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Complex game / Quiz in Captivate - is it possible?

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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Hi guys,

I am looking for the possibilites to set up an online escape game for my company, with around 1000 employees. 

It should be 4-5 slides with quizzes and riddles. One can only jump to the next slide if you solved all the riddles on the previeous one. Also I would like to incorporate some videos or sound files (e.g. if you click on a person in the photo on the slide, a video window pops up where he is speaking and giving hints for the next riddle).

I would like the employees to play this game all together simultaniously, in 60 teams (6-7 people per team), they  would connect with each other on Microsoft Teams and get there via a link. Is that possible? Where will my game be hosted? Is it some Adobe Cloud or sth else? Would it be stable if 1000 persons simultaniously play? 

Sorry for maybe stupid questions, I'm new to this kind of things 🙂 

Thanks for your replies





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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Sorry, 160 Teams I meant




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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Captivate does not offer this kind of multi-player / multi-team functionality by default.  


You can certainly create a module that contains slides with riddles (i.e. questions) that the participant must answer correctly in order to progress from slide to slide.  Your content could include videos, animations, sound files, graphics and text.


And you can certainly upload this as HTML5 SCORM output for delivery from an LMS.  Multiple participants could all be logged on to the LMS at the same time completing the same modules.  As long as your LMS server is capable of handling the load of so many users accessing content at the same time, it should be able to track which users have accessed which modules and what their final scores are.


However, where you will run into roadblocks is because you want your 1000 users to be divided up into 160 teams of 6 to 7 players each.  Captivate does not offer this, and you will probably find that most LMSs have no way to offer this either.  They will often be able to group users by role or department etc, but reporting may not offer the ability to track what all users in such a grouping scored for a given course.  You need to talk to your LMS Administrator about this area.


The next problem you have is that you want all users to somehow be connected with each other at the same time they are playing the game.  Your game will definitely need to be hosted from the web somewhere.  LMS is one type of such hosting, but it is mainly designed for tracking individual users doing individual courses at whatever time is convenient for them.  The term is Asynchronouse, meaning that they are not all doing something at the same time.  You want the game to be played Synchronously with some kind of interaction between players.


Bottom line is that you don't get this kind of sophistication 'out of the box'.  It would require custom programming, and my guess is that you don't really have a budget for that (yet).  Correct?




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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Hi! Thank you so much for the quick and useful reply! 

I was hoping to set up the game without programming, via drag and drop, since it is something I would need to do myself without any help. Of course we have no budget 🙂 And I am a corporate communications specialist and not a programmer, unfortunately.

I think I could create 160 groups beforehand, 6-7 people per group, who should organize themselves on Microsoft Teams at the given day and time. So, to correct my previous question - it is probably not mandatory that 1000 people will be connected to each other to play, but only each group. There could be one leader per group, who will log in into Adobe Captivate and share his/her screen to the other 5 and together they will solve the riddles. So at least 150-160 people would use the plattform synchronously (the others will use it passively, by looking at the screen of the team leader). I guess this should work.

We probably won't need any tracking, the teams will be advised to write us the correct final answer via chat, once they've completed all the riddles. So the first team to write the answer will win the game.


The idea is still rawish, I'm looking for a software to handle myself, due to budget limitations 🙂


Thanks a lot again! 




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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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When you are using Captivate as a developer you need to be logged into your Adobe ID.  But end users that are just consuming the content you create do not need their own license of Captivate, nor do they need to be logged into Adobe IDs.  If you are delivering this content via an LMS, then the users would need to be logged into the LMS.  If you are just delivering the content from a web server, not an LMS, then they would not need to be logged in unless that was a requirement to see content on that website.


So, as Lieve has told you, the solution requires more than just Captivate because Captivate is just the authoring tool.  The website or LMS is the delivery tool.  But to have all the groups of users interacting with each other in real-time you will need to be using something else.  Maybe MS Teams would do.  You can always try an experiment and see what happens.




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Evelina Hi) You made the right decision to develop and expand the project. But the level of programming and tasks for the developer is too outdated . I think it is necessary to come up with something new, interesting, and not a school lottery! The level of these games was relevant in 2000 - different puzzles,




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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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You posted multiple questions at once, difficult to answer all.


The project can be made with complicated quizzes, games, riddles provided you have experienced Captivate developers with not only in-depth knowledge of Captivate's features (shared actions/advanced actions) but also JavaScript. Ading (interactive) video and audio is not at all a problem. Whether a group of tasks will be on one slide is not important, you can make it look like that is the case even if they are on multiple slides. Forcing to end a task before proceeding is also never a problem provided....

However it is an eLearning tool, courses are meant to be taken by an individual learner, although a team could share a room and use a beamer or a big screen and participate as team. That is not what you want...

Moreover each course is like a website, it needs to be deployed on a webserver or - if you want to track accounts and performance - on a LMS. It may be possible with an internal server, but again...provided you have an excellent programmer to set everything up server-side.

Questions are rarely stupid, but hope you have at least got some answers. Conclusion: Captivate can be part of the solution you are looking for, but you'll need more expertise than just basic Captivate.


Another idea can be to use an application like Adobe Connect or similar, where you can use Breakout rooms for the teams. You can check with the Connect team, part of the eLearning group at Adobe. 




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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Hi Lilybiri,


I've just stared researching different software and Adobe Captivate seemed to offer what I need. 

I believe, we won't need break-out rooms, our player teams which I will throw together beforehand, should organize themselves via Microsoft Teams (all grown ups, they should manage 🙂 )

JavaScript is none of my competencies, unfortunately. 

Maybe I will install a trial version (if there is any) and see if I can set up one or two slides.  

As I understood I can export my e-learning aka escape game as HTML 5 and host it on some internal website? 







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Apr 12, 2021 Apr 12, 2021

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Trial version is fully functional and valid for 30 days, contrary to other Adobe applications. However do not expect to be able to create complicated quizzes/games without lot of training.  You can find lot of games and custom quiz tutorials on my blog. Here is the link to one game tutorial:



You can publish to a server if it is a webserver (supporting JSON). To use the server also for tracking you need to set up server-side scripts.


Success with the Teams approach. I do collaborate using Teams (for creating Captivate projects) and find the experience very frustrating. 




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