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No MPEG preview or playback in Bridge CS5

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Jun 03, 2010 Jun 03, 2010

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After doing a clean install of CS5, everything seems to work well except for Bridge.

HDV mpeg clips will not display a visual thumbnail

or playback in preview window of Bridge.  When double-click

ing icon, I get an error "Windows

cannot find '%ProgramFiles(x86

)%Windows Media Player


When I double-click an AVI file, Bridge finds and uses Windows Media Player just fine.

Need MPEG preview badly!!!!

MPEG clips are working fine in Premiere Pro CS5 and AME rendering is awesome!!!

Thanks, rg




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Explorer ,
Jun 03, 2010 Jun 03, 2010

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can WMP playback your hdv MPEG? Bridge should use WMP's MPEG codec. Premiere Pro CS5 and AME has embedded MPEG codec, but Bridge can't use it.




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Jun 04, 2010 Jun 04, 2010

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Files play via Windows Media player OK.  On my workstation laptop (Windows 7 Pro), Bridge provides me a visual thumbnail of the clip but no player in the preview pane.  On my edit workstation (Vista Ultimate 64 bit) I don't get either, but clips play in Windows Media Player.

Any way to create the connection needed?

Just installed update 4.0.2.  No change.




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Explorer ,
Jun 08, 2010 Jun 08, 2010

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can you purge the video file in thumbnail panel to get new thumbnail?

I can playback mpeg video in bridge on my windows 7 64bit machine.




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Jun 08, 2010 Jun 08, 2010

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Tried that, still no HDV MPEG playback in preview.  I have a thumbnail on the Windows 7 machine but none on the Vista 64 bit machine.

When I double-click the thumbnail I still be the "Windows cannot find '%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe'.  Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again." message.

Would this be some sort of registry glitch or installation problem?  Never had this in CS3 or CS2 versions of Bridge.  Odd thing is, it will link to Windows Media Player when double-clicking a WMV file.  Any thoughts - PLEASE???





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Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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Is it possible to un-install just Bridge and re-install and see if that helps, or do I have to take 3-4 hours and pull everything in CS 5 and re-install?  Maybe that will work?????  Please!!





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Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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Bridge is not a seperate program so just un-installing it is not possible.  Deleting it is not advised as you could cause many more problems.

A re-install is a last resort.   I have seen all to many responses that a reinstall did not fix anything.  If if is a contaminated file the preferences files will still be contaminated after a re-install, only resetting preferences will change that.

One first has to answer the question -  will the video work in Bridge (have correct codec)?




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Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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Bridge had been working fine for all the years of CS 2-4 with the same media files.  I had a thought it might be a capture-CODEC issue, so I loaded new footage as MPEG-HDV flies and they had same  result: showed up in Premiere and played and exported fine, but would not display thumbnails, play in preview window or open in Windows Media Player when double-clicked from Bridge.  Error message above still displayed.  That faulty connection between Bridge and WMP.

This was result in both my Windows 7 Dell M6400 workstation laptop and Vista 64bit, Precision workstation.

To repeat, I did a complete de-activate, un-install of CS4 before I installed CS 5 on both machines.

Does anyone feel that paid tech support might have answers?  My sense is that forum members here can do just as well.

Gotta say, I love that 64 bit rendering engine!!!!  Rockets when I watch all 8 cores go to work on a complex spot!  Great job there.  Just this little glitch needs fixin'!!

Thanks, rg




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Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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Have you tried to view the video with the 32 bit CS5?  Don't know if all the references are the same, but worth a shot.

In file type associations do you have the mpeg pointed to correct program?

Uninstalling CS4 prior to installation of CS5 should have no effect as  they are seperate products.  And the downside is that now you can not  switch back and forth between the programs to prove it works in CS4 and  does not in CS5. If it worked on the same 2 computers in CS4, and not in CS5 and the only difference in the computer hardware and software was the addition on CS5 to me that leaves just 2 possibliities.  One it has an installation problem, or two it is a bug.

Br asc is an Adobe employee so his input is valuable.  If he offeres to look at your dump file take him up on it.




