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+ Camera Raw Feature Requests +

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Sep 22, 2005 Sep 22, 2005

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We're interested in what changes you would like see in our products. Do you have an idea for a feature that would help your workflow? Is there a small change that could be made to make your life a little easier? Let us know!  Share an Idea, Ask a Question or Report a Problem and get feedback from the Product Development Team and other passionate users on the Photoshop Family product Feedback Site on Photoshop.com.

In future it would helpful if you could use this thread as a means to add

"Features" that you would like to see in future releases of Adobe Camera Raw.

Please do NOT create additional new Topics and try not to duplicate requests by other users. Also, be thorough in your description of the feature and why you think Adobe should consider it.

Oh, and if you find it necessary to comment on someone's feature request/suggestion, try not to get into a shouting match. The penalty for doing so is...

b If you're asking that a particular camera is supported in a future release or just taking the opportunity to carp that yours isn't then please do so in another thread!


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Mentor ,
May 24, 2010 May 24, 2010

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> The new lens corrections in ACR6.1 are superb but I would like the  ability to turn on a grid when using the manual tab to make perspective  corrections (as used in lens corrections in Photoshop).

Press V.




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May 24, 2010 May 24, 2010

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"Press V".

Excellent - thanks. I had missed that entirely.





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Participant ,
Jul 06, 2010 Jul 06, 2010

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I've only just come across this camera raw forum, and there is one feature request I'd really like...

The ability to "shift click" with the adjustment brush to do a straight line adjustment, such as a "burn in" on the windows of a building interior.

This would make the life of the architectural so much easier





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Jun 10, 2010 Jun 10, 2010

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my top 3 wishlist at the moment:

    • ability to store (and more importantly - ability to then display in bridge) multiple different raw processing options for each raw file in a simpler way than by export to renamed .xmp and then reimport if you want anything other than the current processing options. I can't be the only photographer who likes to visualise multiple different processing options for the same raw file.
    • ability to do some distorting for e.g. perspective correction beyond the simple rotate available from the crop tool.
    • A mild gaussian blur tool as part of the brushes - I know you can get a similar effect using the sharpness plus clarity sliders, but the sharpness effect is too mild and negative clarity introduces colour and tone artefacts - a mostly transparent blur overlay is still the best for improving skin in portraits, and it would be nice to be able to do this without launching photoshop and having to store additional files/layers.




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    Adobe Employee ,
    Jun 10, 2010 Jun 10, 2010

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    For items 2 and 3: number 2 has been implemented in 6.1 and number 3

    has become stronger in 6.x via minus local Sharpness.





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    Enthusiast ,
    Jun 10, 2010 Jun 10, 2010

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    when you are using a crop tool in ACR is it possible to have

    1) some option to display the center of the cropped area (mark it on the screen somehow, w/ a semitransparent crosshair or something like this)


    2) some option (and by option I mean the user will select the behavior of the tool) to have the crop frame displayed immediately when you select the crop tool (right now you have to select something actually) for the first time and have it by default to occupy the whole image... some people, UI wise, prefer to select something from the scratch w/ the mouse and some people prefer actually to start cropping by moving the crop borders inwards from the initial crop = the whole image.




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    New Here ,
    Jun 11, 2010 Jun 11, 2010

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    Thanks eric - I should have looked at the ACR 6.1 feature set more carefully

    before posting - I am still using CS4. It's really great to see that Adobe

    does monitor these forums.

    My No 1 still stands though - so pretty please for CS6...




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    Jun 11, 2010 Jun 11, 2010

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    I posted a feature request at the photoshop request a feature forum

    Add Mini Raw, Camera Raw to HDR, and a HDR Adjustment Brush

    I posted that feature request before stumbling upon this Camera Raw Feature request forum.  After reading this post entirely I see similarities to my request but not as in-depth or as precise as to what have described.  Take a look at it and see what I wrote.




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    New Here ,
    Jun 14, 2010 Jun 14, 2010

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    A long time ago in the wonderful land of ARC, one were able to hit the up and down buttons on the keyboard to scroll through the list of saved presets. But about a year or so ago it all changed. "-Why?" we been asking ourselves ever since, but for whatever reason I for one sure miss this simple yet powerful feature. So may I please ask you to consider to make my life a just a notch easier by fixing this? I would be forever grateful, thank you.

