Google Drive in Bridge
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After installing Bridge 2020 I can no longer open my Google Drive File Stream folder in Bridge. This is happening on my imac desktop and my Macbook Pro laptop. I changed my preferences so the entire folder is available offline but this did not solve the problem. Anyone else having this problem? Suggestions? I also use Dropbox and have no problem there, but switching all my files to Dropbox is not an option as my many of my clients are established on Google.
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Bridge does not support cloud storage except Adobe Libraries. You need to copy files to your hard drive and then work with them.
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Use Google Drive Stream and you can use the storage like a USB drive.
This way your data will be uploaded on each save.
Bonus all your save data is in the trash on google drive for 30 days, for recovery.
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How did you go about mounting file stream as a usb?
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google drive stream is an app
and you can edit the adobe cloud location to match the google drive so all graphics in adobe cloud are also now on your google drive.
because i have 20+ google drives and 2 adobe accounts. i need adobe to allow connection to google.
the work arround im currently doing is running all of them throw my synology. on another post i am wishing adobe to allow connection to synology so that i can have all the clients folders localy and run off my synology nas. that a better options so that i am not worryed on the bandwith funnel. when i am working on projects 1-6gb this is a problem. its taking over 20-30 min to sync. that will lock up my work station till is synced. with the google drive stream connected directly with my NAS it works great. no lockups , no bandwith funnel bottelneck. and allways have a free work station.
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so google drive stream is not beeing supported by adobe "anything" when i load the google drive in adobe i get glitches. VIDEO: sound is not aligning with the video when its uploaded. ILLUSTRATOR: not saving / cashing the temp files when saving, i have asked for illustrator (offline version control saves) but no response. PHOTOSHOP: it will never download the PSD document. i need to manualy download the PSD and than try to open it. not sure why but it never downloads in the stream PSD documents.
i would like to have better control over my documents and adobe seams to force there cloud but i like to work offline so i have faster access and use google drive stream because it uploads after im done with the project. but adobe is not properly communicating with google drive stream. i wish bridge could directly connect to FTP, Google Drive, dropbox, S3, Synology, SMB ..... that would allow bridge to run like google drive and can have on system storage temparaly and it will mirror what on the network storage but alllow you to capture a project folder /set and work than when complete it will upload.
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Open the Google Drive Folder you want to preview in a finder window on your desktop and drag & drop it into the FAVORITES box in Bridge. Now you should be able to access the files.
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If you drag those files into your favorites you will not be able to open the images as layered files in Ps. It's impossible to select images not in a folder in Bridges Favorites Panel because when you try to click on the image in opens in Ps automatically.
You should create a folder on your desktop or where ever you want to save it (just not on your google drive). In Bridge add the folder to your favorites first then you can drag all the images you want to open in Ps inside. You can remove individual unwanted images from the favorites panel by right clicking to the right of the file name and choose remove from favorites.
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please adobe work with google and get this working
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UPDATE: google cleaned up there drive stream but adobe please work on bridge. stop pushing blam and take over your program development.
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I was having this trouble on a new computer. Bridge was working on my old computer but on this one it would not see the /Volumes/Google Drive volume. I was able to go in the Finder to the Google Drive volume and drag the "My Drive" to Bridge Favorites to get Bridge to see all the files on the Google Drive "My Drive". Seems to work well.
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This worked perfectly! Thank You!
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fantastic! it worked very well!!! thanks a lot!