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I opend/ retouched a couple of images -- used dehaze.. ACR 15.2
And then I opened another image, also says 15.2, and no dehaze.. Curious on that, thanks.
2 Correct answers
Check the Process Version. It may be too old and set for a certain raw.
If you originally processed an image using an older version of Camera Raw then it more than likely was done using an old Process Version. The version used can be seen in the image metadata in Bridge in the Camera Raw section.
If you open such an image in Camera Raw, you should see a small triangle containing an exclamation mark in the bottom right corner of the image window. Hover over this and you will see "Update to Current Process (Version 5)". Clicking on the triangle will initiate the update
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Check the Process Version. It may be too old and set for a certain raw.
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Thanks Andrew, every image has a process version? I have idea where to check that; but I'll take your word that some imamges Raw will get a differnt menu choice than other raws.. had no idea.
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See the difference depending on the PV set below:
Was that the issue?
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Thanks I have no idea whta the issue was. One image was taken about 8 years ago, and most others, I'm seeing Dehaze, maybe from another camera? Not familar with what PV is.
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PV = Process Version as shown in the two screen captures from the Calibration panel.
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and that is tied to images? I would think PS would do better to have it all consistent, ie all images would see all possibilites, dehaze etc.
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Not clear what determines process version, or why PS can't unify to the broadest net to include everything at this point.
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Not clear what determines process version, or why PS can't unify to the broadest net to include everything at this point.
By larry45
Has nothing to do with Photoshop.
It has to do with “saved” settings is images processed in ACR/LR as shown.
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If you originally processed an image using an older version of Camera Raw then it more than likely was done using an old Process Version. The version used can be seen in the image metadata in Bridge in the Camera Raw section.
If you open such an image in Camera Raw, you should see a small triangle containing an exclamation mark in the bottom right corner of the image window. Hover over this and you will see "Update to Current Process (Version 5)". Clicking on the triangle will initiate the update then you should have all of today's adjustment panels available including the elusive "Dehaze".
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Eirk whew! Bless you. That explains it well.
Ok just reopened the image without the dehaze option, but don't see the
xclamation mark in the bottom right corner of the image window. Hover over this and you will see "Update to Current Process (Version 5)".
Did I miss it?
there is an exclamation, not yellow and when click on that, just seems to apply some changes, I think, not solve update process
Then even that goes away, still same/ stuck, no yellow one
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Your first screenshot shows the triangle I referred to.
Your second screenshot now shows the triangle has disappeared because you have updated.
The updated panels are in place and the Dehaze slider where it should be!
Not sure what you are not seeing?
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Erik, yes great, got confusing as close opend image again, and was gone. Appears, always go back to previous version without the dehaze close out? Can't remember?
Where see process version? I only saw small exclamation (not yellow)
Anyway to get this permanent for this image or all in future?
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You can see the Process Version in the Calibration Panel. You can also update the version from there.
Any change you make is saved when you hit the "Done" button.
You can update many images at once by opening them all simultaneously in Camera Raw, select them all then update as stated above.