world).
As an example of things that can be improved, I set Command-u to un-lable any image. I can unrate any image with zero, but there was nothing for unlableing. Now, I have it. I have other improvements, but that's just a quick one.
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Oh, one other quick thing: subsequent to this question being put in a forum, I created a video for folks who need a visual assistance.
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Will not rate for me at all. So far nothing has worked for me 😞
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Thank you, Stephen! Yay! 🙂
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I've been wrestling with the same thing. I understand that we can simply configure the Keyboard Shortcuts for labels and ratings, that's fine.
But how do I navigate to an image using its numeric file name?
eg. I would have 1000 photos. I want to label IMG.0753 with a RED label. I used to simply type in "0753" and that image would be selected, I then pressed cmd/6 and it would be done. Not anymore, how would this workflow happen now?
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I would use [Ctrl/Cmd +F] to Find the file,
Select image Then [Ctrl/Cmd + Number 1-5] to 'Star rate' the image. (Or [Number 1-5] for KB shortcuts that are re-assigned.)
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Maybe I didn't make myself clear. How to I navigate to any image quickly using the image name? If the image name consists of only numbers, by typing in those numbers it rates the image instead of highlighting the specific image I want to see. I work with bik folders and need to select numerous photos based on their image names(number).
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If you want to permanently use 'command key' when you are rating and labelling, you should set it once from the 'Keyboard customization dilaog' via the Bridge Preferences.
I may feel counter-intuitive, but I assume that this was needed because switching the modifier key on/off will conflict with any custom keyboard shortcuts that you may have set.
Have you tried using Keyboard shortcut customization dialog. This will be a one time operation and then you are good.
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I agree this is very annoying. It was so much better when a checkbox (first in Prefes, then moved to the Window panel) was offered. I know they can be changed with keyboard shortcut sets, but WOW, is that much more complicated. Please return the checkbox for this functions.
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@rickburress, I do not disagree.