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Captivate VR: Can I get rid of those green assessment ticks?

Advocate ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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Hi, I'm building a Virtual Reality project with Captivate. It's a virtual exhibition in an artist's studio.


Next to paintings and sculptures on the 360background I placed a number of hotspots which will display either images or videos. Important issue here is that the whole project is not particularly an E-learning project, rather it is simply a Virtual Reality experiment. Hence I want to get rid of those green/white ticks which are displayed once a hotspot has been clicked/gazed. Like these:
Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 14.04.14.png

I tried to overwrite in the published module in assets/htmlimages the following files (which in my opinion represent the green ticks) with empty/purely transparent items:

  • assessmenthotspotvisited.png
  • assessmenthotspotvisited.svg
  • assessmenthotspotvisited@2x.png

But then after the first selection and consequently deselection of the displayed image the whole project stops and I get this error in the browser's web console:

Uncaught DOMException: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable CPXHRLoader.js line 37 > eval:22872

Does anybody know another way to avoid the assessment ticks in a 360 Virtual Reality project?

Thanks in advance


Virtual reality






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Advocate , Dec 10, 2020 Dec 10, 2020

REVISION of the topic:

Just in case somebody comes here with the same issue. I found a safer solution:

The reason for persisting to work on this is that the Uncought DOMExeption didn't go away in Firefox. After some research on the Web it turns out that this error is almost always related to HTML documents which utilize the <canvas> element. Further always when some properties within the <canvas> are set to zero. Like width, height or probably also opacity. And Captivate's VR is happening in a <ca




Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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I think you found the right files but perhaps you didn't write over them with something that Adobe Captivate can work with. I just completed an experiment where I edited copies of the three files in question. The two PNGs in Photoshop and the SVG in Illustrator to create completely transparent versions of these files. I completed a little test with a sample VR project and the green checkmarks don't appear.

Paul Wilson, CTDP





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Advocate ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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Thanks Paul,

I did precisely the same (in principle). I made from copies of those 3 files completely transparent versions and saved them under the same file names. 'Then I replaced them in the publish folder // assets/htmlimages. The green checkmark didn't appear (as expected) but when I tried to continue (moving around) it came to the mentioned Uncaught DOMException and the entire module refused to do anything. After a few seconds the browser window went black. I will give another shot tomorrow.






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Community Expert ,
Dec 03, 2020 Dec 03, 2020

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I replaced the versions that are located in the folder...
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64\HTML\assets\htmlimages

This is where the publish procedures get the images when publishing so perhaps this difference allows it to work.

Paul Wilson, CTDP





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Advocate ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Yep, that maybe makes the difference. I go now and try it out.





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Advocate ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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It works, Paul. Thanks for your help. 

Actually I think it doesn't make a difference whether you make the exchange in Captivate's Application folder (I'm on MacOS) or in the Publish folder. I normally use Firefox Developer Edition as default browser and although I cleared the History/Cache before trying there where still weird leftovers which triggered the DOMException error. Same happened again when I made the exchange in the Application folder just half an hour ago. Then I used Chrome, where I haven't tested my VR module so far, and it worked.

However, generally it works.






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Community Expert ,
Dec 04, 2020 Dec 04, 2020

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Hey Klaus,

I'm glad you got it. You very likely correct about it not mattering where the adjustment is done. I replace another object in this folder, the Play_icon.png which appears when you start a course. I prefer a solid image over the partially transparent play icon in this file. Making the change in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64\HTML\assets\htmlimages make the change permanent for me and I don't have to consider it each time I publish a course. Of course, if I reinstall Captivate I need to remember to put my modified image back in this folder.



Paul Wilson, CTDP





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Advocate ,
Dec 10, 2020 Dec 10, 2020

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REVISION of the topic:

Just in case somebody comes here with the same issue. I found a safer solution:

The reason for persisting to work on this is that the Uncought DOMExeption didn't go away in Firefox. After some research on the Web it turns out that this error is almost always related to HTML documents which utilize the <canvas> element. Further always when some properties within the <canvas> are set to zero. Like width, height or probably also opacity. And Captivate's VR is happening in a <canvas>.

So going back to the drawing board I thought about that an SVG graphic is mainly a XML (-script). My guess was that I could try to change something in the assessmenthotspotvisited.svg SVG-XML script to achieve invisibility. I opened the file in an editor (like Brackets or Notepad) and made the following changes resp. additions:


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <circle id="assessment-hotspot-visited-b" cx="11" cy="11" r="9"/>
    <filter id="assessment-hotspot-visited-a" width="144.4%" height="144.4%" x="-22.2%" y="-22.2%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
      <feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" operator="dilate" radius="1" result="shadowSpreadOuter1"/>
      <feOffset in="shadowSpreadOuter1" result="shadowOffsetOuter1"/>
      <feGaussianBlur in="shadowOffsetOuter1" result="shadowBlurOuter1" stdDeviation="1"/>
      <feComposite in="shadowBlurOuter1" in2="SourceAlpha" operator="out" result="shadowBlurOuter1"/>
      <feColorMatrix in="shadowBlurOuter1" values="0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0"/>
  <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(1 1)">
    <rect width="64" height="64" fill="#FF13DC" fill-rule="nonzero" opacity="0"/>
    <use fill="#000" filter="url(#assessment-hotspot-visited-a)" xlink:href="#assessment-hotspot-visited-b"/>
    <circle cx="11" cy="11" r="9.5" fill="#3DA64F" stroke="#90EA42" opacity="0"/>
    <path fill="#FFF" opacity="0" d="M16.6983932,7.4432308 L10.1603932,15.4862308 C10.0710846,15.5961916 9.93932373,15.6631081 9.79784964,15.6703534 C9.65637555,15.6775987 9.51846802,15.6244927 9.41839323,15.5242308 L5.14639323,11.3342308 C4.95120226,11.1389809 4.95120226,10.8224807 5.14639323,10.6272308 L5.85339323,9.9202308 C6.04864315,9.72503983 6.3651433,9.72503983 6.56039323,9.9202308 L9.66039323,12.9342308 L15.1463932,6.1832308 C15.3201942,5.9709935 15.6325415,5.93842014 15.8463932,6.1102308 L16.6223932,6.7412308 C16.8368603,6.9142991 16.8708517,7.22827312 16.6983932,7.4432308 Z"/>


Well, line numbers would be helpful, but I try my best to explain:

  • In the line which starts with <feColorMatrix in="shadowBlurOuter1" values="... I changed the fourth 0-series in the fourth position from 0.5 to 0. This relates to the dark shadow outline of the checkmark/tick.
  • In the line which starts with <circle cx="11" ... I added opacity="0". This relates to the green circle with the bright green outline.
  • In the line starting with <path fill="#FFF" ... I too added opacity="0". This is the white tick of the checkmark.

With this it works perfectly. Regarding the remaining

I guess they will work when you just make them completely transparent in i.e. Photoshop. For the desktop version of Captivate VR it's the SVG which really matters.







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