Accidentally faced with color degradation in DNG resulting from Photo Merge to HDR. It looks like a strong decrease in saturation in some tones, as well as the diffusion between different contrasting colors across the color boundary. The algorithm ACR of noise reduction in the color component behaves in a similar way at high values (over 40). But in Lightroom settings I didn't find a way to control the Photo Merge to HDR process. The problem was detected with RAW received from Canon EOS 90D camera in Ligtroom version 8.4 (ACR 11.4) and confirmed in Lightroom 9.3 (ACR 12.3). The DNGs were obtained from 5 exposures (5/3 stops per step). Making a DNG from 3 exposures (also in 5/3 stop, just discarded the most extreme frames), the problem is expressed less, but still there is. Checking on Canon EOS 5Ds and Canon EOS 70D cameras did not confirm the problem. There is nothing wrong with the DNG from RAW on these cameras. Color is deteriorating so badly that I have to look for a solution to save a big and complicated job (I stiched 3 gigapixel panoramas). And I'd already finished the job when I noticed the problem. I had to spend 2 days experimenting and 7 days redoing the whole work. I took the average frames from the exposure bracketing, adjusted them according to the white balance and exposure to DNG, converted to Tiff 8 bit, stiched a new panorama according to the ready stitching project from DNG Tiff's, then put a layer above and restore color degradation according to the Color overlay mode. But there was another problem - partial clipping in lights. I restored them by mask. The final result is here:
As well as an archive of RAW sets from three cameras (Canon EOS 90D, 70D, 5Ds):
I have also prepared 2 virtual panoramas that allow you to see the problem clearly, use mouse for navigate (drag to move and roll to zoom or drag and pinch from touch pad):
And he recorded a screencast showing how to use these panoramas:
If it's a bug, can you please tell me if it's enough to tell us about it here? I would like to solve this problem and not to face it anymore. It took too much effort to fix it.
I'm attaching screenshots of the problem:
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