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HELP.... Adjustment brushes problem

New Here ,
Feb 18, 2023 Feb 18, 2023

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Hello everyone.... I'm having some issues with Camera Raw when opened through Br and I couldn't find any solutions online. 
When i open 30+ photos in Camera Raw and start editing them by making different adjustments with brushes, lightining or darkening parts of it, those brushes dissappear when i complete the editing and hit open in PS. So once they're open in Ps, almost none of the adjustments are visible.... For example if i lightened the whole photo, just to darken some parts of it, the photo shows up in Ps completely bright with no darkened parts.... Does anyone know the solution od this. I use Macbook but the same thing is happening on my regular desktop PC..... Help ☹️

Bug , Camera RAW , Problem or error






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