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Unknown error; quitting application

New Here ,
Nov 26, 2022 Nov 26, 2022

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After the Bridge 13 (and 13.0.1) update Bridge won't start. Get this error: Unknown error; quitting application.


Working on OS Montery with M1 Pro chip.


Is this a know error and is a fix on its way?

Crash or freeze , Problem or error






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Community Expert ,
Nov 27, 2022 Nov 27, 2022

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This is probably an unknown error because many (I, for one) cannot replicate it.


There must be something else taking place and/or causing the issue. I'm not saying that you are not having a problem, it's just that I do not think the Bridge is the cause of it.


Do you have a test user account on your Mac? If not, it's easy to create; you go into Users in System Preferences and create a new user. I call mine "Testme." and I also use the same Account Password as my regular account (just to make things simple for me). Do not add ANY software to the startup lists; keep this as simple as possible. (Do have your Adobe Account name & PW handy if you need them available in this account.)


Now, start up with this account. Does Bridge work? If not, that means that there is no software conflict. If yes, it means there is something else causing the problem. This can be a challenge to figure out what the issue is.


Other things you can try: Start up your Mac in Safe Mode. (Start up your Mac in safe mode - Apple Supporthttps://support.apple.com › guide › mac-help › mac) This test will also let you rule out some basics.









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New Here ,
Nov 28, 2022 Nov 28, 2022

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Thank you, I appreciate your help.


On a testaccount everything was fine, on my own account: error. So I switched back to the Bridge 12, everything worked, except one folder! Bridge 13 was starting up at that folder. So I deleted the folder and Bridge 13 seems to work now without errors.


The folder (with tiff and jpg images) was put back from the trash folder after Bridge (12) spontaneously deleted it while working on it. 


I have no idea why Bridge deleted the folder without me giving a command. And I don't know why Bridge gives an error while browsing the restored folder. Any ideas?





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