    Best Regards,

    Leonard Gren, Photographer

    E-mail: info@leogren.com
    Web: http://www.LeoGren.com




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    Community Beginner ,
    Jul 03, 2010 Jul 03, 2010

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    Save ACR output to a subfolder relative to the path of the original image.




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    New Here ,
    Jul 06, 2010 Jul 06, 2010

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    Hm, good idea (I presume for my no 1 wish) - will give it a bash




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    New Here ,
    Jul 21, 2010 Jul 21, 2010

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    What are the chances of getting a "Creative Profile" dropdown for the Develop->Calibration section?

    Let me describe what I'm seeking: as opposed to the current system, when one is finished adjusting color modifications in the DNG Profiles Editor, instead of writing a new profile which is unique to that camera and its base profile, a "creative profile" is instead written which can then be applied against any base profile.  Theoretically this can already be done by manually creating all of the relevant mappings and applying them to the base profile of choice.  In practice, it's cludgy, and limits distribution of Creative Profiles to those who have the same camera model or to the very few who are actually comfortable with the Profiles Editor.

    Technically, this change should be relatively easy - the code already exists, albeit in a number of places, and major changes would only be needed if online sharing of Creative Profiles were to be enabled from within the program, akin to the way Lens Corrections are currently.  That's of course a great goal to set, but need not be included in a first release.

    From a marketing perspective, this solves a number of the longstanding complaints about comparisons between ACR and other user-enjoyed RAW engines.  Ship a "Skintone priority" Creative Profile with the release which actively centralizes skin-range colors and desaturates all low-saturated colors, and voila - CaptureOne comparisons are gone and the user can get as inaccurate (but aesthetically pleasing) a rendition as they want.

    Even better: per-camera, per-style profiles no longer need to be created with newly released models - simply create a camera profile which brings color to defined per-manufacturer points, and then release creative profiles which map out to each of the OEM styles ("Portrait", "Landscape", "Neutral", etc. in the Canon parlance).  Now customers can have colors just like their manufacturer does it - no more (well, fewer - I love you guys, but you can't control for per-sensor variation), "It doesn't look like it did on the camera!  Why doesn't Adobe care?" complaints.   [Yes, this carries the burden of breaking the current profiles apart  for implementation, but the payoff comes over time with considerably  fewer profiles to make as increasingly more bodies are released.]

    And finally, from a creative perspective, users who've calibrated their individual bodies (or not - this is the creative aspect) can apply creative profiles to emulate film stocks, cross-processed rendering, etc., all shared with the community online and exclusively through ACR / LR.  Now you're advertising more (exclusive) features based on customer feedback, more that users can expect when switching to or sticking with the pipeline, further developing the community of users, etc.

    All that for what I bet Eric can do in a day or two.

    Hell, I have a case of beer which says he can do it in a motivated afternon .




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    Adobe Employee ,
    Jul 23, 2010 Jul 23, 2010

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    Sean, does that imply the case of beer magically appears on my doorstep?!?! 

    (Ok I'll go back to work before I get into any more trouble ...)




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    New Here ,
    Jul 24, 2010 Jul 24, 2010

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    That depends on if I'm able to download my ACR update and tell the C1 fans where to stick their 'better', 'iireplicable' color .

    To not be completely OT, though, I agree with Noel that larger scales should exist for interpolation - I don't use it personally, but it just makes sense.  Maybe switch the available sizes to convenient harmonics based off native resolution?




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    Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

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    Well, yes

    In some other raw converters, color management is divided into two parts:

    a) conversion from sensor color space to sRGB / Adobe RGB using a kind of "faithful" or "standard" profile for that camera
    b) conversion from "faithful/standard" to any sort o"creative" profile - for that camera or for some other camera

    For instance, Canon digital Photo pro has camera specific profiles built in, converting from sensor color space to Standard sRGB, and several profiles for all cameras, in form of ICC files (standard, neutral, portrait ...) that translates from Standard sRGB to sRGB or Adobe RGB for those picture styles. On some other converters (DxO I think), you can you can for instance emulate Nikon D90 output with canon 50D raws or even some compact camera raws (with much more noise and less dynamic range of course).Or simulate some film like Velvia ...

