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I am tired of getting those raw data updates and do not want to get any more of them as I do not work with raw files. I do not have the time to seartch for my password etc just to get rid of that update forever and ever. Yet I do not have an option to tell it to go away and stop bothering me.
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The Camera Raw plug-in can be used to make adjustments to JPGs and othe non-raw files, so I doubt Adobe is going to make it possible to shut off updates, since they contain bug fixes and sometimes new features, that can be used with non-raw images, too.
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Thanks for the explanation. Then I wish Adobe would at least let me click to "remind later" insead of not allowing me to move on and do it later.
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Also, I usually don't have to search for my password when CC applies updates because it's running all the time and just does it when it sees an update, which is typically outsdie the time I'm using Photoshop.
Are you using Photoshop Elements and it only checks for updates when you start it up, which could be annoying, if you are prevented from doing work until it completes.
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Your last sentence is corre3ct. A box comes up and asks me to choose to install now or upon exiting the program. It wion't go away until I have clicvked either one which means I cant do anything until I have done so. When I finally click to install, it asks me for my password which is very annoying because I am already logged in PSE 19.
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Really the most annoying part I find here is that I have to sign in and give password at practically every turn I take even if I am already logged in.