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+ Camera Raw Feature Requests +

Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2005 Sep 22, 2005

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We're interested in what changes you would like see in our products. Do you have an idea for a feature that would help your workflow? Is there a small change that could be made to make your life a little easier? Let us know!  Share an Idea, Ask a Question or Report a Problem and get feedback from the Product Development Team and other passionate users on the Photoshop Family product Feedback Site on Photoshop.com.

In future it would helpful if you could use this thread as a means to add

"Features" that you would like to see in future releases of Adobe Camera Raw.

Please do NOT create additional new Topics and try not to duplicate requests by other users. Also, be thorough in your description of the feature and why you think Adobe should consider it.

Oh, and if you find it necessary to comment on someone's feature request/suggestion, try not to get into a shouting match. The penalty for doing so is...

b If you're asking that a particular camera is supported in a future release or just taking the opportunity to carp that yours isn't then please do so in another thread!


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Community Beginner ,
Aug 26, 2006 Aug 26, 2006

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Could you correct an inconsistency in the ACR/Bridge interface related to assigning ratings and labels? By example, in Bridge I can assign the Green label with the keyboard shortcut CTRL+8, and the "8" can be entered either from the numerical keypad or from the row of numerical keys. In ACR the numerical keypad does not work, the "8" must be entered from the row of numbers, which is much further from the mouse (at least for us right-handed folks).

Another small suggestion, can you assign a keyboard shortcut to remove the label from an image? (That would apply to Bridge as well).

Small potatoes I know, but these things really add up when processing tons of images!




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 30, 2006 Aug 30, 2006

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If the exposure Value [EV] or shutter/aperture combination could be displayed in ACR then it would make matching shots taken under same lighting but with varying exposures much easier.
Sometimes one varies the exposure even though the light is constant - testing for best exposure or possibly one knocks a dial inadvertently. Oops!




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Participant ,
Aug 30, 2006 Aug 30, 2006

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The shutter/aperture is shown!




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New Here ,
Sep 02, 2006 Sep 02, 2006

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Please add native support for AWR files (from the Sony DSLR-A100) ASAP!




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Community Expert ,
Sep 03, 2006 Sep 03, 2006

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In bold, on top:
>"If you're asking that a particular camera is supported in a future release or just taking the opportunity to carp that yours isn't then please do so in another thread!"




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 06, 2006 Sep 06, 2006

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John, so it is. Though I never noticed that info ever after several years of using ACR. Obviously, not the most obvious place for the info! Very top of window if anybody else missed it.

I'd still like to see EV values though as it's simpler for comparisons. I'd like to see the info under the histogram as that would make more sense.




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New Here ,
Sep 25, 2006 Sep 25, 2006

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How about this:

1) Being able to create Additive/Substractive White Balance/Hue templates: As of now (unless I am wrong) you can hardcode a specific temperature, but cannot create, say, a template that adds or removes 50K. This would be very very very useful when photos were not taken in the exact same lighting conditions, and white balance is fine tuned for each one. With this kind of templates you could, after that, make them all a little bit warmer/cooler while retaining their independent temperature/hue values.

2) I do not know if this belongs to this team, but Bridge URGENTLY needs some decent metadata search capabilities (like "Show me all pictures shot at ISO 800" or "Show me all pictures with exp.comp. > 0.3). Absolutely any metadata field should be searchable independently. Apple grasped this ages ago. What's holding Adobe? (or at least just leverage those technologies if the OS gives them for free Spotlight for XMP? Smart Folders? Etc.)




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Sep 25, 2006 Sep 25, 2006

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Bridge feature requests should go to the Bridge team (not related to the ACR team) in the Bridge forums.




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New Here ,
Sep 25, 2006 Sep 25, 2006

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1000 excuses, and thank you for the tip. Just filed #2 at Bridge forums.




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Sep 25, 2006 Sep 25, 2006

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People's Champ ,
Sep 26, 2006 Sep 26, 2006

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In addition of post 235

It would be very nice that adding any chancing to multiple images at once in the correction window would real mean adding in stead of giving the same settings from the first image to all the next.

For example, I'm used to put a light and dark version of the file together for a wider Dynamic Range. After making the global settings for each photo (they are very often made in different lighting conditions) I start brighten the images.

Save this bunch and start over again and darken it. Now I have to go through this again at each photo. Select all and ad my settings the earlier settings are set the same as the first file, instead of automatically ad for instance 4 shadow etc to the existing settings.

By the way, don't know if it's only my System but I find ACR 3.5 working faster in background than 3.4 :-)






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Explorer ,
Oct 11, 2006 Oct 11, 2006

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I would like the Calibrate tab in ACR to become a fully fledged Hue/Sat feature, as in CS2. i.e. I would like a drop down menu of colours (Reds, Greens, etc...) to edit and a Lightness slider.

This would permit total colour correction (e.g. using a Gretag CC as reference) to be performed less destructively within ACR before conversion.

The current Hue/Sat feature in ACR is 'Mickey Mouse' to put it mildly. As Fraser admits, you can only get close using it. In CS2, I can get precise RGB values for each patch.

The problem is that in CS2, I can only take 4 colour samples, whereas in ACR I can take 9.

In summary, neither program is fully set up to cope with this workflow.





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New Here ,
Oct 19, 2006 Oct 19, 2006

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As a Canon user I would appreciate the option to display focusing points in ACR (show red rectangles in locations wherethe image was focused).

I would also like to see the ACR update incorporated to the automatic updates that CS2 products have.

I think you are doing fantastic job with ACR and it is great that you listen to users.




