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I just switched over from PHOTO MECHANIC - And it does this cool file sort feature when you look at your camera card, it shows you RAW and JPG with the same file name as one... which makes selecting your finals quicker. I can't figure out how to do this in Adobe Bridge 2020.
Can anyone tell me how this is done please?
I found a 'Auto Stack' selection under 'Stacks' but it just crashes my Mac without doing anything lol.
Any help most appreciated thankyou.
Bridge does not have this feature. It could be scripted if you wanted to write a script to do so.
I threw together a basic script to get you started. This works in MINIMAL testing but may have bugs! Posting as-is.
Save this script as a PLAIN TEXT file with a .jsx extension. Open Bridge Preferences->Startup Scripts and click the Reveal button. Drag the .jsx file into the folder and relaunch Bridge. The script will be in your Tools menu.
To use, navigate for a folder with RAW + JPEG files and select the script in Tools.
#target bridge
if(BridgeTalk.appName == 'bridge'){
var StackCmd = Menu
I'm a bit of a novice about Bridge, but this is what I found (v 14.0):
I don't see that you need this stack feature, as Bridge seems to manage identical twin image files (e.g. myphoto.raw and myphoto.jpeg) in the background as a single "myphoto" without any need for user intervention:
where you load a photo with twin image files (JPEG & RAW) into Bridge and sort the RAW image in the central window, Bridge will manage both these files as a single "photo" (not manage the JPEG and RAW image files sep
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The script will act on the current folder and automatically stack files IF they have the same name and the RAW file is recognized as supported by Camera RAW.
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Although this is a branch from far 2021, but I've encountered this problem now) I also had the script installed, but nothing happened when I ran it. By method of going through possible problems, I realized that if you have the format of the image is displayed in capslock, then you should make the appropriate changes to the code of the script. I.e. change “jpg” to “JPG” everywhere in the code. Hope this helps someone:)
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Yes a script can change case but then you'd have complaints about changing the filenames.
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This is quite disappointing. I'm just heading back to Photo Mechanic where this has been a basic feature for over a decade. Please drop me a line when Bridge catches up.
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I doubt that Bridge will ever have this feature except as a user script. I personally don't like that Bridge auto-group RAW and JPEG, I'd like them treated as separate files.
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Just a quick curious question. Lumigraphics has provided an answer and a possible solution, and hopefully, for you, his solution gives you exactly what you want.
But I am curious, why do you want or need both? If you need to make any corrections, you have to make it twice: once for the raw and once for the JPG. Isn't it easier to make it for the raw, and if you need a jpg out of the raw, it's very easy to generate the jpgs from the raws.
So, what/why do you need and want both?
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Has this been addressed in Adobe Bridge? I have the same need and this is annoying that we do not have an option to see and select as a stacked option in Bridge.
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I'm a bit of a novice about Bridge, but this is what I found (v 14.0):
I don't see that you need this stack feature, as Bridge seems to manage identical twin image files (e.g. myphoto.raw and myphoto.jpeg) in the background as a single "myphoto" without any need for user intervention:
where you load a photo with twin image files (JPEG & RAW) into Bridge and sort the RAW image in the central window, Bridge will manage both these files as a single "photo" (not manage the JPEG and RAW image files separately), so when you finish organising your photo, and move or copy it to another folder, Bridge will automatically include both image files in each "photo" and may add a side-car XMP file [the XMP file contains any tags you added to the RAW file]
so I have been just selecting and working on the RAW files (i.e. just ignoring the JPEG files - keep the JPEG image files hidden from view, and let Bridge manage the house-keeping of these files - if you move them around, Bridge will keep the twin sets of identical JPEG and RAW files together), and at the end of your work when you go to move or copy the RAW file, Bridge will automatically transfer the twin RAW and JPEG image files of each photo together for you
[if in Bridge you view only RAW files in the central window, when you move or copy selected photos to another folder, Bridge will move or copy BOTH the RAW image file (which may now have a sidecar file if you have added a tag) AND its twin JPEG image file;
alternatively, if you view only JPEG files in the central window of Bridge, when you move or copy selected photos to another folder, Bridge will only move or copy the JPEG image file, and will leave the RAW file behind (so if you move the JPEG file, its twin RAW file will become an orphan [which doesn't matter, as you can always recreate the JPEG file from the RAW file by using the function menu: file > export in Bridge]
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I'm confused, I've got v14 running here and it isn't managing identical files together at all, I'm having to delete and rate everything twice.
This is really frustrating me as I was able to do it 10 years ago in CS2, but apparently not now!
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This is problematic for me. My workflow depends on NOT using file name to treat JPEG and RAW together. I really want Adobe to implement this in Bridge, along with the billions other problems they have to fix.
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Perfect. Worked for me. Also, how I used to do it long before.