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Adding a new .RDL file to use for Autotext Captions

May 03, 2007 May 03, 2007

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I need to create a new .RDL file to use when recording autotext captions in Captivate 2.0, but am having a problem. After reading http://www.adobe.com/devnet/captivate/articles/autotext_captions.html from the Adobe Captivate Developer Center, I did the following:

1) From my "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2" directory, I located the "CaptureTextTemplates_English.rdl" file and opened it in Notepad.
2) I made changes only to the DefaultTemplate and Template attributes associated with the "PushButton" object and its events.
3) I named the modified file as "CaptureTextTemplates_Newname.rdl" and saved it back in my "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2" directory.
4) I re-launched Captivate 2.0, opened the Recording Options dialog and opened the "Language" drop-down list, but do NOT see this new "Newname" language listed. I only see the original 10 languages that came with Captivate 2.0.

What am I missing in this process? How do I get my new "Newname" language to appear in this list so that I may select it and record autotext captions with it?

Thanks much!






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Advocate ,
May 03, 2007 May 03, 2007

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You may have accidentally 'broken' the formatting of one or more XML nodes in your new file, causing Captivate to ignore it.

You can always rename your custom file to match an existing language you don't need, such as CaptureTextTemplates_Korean.rdl. In this example, be sure to back up the original for those times when you want to create Korean-specific content. :)

If Korean still appears in the drop-down after the change, then you know it's probably not a formatting issue. If not, then it's a clue that you need to verify that the formatting in your custom file is 100% correct: every tag must be closed, every set of quotation marks must be balanced (one quotation mark in front of text is always followed by one behind), and you must be very certain that you didn't accidentally insert any characters that change the XML structure (XML can be picky about non-alphanumeric characters like quotation marks and slashes).

If the file works with the new name, you can always just stop there. You'd need to know to select the correct "language" when creating custom autotext captions, but it would at least allow you to get back to creating content.





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May 03, 2007 May 03, 2007

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Hi all

To be honest, I'm surprised that particular article successfully made it to publication. From what I understand, it's incorrect. Indeed it works, but only as the person that wrote it outlined. I've contacted Adobe in the past to alert them, but the article remains with no disclaimer or title change.

Here's the deal:

If you read the article, you will notice that Portugese is the language being used as the example. This will work and certainly Portugese will magickally appear in the selection list after you are finished. Unfortunately, it's the ONLY language which this will work for. You won't be able to use the article and create a file called Swahili and see it.

This happens because at the time RoboDemo (Captivate's predecessor) was converted to Captivate, Portugese was among the list of languages available. But it disappeared when Captivate appeared. Why is a mystery. Perhaps it was just overlooked (my suspicion) or perhaps by design. I'm thinking that because one can indeed create a Portugese file and later see it among the choices, it was just an oversight.

If you wish to create a file to use your own language, you will need to either add it as Portugese and just select that, knowing it really represents the language you desire. Or you may choose any of the others to do the same thing.

Cheers... Rick





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May 03, 2007 May 03, 2007

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In my particular case, Rick is correct. However, thanks to both of you for your quick feedback. Very helpful & much appreciated!





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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2007 Jun 18, 2007

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Hello and sorry this reply is coming so late, but I have found out from the Adobe Captivate team that this is a bug and there is a workaround:

Note: Due to a recently discovered bug, you must save your language file with one of the following names to have it appear in the language drop down box:


As another option, you can choose the name of an already existing language file you are not using.

It turns out Portuguese is the only language working, which is why Fabricio’s article works, but only for that language, not for the others. This note is a workaround. It might be fixed in the next version of Adobe Captivate--of course no promises and if I find it is resolved I will post here again.





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