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I'm looking for a best practice to maintain keywords.
So far I have proceeded to "edit" the keywords directly into the metadata fields. They are all searchable; but are not available bridge-wide as a click selection in the keyword list (only as "Other keywords"). How do you go about it: write in directly or click on the selection? The latter requires an existing list that you have to create first. The definition of keywords is practically only possible after viewing photos and then defining suitable keywords. So how do you go about it practically?
o In this context: How do I get the already existing “other keywords” (there are hundreds) into the keyword hierarchy so that I can use them to click? They are not included when exporting.
(note: translated from German via Google, so some technical terms might be misleading vs. the actual Bridge user interface terms)
This topic is related to 'Feed images with metadata...' which I have posted just before.
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I just add keywords as needed. Add them to the Keyword panel, NOT just to the file, so they are persistent.