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Voici le problème auquel je suis confronté :
- lorsque j'ouvre un RAW depuis Photoshop (via Camera RAW) et que je choisi l'option enregistrer sous : il propose bien d'enregistrer dans le dossier depuis lequel le fichier a été ouvert (par exemple si le fichier RAW se trouve dans le dossier E:\Photo\Animalier, il proposera alors de l'enregistrer dans ce dossier et je peux alors changer de dossier de destination)
- lorsque le RAW provient de Lightroom via CTRL + E, lorsque je fais un enregistrer sous, il propose la dernière destination utilisée, quelque soit le dossier où de trouve l'image ouverte. Par exemple si mon dernier dossier est E:\Photo\Paysage et que j'ouvre une photo qui se trouve dans E:\Photo\Animalier, il proposera de l'enregistrer dans E:\Photo\Paysage.
Avant je n'avais pas ce problème, il porposait toujours le dossier d'origine de l'image et non la dernière destination utilisé pour l'enregistrement. C'est évidemment un peu pénible de devoir toujours retrouver le dossier de départ, surtout lorsque l'arborescence utilisé est évidemment un peu plus complèxe que dans mes exemples
J'ai essayé un peu tous les paramètres proposé dans LR et PS et Camera RAW et je ne parvient pas à retrouve le fonctionnement normal. Le problème à l'air d'être dans Lightroom qui ne communique pas l'information à Photoshop concernant où se trouve l'image ouverte, mais n'étant pas certain que l'option ne se trouve dans Photoshop, j'ouvre l'incident dans cette séction Photoshop
Merci pour votre aide
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Je voulais dire n'étant pas certain que l'option ne se trouve dans LR j'ouvre l'incident dans la section Photoshop ...
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Saving from LR vs. ACR differ. When you use the Edit in Photoshop command in LR, when saved, it is saved 'next' to the raw so it can be cataloged. By design. You want the edited raw from LR to be saved in this location, you may not and do not have to from ACR. If after Edit in Photoshop you do not see that edited image in Lightroom, there is a problem and we can go into that.
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I explain:
My workflow is as follows:
- RAW processing from LR and opening via CTRL+E to open the file in Photoshop
- Retouching if necessary, signature, framing
- Save to destination folder
In the past (older versions of LR/Photoshop):
- opening the files \Photo1\picture1.CR2 and \Photo2\picture2.CR2
- Photoshop's Save As will suggest the \Photo1 folder for picture1 and will suggest the \Photo2 folder for picture2
New versions of photoshop:
- opening the files \Photo1\picture1.CR2 and \Photo2\picture2.CR2
- Photoshop's Save As will suggest the \Photo1 folder for picture1 (and even then it will eventually suggest the last save folder used the day before) AND it will ALSO suggest the \Photo1 folder for picture2 because that would be the last save folder registration. It will therefore be necessary to navigate in the folder manually so that the photo ends up in the right folder.
If you open a \Photo3\picture3.CR3 the next day, again it will offer you the \Photo2 folder as your destination folder.
In both cases the saved photo appears well in Lightroom as if it had been imported manually, it does update the Lightroom database
In fact, it does not offer the folder where the opened photo comes from, but the last recording folder used.
Like I said, it worked before. I don't know exactly since which version it changed behavior.
Is it possible to return to the previous operating mode?
I gave the behavior of Camera RAW only to compare the 2 behaviors, but I don't use Camera RAW directly but only Lightroom and Photoshop (even if the latter uses CR to open a RAW photo and know how to interpret it)
I hope to be clearer in this explanation
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Round tripping from LR to Photoshop, do NOT use Save As. Use Save. That is how this round trip was designed so the new iteration is within the LR catalog. If you use Save As.... and you place the assist where it doesn't 'belong', that upsets the catalog. This is why you do not see it in the catalog. Try Save instead. It should now be seen in the catalog.
IF you want the new assist to end up in the catalog next to the original raw, you simply save in Photoshop. You can then conduct a Save As and place a copy elsewhere.
