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Captivate Drag and Drop source items snap back to origin when timeline is active

Community Beginner ,
Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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The Drag and Drop interaction has a Pause After function that cannot be turned off. I want my slide to be timed (10s, so the learner has to submit the answers within that time or they get it wrong), so I moved Pause After to 10 sec and assigned the slide to Jump to Slide On Exit. This works for advancing the slide automatically after 10s exactly how I want, however, the drop sources snap back to their original position after being dropped on the target when the timeline is active. If I move the Pause After to earlier in the timeline the sources stay on the target when the timeline is paused, but then the slide will not auto-advance. As well, when the timeline is active, if I drag the correct items and they snap back and I hit submit before the time runs out and the slide auto advances, it recognizes that the items were dropped and counts it as correct even though the items aren't even visually showing on the target. Another problem this causes is that the learner can't drag the sources back out of the target because they already snapped back, but they are still registering as dropped in the source. 

Why are the drag sources snapping back visually, but registering technically, when the timeline is active? Why don't they just stay on the drop target? Is there a way around this while keeping the slide unpaused/active? I tried placing a start button at the beginning of the slide, to create a continue action and get the mandatory Pause After out of the way, but the snapping doesn't care if the pause already happened or not, it demands the timeline be paused for the sources to stay put. 






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

Alright everyone, I've figured out the workarounds. The reason the Drag Sources were snapping back was because in a Responsive Project with a Drag and Drop all objects (whether or not a part of the D&D) must appear on the timeline for the entirety of the timeline. They do not need to be visible on the screen for the whole slide, but they need to appear in the timeline for the whole slide. So, I changed the animated timer that I made to have the objects animate and exit at a set time, but the obj




Community Expert ,
Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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Very confusing explaation for me.

Use the Timer interaction, it allows you to jump to another slide when the defined time is over. However that means that the D&D interaction will be reported as skipped, not as failed. 





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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After more experimenting, there are animated objects on the screen that aren't part of the drag and drop (a timer animation), and when I remove those the drag and drop sources stay in the target when dropped. Why do the Sources snap back when there are animated items unrelated to to the Drag and Drop? This seems like a bug that needs to be fixed.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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When I remove the animated objects the Sources don't snap back to origin. When I leave the timer objects that were animated, but remove the animation and simply have them appearing and disappearing without any animation or fade the Drag and Drop stops working. It seems that all objects on the slide must be there and be static for the duration of the slide in order for the Sources to stay on the Target.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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A D&D slide is bit like a Quiz slide, it is an interaction slide, and you need to have all the drag sources and drop targets on the slide from the first frame.  Was that the case? Which type of 'animation' are you talking about? Are those OAM's or animated GIFs?





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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The objects that were animated were not part of the D&D, they were an animated timer. 





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 13, 2021 Jul 13, 2021

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Alright everyone, I've figured out the workarounds. The reason the Drag Sources were snapping back was because in a Responsive Project with a Drag and Drop all objects (whether or not a part of the D&D) must appear on the timeline for the entirety of the timeline. They do not need to be visible on the screen for the whole slide, but they need to appear in the timeline for the whole slide. So, I changed the animated timer that I made to have the objects animate and exit at a set time, but the object displays for the entire timeline (if the timeline is 10 seconds, the object appears on the timeline for the entire 10 seconds, but I have assigned an exit animation and the Effect Start and Duration time fakes as if the item were leaving the slide even though it is only visually leaving and still appears on the timeline, thus not causing the D&D to snap the Sources back to their original positions).





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