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Hi there,
I'm just processing some pictures here and wondering where the 'Basic' tab has gone within Camera Raw? (usually situated at the top where the red dot in the attached picture is)
It's the place where pretty much every adjustment I use on pictures is situated, including saturation, vibrance, dehaze highlights etc etc. At the moment, without the basic tab, I have to keep opening different tabe separately, which is making workflow when dealing with multiple pictures a bit of a pain.
Any ideas? Thank you. Mike Kemp
1 Correct answer
The functions previously found under "Basic" are now to be found under "Light", "Color" and "Effects" as shown in your screenshot. Three panels rather than one I'm afraid.
If you use "Multiple Panel Mode" (right click on any panel and select it) you can keep the three panels open at the same time which saves a few clicks.
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I don't understand the decision to separate Light, Color, and Effects in the new Camera Raw. 90% of the time I adjust all of these on every photo, so now you've just added a minimum of three extra clicks for me to make adjustments. At the very least, give the option to keep them all open at the same time or revert back to the previous way it was set up. If there's a way to do this, I'm all ears, because it's very annoying to have to click through each one on every photo I adjust.
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After looking through the Camera Raw preferences, I found the "Panels" setting, under "General" and set it to "Edit panel behavior: Multiple" The panels now stay open after I click them. I'll leave the post up with the solution in case anyone else is searching for it.
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Great to know how to fix it.
Would be nice to know why they changed it.
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The categories don't really bother me, I kind of like white balance, color temperature, and tint being in with saturation and vibrance now, but the default being that each time you click to expand one panel it closes the other seems like a bad decision to me.
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They don't bother me either.
Would just be nice to get some insight into the thinking behind these changes.
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Right click on any panel will also give you this option (and others) more directly.
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I too agree that this change was unecessary, I'd love to go back to ACR 15.
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That option is available
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thank you!
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I agree with you. This seems like a questionable change and personally, only slows down my workflow. Its often necessary to go back and forth from "Color" to "Light" and sometimes even the "Effects" adjustments as you fine tune your corrections. Thanks to ShaunK321 for posting a work around!
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I just updated to the new version of ACR 16 and I noticed the Edit panels got separated into 11 panels (for no functionnal reasons). I use the Ctrl+1,2,3... for jumping between panels all the time, but now it's impossible to go beyond the 9th panel with the shortcuts.
Not gonna lie, it's very frustrating. I don't mind the new functions, but it really slows my workflow now that light, color and effects, that were mostly in a single panel before, are in 3 separate panels.
Until it's fixed, I'll need to program custom shortcuts and remove some panels I use less often, so I can do what was once a single shortcut.
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Also, this is a bug by the way, the Ctrl+1,2,3... shortcuts won't bring you back to Edit menu from the Masking menu. It works fine with any other menu from the sidebar (Crop, Healing, Red Eye...), but for some reason, Masking no longer works like it used to.
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I can confirm this behaviour and support your concerns.
Looks like the Basic panel has been split into two, Light and Color, which does not serve a useful purpose but increases the number of panels unecessarily.
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I just updated camera raw version 16.0
I really wished I did not!!!
The basic tab has diapered and is replaced by The tabs:
Light, Color and effects. Not that good!
What used to be just under one tab is now separated into 3.
That means many more clicks to do the same thing!!
Why make things more complicated and add more steps????
I really wish I could go back to the previous version.
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Oh, my Basic Tab has disappeared as well. HELP How do I find it, where did it go? Please, trying to finish a client's gallery and very disheartened.
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What was the Basic Panel before is now Color and Light panels. There was also texture, clarity and dehaze in the basic panel, those were moved to the Effects Panel.
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What was 1 step is now 3! How does that make your workflow better????
Takes more time now 😡.
I really hope this gets fixed soon!!!
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I concur- previously I could open images, make all those adjustments in the same panel, by using tabs, and it was quick & simple. Now, for some reason, you have go into two different panels, which is really frustrating, and really slows down my workflow. I have sidebar panel behavior set to single, which worked great, but now, I can only open Color or Light but not both, without changing the whole panel behavior.
When editing, I first do a rough color temperature/tint adjustment, then tab to do my other exposure, contrast, highlights, etc. But, I often go back to the color adjustments as I do my changes in exposure- now I have to alternately open two different panels, and go back and forth, back and forth, is a real pain, and will increase my editing time on each and every image!
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Terrible update, slowing the workflow down.
I don´t know at this point if there´s a way of going back to the faster way of working by downgrading, but then you won´t be able to incorporate new camera profiles.
I can´t understand why they have to be linked.
@Adobe Update camera profiles, but don´t mess with our workflows. please keep design changes and functionality changes separated.
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+1 Splitting up the panels provides significantly worse experience for me. I'd love a way to get back to the previous layout, of course keeping the new Lens Blur panel and the spot color tab in the HSL. Just don't split and rearrange the Basic panel please.
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The functions previously found under "Basic" are now under "Light", "Color" and "Effects".
This is a bad decision to separate Light, Color, and Effects, since all the time these must be adjusted together. Now a lots of extra extra clicks are needed to make adjustments, just because again, somebody fixed something that wasn't broken...
Another bad side effect is, the number of panels has grown over 10 so Ctrl+1..9 cannot be used anymore - another practiced workflow broken...
Seriously, these changes are made by some newcomers, who don't understand the workflow of power users? These changes don't bring anything new to table, just complicate the things which were working fine.
Please consider reversing these changes, the Basic panel was perfect as it was. Or an option in the settings to bring back the Basic panel.
I am curious, anybody else finds this change problematic? My biggest fear is that this change will be migrated to Lightroom too... 😮
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"...anybody else finds this change problematic?"
Clearly, yes.
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Version of the app: Camera Raw 16.0
Platform and OS version: Windows 10 x64
Basic steps to reproduce the problem:
- Open a RAW file in Camera Raw.
- Activate "Healing" mode (press "B" or click on the icon). (or any other mode except the Masking mode)
- Press Ctrl+1 (on Windows) to switch to the first tab in the edit mode.
- The edit mode is activated and Color Panel displayed. This is expected.
- Activate the Masking mode (press M or click on the icon)
- Press Ctrl+1 (on Windows) - nothing happens.
Expected result: after pressing Ctrl+1 (on Windows) the Edit mode is activated and Color Panel displayed.
This was working as expected in previous versions of Camera Raw.
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Same with Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 etc.
Reported Oct 10 2023:
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Confirmed. None of the Ctrl+Number keyboard shortcuts work when the Masking mode is active.