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Hello, I am incredibly upset about the removal of the preview button in Camera Raw. It has completely interrupted my workflow. I don't mind the ADDITION of new features for those who make take advantage of them, but the REMOVAL of perfectly good features that many of us are used to using is asinine and if you can't tell I am rather upset about it. Please for the sake of god bring it back.
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I have tried to get the images to default upon opening to CC but even if I change it in Windows Explorer (the directory finder), the minute I try opening that same image again it goes back to 2014. The only way I can get it to work is:
1. Open CC (the 'old' version)
2. Open the RAW file by initiating 'file/open' in Photoshop
3. then the RAW image opens in Bridge and will open properly in CC.
Since CC2014 appears to be a completely un updated version of Photoshop, why on earth would I EVER want to use it for anything. Sheesh, just as things settled down and were working properly, this crap happens. As a result, I will NOT update photoshop on my desktop.
One question...I went to the Creative Cloud panel to see exactly what had and had not been updated on my desktop machine and a panel came up asking if I wanted to update Creative Cloud. If I say no (exit) the panel closes and I can't get any further. What will happen to my other Photoshop programs (the ones I have NOT updated) if I initiate this infuriating Creative Cloud update. There is absolutely nothing on the update I want but I can't seem to get around that initial page. And I am truly worried that updating this will open the CC2014 can of worms.
Finally, all of this is only happening with my RAW files. Jpegs and Tiffs open from Bridge into 'old' CC just fine.
Is there any way to make 2014 NOT the default program for opening RAW files?
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Yours is doing exactly what mine does, and likely, all of them. My version number indicates I have the updates. (None in CC2014 to date.)
I cannot fathom how We are supposed to run version 14 as an independent program. Here is what happens when I try.
I first open PSCC version 14.2.1. It is now open. Next, I select a tiff file. It opens in ACR. I make no change but proceed to open image. The Photoshop screen shows up, but nothing happens. I check the version. It is now CC2014! No startup screen with the ugly logo. I wait a while, then repeat the file opening by way of ACR. Still, nothing happens. So I exit Photoshop CC2014, repeat the steps .tiff>ACR>Open and now I see the ugly logo confirming CC2014. Now the file opens in CC2014...three times!
So engaging CC14.2.1 means nothing and the invisible takeover by CC2014 is a cipher.
CC2014 doesn't even qualify as an RC, barely a beta. Had I been presented with it as is as a beta, I would uninstall. Now, if I want to go back, I have to use Windows Backup, which I have frozen since CC2014 was installed.
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Ok mine is different than yours because my files do open in ACR when required first.
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CC 2014 is supposed to take over from CC 14, if you have both installed. On Windows, at least, there is one registry entry for “Photoshop” and the last PS to be installed updates it to itself. The workaround is to have whatever version of PS open, already, but sometimes that must not work.
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No, having CC open doesn't solve the problem. If I want to open in the 'old' version, I have to have that open and then do file/open and open it from there, not bridge. Then, when I open from bridge, it opens in the 'old' program. And for whatever it's worth, the 'new' version, when I do help/about photoshop comes up as 2014.0.0. Though at this point, I don't think what it's actually called via 'help' matters.
We finally got all the update bugs straightened out and they do this to us.
So...does 2014 have all the updates that 'old' CC now has? Does it have it's own Bridge?
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Here is the summary of what PS CC 2014 does different/more than PS CC 14:
I’ve only seen one Bridge, though.
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So it does have new features and the improved content aware tool is beyond cool. That makes me feel a LOT better about all of this. It appears to mean 2014 has everything (except the deleted stuff) that CC (old) has. THANK YOU. Seriously, thank you. I just wasn't ready to take part in yet another bug trek. Got to admit, the new splash screen is truly dorky. Really loved the exploding one. A shame they've done away with the design...but how minor is that.