F10 Key not working correctly once published
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I have a project that requires the user to hit the F10 key. This works just fine when I preview the project. But when I publish the project, hitting F10 rewinds the project to the beginning instead of advancing to the next slide. Any ideas?
I am using Captivate 5.5. Thanks!
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What Browser are you using to display the Project? Could be a possibility it might be conflicting to a similar shortcut key meant for a different functionality (perhaps Refresh)
Can you try switching the Web Browser?
I believe changing the Shortcut key would also work, but might not suit to your requirment, isnt it?
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I determined what the problem is. F10 conflict with the browser shortcut keys and opens FILE in the browser. I'm on IE, but that is the browser we have to use here. For now, my work-around has been to put an image of a keyboard in the movie and have the user click the image in the movie instead of the one on their keyboard.