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Participant ,
Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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How do I get Bridge to run in "32 bit CS5?"  I can see the choices in Photoshop, but not for Bridge for either 32 or 64 bit.  How/where do I find a dump file?  Would be glad to send to Mr. Br Q for analysis.

Looked at settings within WMplayer also and see nothing there that can help.

Thanks again, rg




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 03, 2010 Jul 03, 2010

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Hi Rick,

Regarding br asc's reply:

can you purge the video file in thumbnail panel to get new thumbnail?

I can playback mpeg video in bridge on my windows 7 64bit machine.

I am not sure what you did or what exactly did br asc meant....  Anyhow, let me describe my problem and what I did to overcome it:

My Problem:

In Bridge CS5 version, I am having problem previewing .MOV files.  My .MOV files are from various source such as iPhone, 5DII, 7D, 550D and a few camcoders.  The funny thing is some .MOV files preview ok while others not.  It is not source dependent either as I've checked, by that I mean something like I have two .MOV files from say, the 5DII, with exact same settings when recorded, why does one preview ok and the other not in Bridge CS5???

What I did:

(1)  In Bridge, go to menu

Edit > Preferences (or Crtl K for Wins), go to the File Type Associations (on left pan) and make sure QuickTime (.mov) is associated with your QuickTime Player on the right pan.

(2)  In Bridge, go to menu

Edit > Preferences (or Crtl K for Wins), go to the Cache (on left pan) and click the [Purge Cache] button on the right pan to Purge All Cached Thumbnails and Previews.

After doing (1) & (2), I am able to preview every .MOV in Bridge CS5.

Not sure what I have done different to anyone else, but it seems to work for me.  Hope it helps...




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New Here ,
Jul 03, 2010 Jul 03, 2010

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Well Top of the Class to you!

All working fine here now and no extra codecs needed




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Community Expert ,
Jul 03, 2010 Jul 03, 2010

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I whish it did the same for mpeg.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 03, 2010 Jul 03, 2010

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Check inBridge, go to menu

Edit > Preferences (or Crtl K for Wins), go to the File Type Associations (on left pan) and check what MPEG Media (.mpeg, .mpg) is associated to on the right pan.

If it's None, then

     you might want to associate it with a player of your choice (or whatever is installed).

Else if

     you might want to associate it with a different player of your choice (or whatever is installed).

Else If

        It might be worth associating the following with the same player:

MP3 Audio (.mp3)

MPEG Audio (.aac, .mp2)

MPEG Audio Stream (.mpa)

MPEG-4 Audio Layer (.m4a)

MPEG Media (.mpeg, .mpg)

Either WMP or QuicKTime or even IE8 (believe it or not) can do...

Hope it helps..   




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Community Expert ,
Jul 04, 2010 Jul 04, 2010

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Tried them all: nope.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 04, 2010 Jul 04, 2010

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If it plays by the player of your choice, then your issue is definitely within Bridge.  Even if you didn't associate all the MPEGs (i.e. none), Bridge has auto-detect to pull in the required dll for previewing.  Chances of Bridge failing this is very low.  Chances of your "cache" in disorderly state is, and I am sad to say, rather high.  That's quite normal by the way !  I personally flush out the cache once a week.  I do this in 2 ways:

(1)  Within the folder of content, right click on the file(s) - doesn't matter if one or a million files selected - and select [Purge Cache for Selection]

(2)  In Preference > Cache hit [Compact Cache] | [Purge Cache].  This basically does it at a more global level...

After (1) & (2), if the issue is still there, then either Bridge or the player of your choice has a registry problem (assuming for pc here).  Now Windows registry is not as friendly as Bridge, so don't go there!  Re-installing the Adobe product is useless here cos you'll get the same issue again for sure.  I'd personally format the entire box and re-install Windows from scratch.  But that's me and I wouldn't recommend this approach to anyone...!               




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Community Expert ,
Jul 04, 2010 Jul 04, 2010

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Thanks for trying to help me out; tried that also the purge cashe.

