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The solution for someone else's mostly-similar problem has not worked for me. I started getting these warnings after adding InDesign to my Adobe plan(s). No combination of restarting, launching Photoshop, launching from the Finder or launching from Creative Cloud or launching Photoshop from Bridge fixes this. I can no longer use Bridge "Develop Settings->Previous Conversion" or Bridge's "Camera Raw Preferences..." Menu items, despite having 100% up to date versions and legit paid licenses. Bridge will open Photoshop and ACR okay, but I can no longer edit one photo's ACR settings and apply them to a group (sometimes many dozens of photos at a time), nor can I alter ACR's preferences. This just spontaneously started to happen on both of my licensed computers after upgrading my plan.
"Camera Raw editing is not enabled." with a :warning: sign, and "Camera Raw editing requires that a qualifying product has been licensed."
Which it has, many year ago, and is current.
Edit#1: Adding the Error Text so that it's searchable for others.
Edit #2: Adobe Support did some behind-the-scenes magic to reconcile my plans, now working :party_popper:
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This will sound strange, but have you updated Photoshop and/or Bridge recently? If so, it may have confused the implanting of scripts that installing PS must do to make things work.
Something to try is to uninstall both PS and Bridge. Then, reinstall Bridge first and then PS, and see if things are working.
Let us know if that solves the problem.