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So I'm stuck on a button fuction. I've made a custom button that opens the built in TOC. I'm cool with this. But I'm trying to make it so whatever slide is playing, if there's a video or what not, pauses when the TOC is open then plays again the minute you close the TOC.
Right now, I have an AA attached to my custom TOC button and it reads like this:
Show TOC
(not much to show here.)
This pauses the video when the TOC opens but I can't, for the life of me and I've been trying for a while here, figure out how to make the slides play again when the TOC closes. I know I'm missing something simple guys, LOL. Like it must be dumb simple, LOL. But so out of all the AA's I've made, this part was all that worked.
Thoughts, comments?
What you created is not responsive at all. Hope you realize that before confronting your client? I asked to check your project in all the possible browser resolutions. Have a look at:
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The opposite command of Pause is Continue. For a toggle TOC button:
IF cpCmndTOCVisible is equal to 0
Toggle cpCmndTOCVisible
Toggle cpCmndTOCVisible
If you want to show a different state of the button when the TOC is showing, you need to add a custom state to the button. I used it in the workshop which I presented the 23rd of September during the Adobe eLearning World Conference. I don't know if you can still download the assets, because the start project did include that shared action.
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@Lilybiri Yup, this was one of the AA's I tried. The IF and THEN part work but the ELSE...maybe it's my Captivate. I can easily pause the slide when the TOC opens but then to continue when it closes is the part that refuses to work.
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I don't know if it's the Continue Action that's acting up here because it paused just fine when the TOC opened.
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This is an action which I use all the time, without problems. I have it in my shared actions library, including a state chane for the button.
I can only think that you have something conflicting. Can you show the timeline of the slide where it is not working? Can you debug by inserting the system variable cpInfoCurrentFrame in a text container?
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Please post the timeline for that slide?
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Here you go @Lilybiri. I made it to where it shows starting on the the second slide down and set it up for rest of the project since the first slide is literally just a title page with a next button so there was no need to put any of my custom buttons on that slide.
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From that screenshot I detect a lot of information which was lacking in your question:
This information may not seem important to you but it is important. Can you confirm my suspicionis.
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Hey @Lilybiri! Thanks for your response. I actually didn't know quite a bit about what you stated in your post regarding what should and should not be used with fluid boxes. So this is what I did:
I checked the project in edge and it functions the same way in Chrome. Including the fact that when I open the TOC, it stops the slide video and audio but when I close it, it doesn't restart where it left off like I'd want it to.
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Why use a Fluid Boxes project if you don't need the responsiveness? I am still suspecting some conflict with the core of Fluid Boxes workflows. Moreover there are some issues with slide video slides and toggle buttons as I have mentioned in another thread last week (about toggle Mute button). I have a lot on my plate at this moment, could double-check if I had more time, but I will not use a Fluid Boxes project. For the use case you describe this seems really not to fit.
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I need the responsiveness due to my client requesting it to be reponsive on other devices like tablets and phones. But , it's alright @Lilybiri, I know you've got a lot on your plate so I'll figure it out somehow, lol.
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What you created is not responsive at all. Hope you realize that before confronting your client? I asked to check your project in all the possible browser resolutions. Have a look at:
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@Lilybiri Really? And I say this honestly, lol. I read your article and it was very insightful. I'll go back and rework the project. Thanks again for all your help. Also, I managed to fix the issue I had with the TOC opening and closing. I was overthinking it.
What I wanted was if the end user opened the TOC, it would pause the curriculum, which the AA did. When they jump to another section and close the TOC, I wanted the custom play/pause button to show the play button state, which it wasn't doing. It was still showing the pause button state. All I had to do was in the TOC AA that I created to my custom button was:
If cpCmndTOCVisible is equal to 0
Assign cpCmndTOCVisible with 1
Since the TOC covers my custom button when open, if they jump around and to a slide video and it starts playing, when they close the TOC, the play/pause button will be in play status already, which won't confuse the end user.
As far as showing my client, I already did. She loves the layout but we're both learning as we go with building the curriculum so I've lucky that she's very forgiving. Hence, why I decided it was important to become involved in the Captivate community for honest feedback like yours and others. I truely appreciate that. You're awesome, love!
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Now I understand what you mean via your article that you don't need fluid boxes every slide. Be wise in your choice to use them. I was under the self made impression that fluid boxes wre required (don't ask me why I thought that, LOL. There's always a party going on in my head so I wouldn't be able to tell you).
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You're welcome. My personal opinion is that many new users often are made to believe 'hype' marketing talks. They seem to push everyone at creating Fluid Boxes projects, and make them believe that is easy. Honestly that is not the case, I would never do that kind of misleading but of course, I don't have a 'marketing' mind.
Here is the link to a rather old post where I compare the 3 ways to create a Captivate project that can be viewed on all devices.
Getting my head around the Fluid Boxes workflow took me a couple of months, notwithstanding my long history with using Captivate.
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Absolutely! When I was doing research on responsive projects, fluid boxes kept popping up being associated with responsive projects so I thought it was a must. It wasn't until I recieved fruther guidance thru the Captivate community that I was informed differently.
My client and I are building a SOP for future developers she wants to bring on to build her various curriculims and I plan on referencing several articles from here or from what I receive from professionals like yourself and Paul Wilson's videos. Just to make a standard workflow and process.
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FYI, I removed all fluid boxes except for the title screen for one object and I must say, much better LOL. ❤️
Thank you!