You might be right: a clean install.

Thanks again.




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Enthusiast ,
Feb 01, 2012 Feb 01, 2012

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This solution is from tit068 and worked like a charm. Unfortunately we get so "dug in" we forget the simple things like this:

"... What I did:

(1)  In Bridge, go to menu

Edit > Preferences (or Crtl K for Wins), go to the File Type Associations (on left pan) and make sureQuickTime (.mov) is associated with your QuickTime Player on the right pan.

(2)  In Bridge, go to menu

Edit > Preferences (or Crtl K for Wins), go to the Cache (on left pan) and click the [Purge Cache] button on the right pan to Purge All Cached Thumbnails and Previews.

After doing (1) & (2), I am able to preview every .MOV in Bridge CS5.

Not sure what I have done different to anyone else, but it seems to work for me.  Hope it helps..."

If you have a file type that bridge can't preview, make sure you select the appropriate program to associate it wtih in preferences.




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Participant ,
Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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What if I were to re-install CS 4?  think that might re-add the missing CODEC or WMplayer link?

Just noticed that all my HDV-mpeg clips (even those captured using CS 5) will not play in WMplayer on Vista 64bit edit station now.

So frustrating, since Bridge is my inventory manager/sorter.  Have some many projects, so much material, almost 6Tbytes of clips that are used over and over.




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Jun 09, 2010 Jun 09, 2010

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I made a leap that Bridge CS5 was also 64 bit, but do not know that.  I think CS4 bridge was still 32 bit.

A reinstall of CS4 on one of the machines would tell a lot of the videos play there.  Then you might be able to do a comparision of what CS4 has that CS5 does not.

Not sure what "Just noticed that all my HDV-mpeg clips (even those captured using CS 5)  will not play in WMplayer on Vista 64bit edit station now" means. They played befoe on WM player did they not?




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Participant ,
Jun 10, 2010 Jun 10, 2010

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Just did an un-install of CS 5, ran the CS 5 install-cleaner script, and re-installed CS 5 on my Windows 7 laptop workstation.  Bridge still the same: no HDV-mpeg clip playback in preview window.  Does have connection to Windows Media player when double-clicking clip and shows a visual thumbnail.

Previews .m2v clips exported for DVD and .mpeg exported for MPEG-1 type files but not .mpeg clips captured in CS3 and CS4 from HDV.

On my main edit station (Vista 64bit), everything works well within Premiere, playing, previewing, and exporting all media.  But bridge has same problem as Win7 machine plus Windows Media Player no longer plays all that MPEG-HDV material.

Is it possible to re-install CS 4 with CS 5 installed?

It does seem that CS 5 somehow deleted that missing CODEC.

Help, please, before the next time I have my client sitting behind me wanting to look at clips from his library on my RAID!!





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Jun 10, 2010 Jun 10, 2010

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Like I said CS4 and 5 are seperate program and should not

interfere.  Some keep all the versions on their HD.

I don't know if this is a similar problem or not, but thread discusses failure to play video on CS5.  Check it out.  The last post said the workaround was to use CS4.  It it applies maybe you should add to the thread or contact SG.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 11, 2010 Jun 11, 2010

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Hi Curt,

This Brdge issue is separate from the Ps file open issue.






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Jun 11, 2010 Jun 11, 2010

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Thanks for the clearification.  Perhaps you can clear up another issue.

Video files seem to play with the Windows Media Player.  And yet I know there is some dependance of Quicktime in Bridge.  In fact you asked the OP what version he was using.  So when is WMP used and when is Quicktime used?





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 11, 2010 Jun 11, 2010

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Hi Curt,

My understanding, and I'm going to verify this, is that Bridge CS5 only uses the QuickTime support for playback. You can have file associations setup to open with Windows Media Player (or any other app that reads video formats) but that won't change the Bridge playback engine.

Just a little more data on the Ps video layer issue, it wasn't so much playback of video. The problem was that edited video layers in a PSD format can't be reopened in CS5. The files are being saved in a way that flags them as incompatible. We're testing the fix now.






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