Apologies if you don't like my attitude but I am just another user like yourself and that means I have just as much right to an opinion on this topic as anyone else. My view is that Adobe is NOT the one at fault if they have informed end users on which specific operating systems Captivate is supported.
You mention how 'professional developers' of software are supposed to handle updates. One of the most common pages you will see when you look up details of a software application is called the System Requirements page.
This is the page for Captivate 2019. https://helpx.adobe.com/au/captivate/system-requirements.html
Take a look at which Mac OS versions are suppported. At time of writing this post, Big Sur is not listed.
What the System Requirements page does is tell the software end user exactly what OS they are allowed to use if they want your app to work. Deliberately changing your operating system to one that is not supported by the system requirements for an app means you are pulling the rug out from under Captivate and thereby accepting full responsibility for the consequences.
I say again, if you update your Mac OS without checking whether or not this will land you in trouble, then you are bound be caught out sooner or later. And when it comes to Apple OS updates, it's likely to be sooner RATHER than later.
Next time, please look before you leap. That's my advice based on many years of watching anguished Apple users on this forum.