Exporting Bridge metadata to csv
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As Bridge has sometimes lost my metadata, is there an easy way in which the likes of photo descriptions can be exported into a .csv file (or similar), or alternatively to add photo descriptions from metadata to thumbnails if exporting as contact sheets as a hard-copy backup?
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Such metadata is stored in the file, not in Bridge.
It's possible to extract such metadata from files.
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Stephen - thanks. I've downloaded the ZIP folder, but how do I install it (it's asking what app to associate it with - presumably Bridge)?
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Stephen - thanks. I've downloaded the ZIP folder, but how do I install it (it's asking what app to associate it with - presumably Bridge)?
By eggwhiskengineer
What did you download, there were multiple links at my blogpost.
Once you have unzipped/decompressed the .zip file, if there are Bridge .jsx files, then the following may help:
Some scripts may require resources in other locations, so there may be installation instructions inside the .zip for you to follow.
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Stephen - great, got it now, thanks. I think the only thing 'missing' for me is a box for Credit line and Source, to help me keep tabs on where I got certain photos from. Is that something easily incorporated into a change?
I'd still like to see Bridge have a functionality whereby captions (probably from the 'Description' area) can be added underneath images when creating contact sheets. That would be really useful if one of the developers is watching!
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I still have no idea which script you are referring to from the multiple links provided.
Can you post a screenshot of the file info fields that you're wanting to include in the script? Are there any fields that you don't require in the script that could be swapped out?
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The one in your original link:
Adobe Bridge Script – Extract Metadata, by Paul Riggott:
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The one in your original link:
Adobe Bridge Script – Extract Metadata, by Paul Riggott:
By eggwhiskengineer
Are there any fields that you don't require in the script that could be swapped out? It's easier (for me) to change existing entries than add new ones!
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Probably 'Label'?
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Probably 'Label'?
By eggwhiskengineer
I can probably add the extra checkboxes and link them to the required functions (scriptUI gives me a headache)!
I'm looking at the last script from Paul from 2016:
There are currently 25 possible entries... And you need 2 extra ones for IPTC Credit Line and Source. Do you really only think that Label is unnecessary? Surely you can find another that isn't required? What are the exact metadata entries required? Do you really need 26?
@Lumigraphics has a Bridge script to run ExifTool, which is a lot easier for me to code.
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How about changing "Caption Writer" (the person who wrote the caption)? That seems like it could be changed to "Credit Line"
I can help modify the script, just confirm the fields you need.
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Agree. Caption writer and Label are probably the two least useful options at the moment.
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I'll work on it and post here when it's ready.
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@eggwhiskengineer Download the revised version on DropBox:
Click the download button at the top:
Click "continue with download only" to avoid logging in:
Place this new .jsx file in your StartupScripts folder. Remove the old version to avoid conflicts.
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Excellent! Many thanks @gregreser and @Stephen Marsh for your help. (y)
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You need to look into Contact Sheet X:
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Forgive me, not an expert in scripts (by any means!), but having downloaded the files do I upload them to Bridge Preferences Start-up Scripts the same way as the one above, and if so which particular file as there are lots in the folder. Will this allow chosen metadata to be added beneath the contact sheet thumbnails (either in addition to or in lieu of the filename)?
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There should be installation instructions in the .zip archive.
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I downloaded the folder and all of its sub-folders and contents. It's not at all clear which file is the right one (seems to be a whole compendium of different tools) and where to put it. It's also not clear if this is for Photoshop or for Bridge (I was looking for the latter, not the former).
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I just downloaded the Contact Sheet X (CSX-2_2.zip) again as it has been a while since I installed it. There is a README.txt file with full instructions for automated or manual installation in Photoshop and Bridge.
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Installed the InstallCSX.jsx Bridge version (as per the instructions). It shows under Tools, but it requires PS to be open, and when I click on it in Bridge it swaps to PS but does nothing else. I'm on CC.
When trying it in PS, a manual install through File>Scripts>Browse generates the following:
Version: v2.2
Revision: $Revision: 1.36 $
App: Adobe Photoshop
App Version: 25.3.1
OS: Macintosh OS 14.2.1/64
Checking configuration...
Checking for Photoshop
Photoshop good!
Checking for CS2+
CS2/CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC good!
Checking for Photoshop Scripts folder: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2024/Presets/Scripts
Photoshop Scripts folder good!
Checking for Startup Scripts folder: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Startup Scripts CC/Adobe Photoshop
Startup Scripts folder good!
Checking for xtools preferences folder: ~/Library/Application Support/xtools
xtools preferences folder good!
Checking installation package
Error: Bad installation package, CSX Script not found
CSX Installation completed status: *** failed ***
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Stephen has an excellent resource. I also publish a script to export data from files using Bridge.
Install the Utility Script pack and use Folder List Export to create a text file.
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The Utility Script Pack listed above, I have found to be quite helpful, thanks for providing this. I am very close to the export I need, but it appears I am attenpting to find an uncommon field of metadata. Will this script export just as shown in my screen shot, but instead of "File Name" for the first column I need xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID?
I suspect the same field is also sometimes called Exif.Image.RawDataUniqueID (trying to confirm they are the same).
I also suspect this metadata field is the same exif:ImageUniqueID (trying to confirm still).
Thanks everyone for your consideration.
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That data is easy to get to, see the sample code fragment below.
I recommend EXIFTool for anything complex.
var exifsel = app.document.selections;
if (ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript == undefined) ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject('lib:AdobeXMPScript');
if(exifsel[0].hasMetadata){ //only process files with metadata
var origDoc = exifsel[0].synchronousMetadata.read('http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/mm/', 'OriginalDocumentID').toString();
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Again, thank you. I want to share how I managed to make this work using the Bridge script. There is a 'custom' entry, so I managed to find the appropriate info for namespace & xmp property,
using this:https://developer.adobe.com/xmp/docs/XMPNamespaces/xmpMM/
It exported just what I needed after that.

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