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Double click required on quiz responses?

Explorer ,
Jul 26, 2021 Jul 26, 2021

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Each quiz question seems to require the response to be clicked twice before it can be submitted. The first click highlights the response but doesn't actually select the response; the second click actually chooses the button next to the desired response. Is this normal or do I have something set incorrectly? I've included screens and timeline shots. Thanks for your help!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Aug 02, 2021 Aug 02, 2021

Issue resolved! Here's what fixed it:  Lieve mentions in other posts that she always creates her own navigation buttons rather than use the provided playbar, so in a last ditch effort before having to rebuild 15 modules, I tried that. It worked! It eliminated the double click challenge, as well as other little delay issues that result from using the playbar. I had to stick with the client's standard of using a "Play" button so for the quiz questions I renamed the Next button to Play and all work



Community Expert ,
Jul 26, 2021 Jul 26, 2021

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I think this is likely to be due to the way you have set up the question slide.


To check this assumption, create a new Blank project and insert a single True False question slide.  Change nothing about that inserted question.  Then test by usng Preview in HTML5.  If it does not exhibit the same behaviour as your other project, that will tell you the issue is in your project, not your system.


If the first test is successful, insert a new True False question slide into your problem project and again change NOTHING about the set up of the inserted slide.  Test that question in HTML5 preview to see if the behaviour repeats.


Get back to us here and let us know the results.




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Explorer ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Rod, thanks for your input. After various experiments, here's what I've learned:

 - When I create a new Blank project with a couple of new question slides and then test in HTML5, they work as they should - only 1 click required to choose a response.

 - When I apply my project theme to that blank project, it still works as it should - only 1 click required.

 - When I add a new question slide to my existing project (without any modification), it requires two clicks for a response. 

 - When I copy existing question slides into the new blank project that is working with new questions, the copied questions still require 2 clicks for a response. 

Based on these findings, I believe I am going to have to rebuild the question slides in a new project and import the other content. I was hoping to avoid this additional work but don't see another way. 

Unless you have any other thoughts? Much appreciated!




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Explorer ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Forgot to mention, this is a project I built 7 years ago; the client doesn't want content changes, just looking to make it work in HTML5.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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I tend to agree that you might need to rebuild your project.  Sounds like either some corrupted components have crept in or else the updates from the older version it was originally created in have caused some issues.  Either way, it's probably quicker to just do as you suggested and rebuild it rather than waste more time chasing the cause.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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From the screenshot I see that you did delete embedded objects on the quiz slide. Embedded objects have no individual timeline. You can take them out when there is a checkbox available to do so (like for some buttons) but you did delete the Question type text, which you should not do. Moreover you pushed the pausing point to the end of the slide which I would avoid, keep at least a small gap before the last frame. You added a functionality pointing to the Play button on the playbar, can you explain why you would do that? Best practice is to avoid the Back button AND the playbar on quiz slides, because once a question is answered, the answer will be blocked when getting back to the quiz slide. It may be for that reason that you used the text pointing to the play button? Can you explain? 

More information about the default Submit process and possible tweaks in:







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Explorer ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Hi, Lieve - I had to double check after your comments. I did not delete the Question Type text, just expanded the box to add additional info. So I believe all of the embedded objects are still there. I have changed the pause point, thank you for that suggestion. These questions are not really quiz, just a knowledge check that needed to have correct and incorrect feedback but doesn't accumulate a score. The Click Play button is the client's standard that they requested to include. FYI, this project was built 7 years ago and is just now being brought into HTML5, so some of the rationale is hard to remember! 

I have yet to discover anything in the template or the question slide itself that is causing the challenge. Another interesting point is that the first question in the deck doesn't behave the same way - it only requires 1 click while all of the others require 2. But I cannot see any difference in either the template or the settings, so I'm at a loss.




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Explorer ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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And thank you so much for your input and guidance!




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Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Themes have seen several new features and you are aware of the fact that Quiz and Knowledge check slides are based on quizzing master slides. Double-checking those master slides and updating the theme to the present version would be one of my first actions in such a problematic situation. Although recreating from scratch is the ultimate solution, it feels like something happens in the first quiz slide which causes the issues. It can be due to the master slide. Pointing to that play button is so strange for a quiz slide that I wonder if the submit process has been tweaked and that the tweak is not functional due to the renovations of the themes and the output to HTML5.




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Explorer ,
Aug 02, 2021 Aug 02, 2021

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Issue resolved! Here's what fixed it:  Lieve mentions in other posts that she always creates her own navigation buttons rather than use the provided playbar, so in a last ditch effort before having to rebuild 15 modules, I tried that. It worked! It eliminated the double click challenge, as well as other little delay issues that result from using the playbar. I had to stick with the client's standard of using a "Play" button so for the quiz questions I renamed the Next button to Play and all works beautifully. 

Thank you so much @RodWard and @Lilybiri for your assistance and all of your invaluable guidance on this forum. You are greatly appreciated!




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New Here ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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I'm trying to solve this same problem. I created my own playbar, but now you have to double-click the playbar instead of the answer. Any suggestions for fixing that?




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