I am using Bridge 14.1.3 on an iMac with Intel 2020 i7 chip, Radeon Pro 5700 16 gig GPU, 96 gigs of ram on Sequoia 15.1
In Smart Collections; when I open an image into PS 2024, do my edits, then save back to original folder, the new edits do not show on the image in the Smart Collection. I have to click Reveal In Bridge, then re add the keyword for that collection (the keyword is there but I have to delete it then re add it) then it updates in the Smart Collection, this step does not work from within the Smart Collection. Should it not be updating as I work?
Note: I am not adding another image, I am editing an existing .psd image. If I add a watermark or adjustment layer I then have to do the extra steps of reveal in bridge, change something in keywords, then it shows the watermark or adjustment layer on the image within the Smart Collection.