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¿Buenas tardes a todos, quisiera saber si alguien me puede ayudar con guardar el avance del curso el donde quede si realice cierto avance en el curso que al volver a ingresar siga hay, desde el SCORM se puede y lo manejo, pero desde la publicación HTML es posible? Quedo atento a respuestas muchas gracias.
1 Correct answer
You have really two different questions:
- Bookmarking: to continue from where you left, when returning to a new session. You need to check the option 'Self-paced learning in the TOC. Alternative is to use JS to set up saving and retrieving of variables which you can use to track. Much easier with the TOC.
- Secondly: if you have customixation like an added checkmark or changing of a state, you will need to use local storage anyway and a tracking variable to retrieve. Normally user variables are cl
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Are you using a Learning Management System? If yes, bookmarking (which is what you are looking for) is handled by the LMS.
If you do not use a LMS, you can turn on Self-paced learning in the Table of Contents. That is another type of bookmarking, using local storage.
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Como estas no, en este caso no utilizo un LMS para medir este marcador simplemente el public del captivate en HTML no SCORM y no manejo la tabla de contenido. En este caso en una botonera que al hacer clic en cualquier botón muestra un check y hasta hay todo bn pero al salir de la actividad y volver a entrar no aparecen los check comienza desde 0 nuevamente si lo hago como SCORM funciona, pero como HTML no.
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You have really two different questions:
- Bookmarking: to continue from where you left, when returning to a new session. You need to check the option 'Self-paced learning in the TOC. Alternative is to use JS to set up saving and retrieving of variables which you can use to track. Much easier with the TOC.
- Secondly: if you have customixation like an added checkmark or changing of a state, you will need to use local storage anyway and a tracking variable to retrieve. Normally user variables are cleared when closing a session. You need JavaScript or use the CpExtra widget from InfoSemantics. (not free)
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OK perfecto gracias.