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New Here ,
Nov 01, 2006 Nov 01, 2006

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1) Support multiple sets of global raw params per file with ability to tag them with meaningful names. for example, exp -2, exp -1, exp 0, exp +1, exp +2 tags would be useful for sets combined into a single HDR composite.

2) Ability to apply separate conversion settings to selected areas within an image, including selections within selections. This might be an alternate way to handle HDR images. You could brighten shadows, apply more contrast to clouds, tone down burned out reflections, apply accurate white balance to individual areas, soften some regions while sharpening others, remove color and limunance noise locally, etc.

Basically #2 is CS2 adjustment layers applied to selections in the raw image at the appropriate step in the conversion from raw to RGB data.

3) Multiple cropping sets per file to support different output aspect ratios: 2x3, 3x4, 5x7.

If at least #2 and #3 were supported, DNG could more easily be the true master file for all images taken in raw format. There are still things that would require a PSD master file like multiple combined images in layers with special masks, special adjustment layers with masks, etc.

I think it would be easier to track images through a single file than through multiple files, and it would save significant disc space.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 11, 2006 Nov 11, 2006

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When one opens a bunch of images in ACR it would be very handy to be able to do a sort by exposure. Say for arguments sake, I decide to take some photos at EV6 and some at EV7 in the same lighting and when I'm in ACR I find EV6.5 is the best tweak, if I've alternated between exposures I have to do lots of separate adjustments or select each shot at EV6, tweak. Then select each shot at EV7 and tweak. Whereas if I could sort by EV then it would be a doddle to do.
Plus occasionaly I find when shooting manual, the shutter or Aperture setting can be accidentally altered when moving camera around and the odd shot is a different exposure.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 11, 2006 Nov 11, 2006

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Camera Raw takes its cue for sort order from Bridge.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 13, 2006 Nov 13, 2006

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But seeing as 'Sort' in Bridge is quite annoying in use, that's not what I'm after, I'm afraid Ian. But, it may well have to do for now. Ta.
Hiding 'Sort', a very frequentlty used tool down in menus which often means two trips as 'ascending + 'Descending' often needs to be altered too. I've mentioned it on Bridge requests, but doesn't harm to mention how annoying it is yet again. Hint Hint! Other programmes use the tool bar for tools, why can't Bridge? Lots of nice empty space there.

As for ACR, it would still be useful as one isn't aleways aware how best to sort images for tweaking until one is in ACR. So my request still stands. It would be very useful, as using various sorts from within ACR could aid workflow enormously. Place sort type in a drop down menu just above Thumbnails and ascending/descending next to it. And it would make my life [and others, as I doubt I'm unique in this area]a lot easier. I'll try Ian's work around for now, but it is a work around and most certainly not a solution. Not blaming you Ian, so thanks for the tip anyway.

Though possibly LR may make all this moot, if it ties in with PS and Bridge properly.




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New Here ,
Nov 13, 2006 Nov 13, 2006

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How about having the program sort and display thumbnails in cronological order. Right now RAW seems to process and sort images in the side bar randomly. This is a real pain if you are keeping track of frame numbers...etc. for shooting long-roll jobs.




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New Here ,
Nov 14, 2006 Nov 14, 2006

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I would like a switch to disable the auto-resolve naming feature or a save-as button so that I can overwrite an existing DNG.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 14, 2006 Nov 14, 2006

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Harvey see my request a few posts above and Ian's response.




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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2006 Dec 25, 2006

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It would be nice to see Lens cast removal in ACR. In my experience, shooting with the Phase One P25 and P45, Aptus 22 and 75, and also the Sinar eMotion 75, there are color casts that need to be removed. This happens with view cameras and cameras with swings and tilts.

I would love to use ACR to process my P45 files, but without any method of color cast removal, it is impossible.

Each of these manufacturers uses a reference shot made of a wide Plexi card to calculate and remove the color shift from additional captures.

It is my understanding that other third party software developers are looking into adding this feature into their RAW processing software programs.




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Explorer ,
Dec 26, 2006 Dec 26, 2006

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Why not use a Gretag Macbeth as a reference for colour cast removal?





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New Here ,
Dec 26, 2006 Dec 26, 2006

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Here is a PDF released by Leaf describing the color casts and Leaf's solution...


Here is a PDF from Phase One describing their cast issues and software solution....





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Explorer ,
Jan 20, 2007 Jan 20, 2007

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Move more information from Nikon spesific metadata to XMP.

When I convert NEF files in LR it shows "Flash: Did not fire" for pictures where I use the Commander mode with my flash system. Looking into the DNG file with exiftool I find:

---- XMP-exif ----
Flash Fired : False
Flash Return : No return detection
Flash Mode : Unknown
Flash Function : False
Flash Red Eye Mode : False

---- Nikon ----
Flash Setting : Normal
Flash Type : Comdr.,TTL
Flash Exposure Compensation : -4/3
Flash Exposure Bracket Value : 0.0
Flash Mode : Fired, Commander Mode

Looking into the NEF file with the exiftool I can see that Nikon in the exif section is the source for this error. I guess they don't use this setting at all in their own software:

Flash : No Flash

Is it possible to get a Nikon bug fix in the future to get correct info for Nikon cameras?




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Participant ,
Feb 16, 2007 Feb 16, 2007

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In the "Workflow Options" palette, it would be helpful to have one other piece of information. When changing "Depth", "Size", and or "Resolution" it would be great to have the final file size listed. An example, Space: Adobe RGB (1998), Depth: 8 bits/channel, Size: 4368 by 2912 (12.7 MP) and Resolution 240 pixels/ inch, and a new window with (File Size: 36.4 mb). Currently this information is only available after you process the Raw file.





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