ACR is totally different. There is no catalog. When you 'open' a raw, FROM ACR, it hasn't been saved yet. You can save it anywhere you wish.
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I want not use Save, because save use immediately extension PSD / TIFF and it do save in the same folder ...
my normal action is to save as .JPEG file and in different folder (all RAW are in folder RAW and all final file in JPEG folder or TIFF/PSD folder, but I save not all file in 16 bit format. I want to edit photo in 16 bit format but just before save I convert to 8 bit file and save in JPEG folder.
For example I use :
E:\My image\Year\<Number> <Name of shooting>\RAW (to put all CR2/CR3 original file) for this shooting and I use E:\My image\Year\<Number> <Name of shooting>\JPEG (to put all final image after all treatement) is easy to find the right position to "save as" when it give me the good original picture location and not las used destination, see capture :
Here all CR2 are in RAW folder, all final file in JPEG folder and all JPEG version for Web in Web folder. If I do a treatement for 1 file open in 01-Vert le Petit (R tests)\RAW, I want proposition folder in tge same folder, and I choose only JPEG folder under the same folder, now proposition can be any other JPEG folder in 2000 year if my last treatement used it, I need to know and to navigate to good year, good number and right JPEG folder
This action is possible in older version of Photoshop, probably in 2020 version and probably 2021 ... but now it 2022 for sure it change and I see any option permit to choose the old bahavior or the new
I give the information in last message : I see the file in Lightroom, the only problem occur when I use Lightroom and CTRL + E to open in Photoshop, the proposition folder when "Save as" is used , are the last saved destination folder and not where the file opened ... I need to navigate to the right folder alltime. When it done, the file update Lightroom catalog and I see him in Lightroom, any problem for that
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I want not use Save, because save use immediately extension PSD / TIFF and it do save in the same folder ... my normal action is to save as .JPEG file and in different folder
The Edit In preferences ONLY allow for TIFF or PSD. IF you want to use that command to round trip back to LR, that's what you must end up with.
If you want a JPEG, you can save as anywhere you wish after the raw ends up in Photoshop but it will NOT be cataloged in that round trip. That's just the way the product works.
Or you can end up with a TIFF or PSD and export from LR to a JPEG.
IF you use Save As.... the result will be not what you are asking for automatically. You will have to find and import that Saved image into the catalog.
The choice is up to you. But if you use Edit in Photoshop, and you want the resulting TIFF/PSD to automatically be cataloged, you must pick Save, not Save As...
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Is the new way the product work, old version not do the new working process. In older version (but I dont know exactly when the change has been done, with COVID I do not shooting and treatement)
And I use "Save as" in Photoshop after use "Modify in Photoshop" in Lightroom (CTRL + E) and after saving in JPEG, it appear automatically in Lightroom catalog !! It need not use PSD/TIFF format
Do you want a video capture action to demostrate how it work in my computer ? Probably it most clear
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It's always worked this was as far as my limited memory is concerned.
And I use "Save as" in Photoshop after use "Modify in Photoshop" in Lightroom (CTRL + E) and after saving in JPEG, it appear automatically in Lightroom catalog !!
Again, look at the Edit In preferences, no JPEG. But yes, if you use a Save As and select JPEG and you save in the right location, LR can catalog this too. So what's the problem?
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Here my Preferences
I have any problem with that, my only problem is commented in my last message, and I be sure is not the same with older version.
Anytime I need to chose all path directory in past time and I use the same process with Ligtroom 5.1 to today ... now I need to verify when the file are to give the right path destination, in past time only I need to change to RAW subfolder to JPEG subfolder but the proposition are not the last path used to save but the same to open picture ... I'm sure
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Besides, to prove that it worked before, I had in a script a "save as" step at the end of the script. I had been forced to disable this step since this behavior change. Unfortunately I had not created an incident, thinking that via a parameter of LR/PS I was going to be able to find the previous behavior.
After searching and not having found a solution, I finally decided to create this ticket.
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I must have kept my old computer which has the old version of Photoshop installed, I will check if the behavior is the same (normally not).
I'll let you know which version is...