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Sometimes First Thumbnail in Group Stack Cannot Be Selected

Explorer ,
Jan 11, 2022 Jan 11, 2022

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In Windows 10, when I have a group stack in Bridge, sometimes when I (left) click the thumbnail, nothing happens. It isn't selected. The thumbnail doesn't show a blue box around it. This happens with some stacks and not others. If I want to move that first file in the stack to another place in the stack, I cannot select it by left-clicking. Instead, I need to move another image in front of it and then select it and move it. But then the new first image becomes stuck "stuck." If I want to open a file, double-left clicking the thumbnail to open the image doesn't work. However, I can right-click and choose OPEN from the dropdown box.

The stack can be "fixed" if I ungroup the stack and then group again, but that's time consuming because I have to rearrange images around in the stack because it's not always ordered alphabetically.

Problem or error






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