Hi all
To be honest, I'm surprised that particular article
successfully made it to publication. From what I understand, it's
incorrect. Indeed it works, but only as the person that wrote it
outlined. I've contacted Adobe in the past to alert them, but the
article remains with no disclaimer or title change.
Here's the deal:
If you read the article, you will notice that Portugese is
the language being used as the example. This will work and
certainly Portugese will magickally appear in the selection list
after you are finished. Unfortunately, it's the
ONLY language which this will work for. You won't be able to
use the article and create a file called Swahili and see it.
This happens because at the time RoboDemo (Captivate's
predecessor) was converted to Captivate, Portugese was among the
list of languages available. But it disappeared when Captivate
appeared. Why is a mystery. Perhaps it was just overlooked (my
suspicion) or perhaps by design. I'm thinking that because one can
indeed create a Portugese file and later see it among the choices,
it was just an oversight.
If you wish to create a file to use your own language, you
will need to either add it as Portugese and just select that,
knowing it really represents the language you desire. Or you may
choose any of the others to do the same thing.
Cheers... Rick