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Hi Adobe, Will you be adding support for the a99ii (Sony camera) soon?
I can send you some raw files if you need them. (Well later today - I'm expecting delivery of my camera this morning)
Well, not days or weeks, but hours. We pushed 9.8 live this morning, with support for this camera:
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Hi Mike,
We are working on support and hope to make it available soon. Thanks for the offer on the files. We have a unit here.
- Chris
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I'm waiting too ))) Thank you people
You are awesome
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How about now? Can't use this camera properly still
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As a stop-gap, a user on showed us how to trick LR into thinking the A99ii is a A7Rii. with exiftool, type this command:
exiftool -SonyModelID="ILCE-7RM2" *.arw
LR still lists the raw files as A99ii but now reads them. The output from LR with the A99ii raw files looks good but maybe adobe will tweak things a little further with official support....
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Yes I've done this but on a Mac it's a painful process and only works if done on individual files for some reason. Kind of a Mickey Mouse way to use a $4k camera
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I suppose this is the pain we feel as Early Adopters. Sony provides IDC for raw conversion and I suppose there is no other software house *required* to provide support at all.
luckily for us, Adobe are generally quick off the mark to add new cameras and as they stated above, they already have an a99ii to work on. Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer..
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Hoping for some RAW support on the A99II guys! Please let it be coming soon! Camera is in hand and I really don't want to use another companies software. Thanks!
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We hear you. It will be coming soon!
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Appreciate the response! I hope so!
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Hi Jeff,
Do you have any idea if it'll be in the upcoming days or weeks? Capture One is already supporting it since more than a week now... Thanks, Chris
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Well, not days or weeks, but hours. We pushed 9.8 live this morning, with support for this camera:
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Much thanks! Keep up the great work.
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Can't wait! Please don't make me use this Phase One software for very long!
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The update for ACR 9.8/Lightroom 6.8 with a99II support went out this morning.
- Chris
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Woohoo! Thank you guys! Now I can see what this camera is really capable of!
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Thanks! Good work! My LR CC just received the update 🙂
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So I do not have CC but the 5.7 which has current updates. I just bought an A99ii and shot a wedding with it only to import and receive the Preview unvailable message. Will this update work for me? If not, what to do?
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There's no way of importing A99 II Raw files into Lightroom 5. You need Lightroom 6.8 or later.
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Omg! Thanks so much for getting back to me. I wasnt expecting a response so soon!
Based on feedback from the LR users is CC favorable versus the upgrade to LR 6 or vice versa?
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susiepics wrote
Based on feedback from the LR users is CC favorable versus the upgrade to LR 6 or vice versa?
It's entirely your choice. There's no better or worse. Just what suits you best. Weigh up the pros and cons and decide for yourself.
CC: monthly payments forever (you never own the software), all updates and upgrades are included at no extra cost. You're always up to date.
Version 6 Standalone: one-off payment to upgrade. No more costs. Minor updates are free. But no more new features or major upgrades without paying for another upgrade (e.g. Lightroom 7 - if there is one).
Alternatively, do nothing and stay with version 5. Convert all Raw files to DNG using the DNG converter prior to importing them into Lightroom 5.
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Thanks so much. I truly appreciate it