    So, what is needed is n profiles for n camera types and m profiles for different picture styles. In case of ACR, we need n * m profiles for the same purpose.

    Anyway, the same is also possible with DNG profiles, although not as elegant. In every dng profile, there is camera specific part (exif tags like camera model, color matrices, forward matrices, baseline exposure ...) and "style" specific part (LUT, Tone Curve). So if you want, for instance, to emulate D90 standard profile with your camera (say Canon 50D), you need to take profile for D90 and change several tags with some utility like ExifTool to match values in 50D profile. Then you can use it with 50D

    Things complicate if you have several cameras (and your wife/girfriend also), like in my case, because you have to make a number of profiles ... Or if you want to emulate Velvia ...

    To avoid this, there could be 2 profile drop down boxes in ACR instead of one - first one for "camera specific" and second one for "style specific"




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    LEGEND ,
    Jul 23, 2010 Jul 23, 2010

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    I'm evaluating a Canon EOS-7D, whose native pixel count is 5184 x 3456 (17.9 MP).

    To retain the finest level of detail from a Canon image, I have found that conversion directly to an upsampled resolution yields the best results.

    Trouble is, there's only one (slightly) higher pixel count available:  6144 x 4096 (25.2 MP).

    Please add some additional, higher pixel count choices for Canon EOS 1.6x sensor .CR2 conversions - ideally up to 2x the original sensor pixel count in each dimension.

    Thank you.





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    Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

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    I would like to be able to change white balance tool sample size. Currently it is 5x5 pixels if I'm correct. But, when I use grey card to sample for proper white balance, I got very different results depending on where I pick; even if I move mouse 1-2 pixels, result can be drastically different. That's because of color noise, so for every use over ISO 200, my white balance technique using grey card become unusable.

    It would be great if ACR will get changable sample area size WB tool like Photoshop has!





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    New Here ,
    Aug 21, 2010 Aug 21, 2010

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    -save/open image dialogue window has a list of checkboxes and snapshots, so you can select which ones to save
    -save/open many images dialogue window has a option to "Process all snapshots as well"




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    New Here ,
    Aug 30, 2010 Aug 30, 2010

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    I've tried the last version of Lightroom 3 with is far better than the old 2.6 that I have on my old powerbook.

    Unfortunately the RAF files of my new bridge cam: the Fujifilm FinePix HS10 are not yet supported. Is there any plan to add the support of theses files soon ?

    If you want I can send some RAF files to help.






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    New Here ,
    Aug 31, 2010 Aug 31, 2010

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    The HS10 has been added today.

    See: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/cameraraw.html

    I am sooo happy.  I hope others have had there cameras added as well.




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    New Here ,
    Aug 31, 2010 Aug 31, 2010

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    hello everybody. what is happening with updates for FUJI fs 200EXR, it is version between s100 fs and HS10, i hope you guys won't forget about us. thank you.




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    New Here ,
    Sep 16, 2010 Sep 16, 2010

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    is there any chance that i could get some answer, please

    thank you




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    Mentor ,
    Sep 16, 2010 Sep 16, 2010

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    borbeni 25 25 wrote:

    is there any chance that i could get some answer, please…

    These are user to user forums.  Additionally, you have buried your question in a thread dedicated to suggesting features to be added to future versions of Camera Raw.

    Adobe usually does not comment on software that has not been released.  Adobe Camera Raw is released in an orderly fashion three to four times per year.  The latest version, 6.2, was released very recently, so you should expect a new one in three to four months.  There's no guarantee support for a given camera will be added by then, so it's not possible to answer your question.


    Wo Tai Lao Le





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    New Here ,
    Sep 25, 2010 Sep 25, 2010

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    Thank you, any answer is better than no answer at all. There is no problem to be patient and wait. I only hope it would be payed off. Btw the model i was speaking is S200 EXR. Regards




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    Mentor ,
    Sep 16, 2010 Sep 16, 2010

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    The specifications for the Fuji  FinePix F200 EXR published here:


    do not show that the camera is capable of recording RAW files.  





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