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Final quiz question won't advance on incorrect response

Community Beginner ,
Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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Hello! I've searched the forms, Google, and have not found a resolution for my exact situation and I've been hacking away at it for several days and am all out of things to try, so I'm seeking your wisdom, advice, and hopefully, your solutions: 


Version: Captivate 2019 build on a Mac


What's happening: 

I have a module with two "knowledge check" sections, the first has two questions, the second has four questions. I've created custom quiz questions that provide immediate feedback (custom message depending on answer, and incorrect or correct icon updates based on selection). Questions 1-5 function as expected...or at least satisfactorily: upon correct or incorrect answer, learner gets immediate feedback, advances to next slide on correct answer, can click anywhere to advance on incorrect answer after reading/listening to the feedback. 


During testing, if I select incorrect answers on any question before the last one, the behavior is as expected. On that last one, however, I can ONLY advance if I choose the correct answer. Quiz preferences are set to allow "go to next slide" on either success or failure.


  • The module is not mandatory at this time, so we are not forcing folks to pass the quiz. They will be assigned to take it and must show their certificate as proof of completion, and it contains their score. They have the option to go back in the module and review and retake the quiz again from the beginning, as the quiz slides reset upon revisit. 


  • Advanced Interaction panel correctly shows scores for the correct answers. 


  • Attempts are set to 1 at the slide and project level. 


What I've tried: 

  • I've tried inserting a button that shows up at the end of the feedback audio, with the action set to Go to Next Slide (I've also tried Continue). Neither option worked. I've made sure there are no objects paused on the timeline. 
  • I've tried changing the quiz attempts to infinite...that didn't work, either. 
  • I've rebuilt the slide and created new Advanced Actions for each slide answer option...that didn't work either. This slide is built exactly as the previous five are. There seems to be no logical reason it will not advance to the next slide by clicking anywhere, pressing Y or clicking a button if user selects an incorrect answer. 
  • I've also searched this forum and read all the responses even tangentially related to quiz slides not advancing and could not find anything that was quite the same as this situation. 


Thanks for reading all of that. Here's hoping it's something super simple I've missed and it's just that I've been staring at this thing for far too long. 


Thank you!




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Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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Indeed much to read, but I would have preferred to see some screenshots.

You call these 'Knowledge Check slides' but since they appear in the Advanced Interaction panel with a score, those are normal question slides.

I would have liked to see the Preview of the used advanced action. You used 'custom question slides', not regular question slides?

Can you also check which option was chosen in the Required field under the Quiz Preferences, Settings? You didn't activate Reporting, correct?





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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Apologies for the lengthy read. I was trying to provide a comprehensive history of this project and this issue.


@Lilybiri  you are correct, these behave as normal quiz slides, but we are not requiring treating them as quiz questions that must be answered in the pass/fail sense, which is why I referred to them as "knowledge checks" in quotations. 


I built the question slides myself because the question slides that come with Captivate did not allow for the functionality I was looking for. I'm new to this forum/login due to new job; and posting under my work email and not my personal one as this is a work-related issue I need to solve. 


Reporting is active as we do want to report to our LMS. We do want interaction data, and our LMS (proprietary to  San Francisco, a major US city) will not report slide views and needs a quiz that reports data. 


As mentioned in the missive above, answering the final question correctly gets you to the custom results slide, the remediation/resources slide, and on to either Retake the course or view your certificate. It is only upon selecting either of the distractors on the final question that you are unable to click anywhere, press Y, or even click a button to advance to the Quiz results slide. 


Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Screenshots attached show:

  • the quiz slide itself and what appears when an incorrect answer is selected. 
  • The settings on the Actions panel for both the correct answer (A) and an incorrect answer (B)
  • The quiz settings


Thanks again, for taking the time to respond. Please let me know if there are any other screenshots or details you would find useful. 






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 21, 2023 Aug 21, 2023

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Oh, and there are also screenshots of the Advanced actions for a correct and incorrect response.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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I watched all the screenshots, but you didn't really answer my questions:

  • What is the setting for the 'Required' field? You find it under Quiz Preferences, Settings. You posted only screenshots of the Pass/Fail and Reporting.
  • I need to see the Advanced actions, no screenshots of them. Use the Preview panel which you find in the Advanced Actions dialog box:
  • Please post the Advanced Interaction panel (F9) as well, so that I can see which events trigger which actions. Make sure to expand the Success and Failure columns.

New questions:

  1.  Are you sure that the LMS works fine with a minimum score in points, most LMSs prefer percentages.
  2. You talk also about a 'custom' results slide.  What do you mean by that? You need the default Results slide (hidden or not) to enable the transfer of data to the LMS. It is the Continue button on that Results slide which triggers the actions in Pass/Fail. You kept Continue for those actions, which is the default setting. This means that the transfer will happen at the last frame of the Results slide, or  - if it is hidden - when reaching the slide after the Results slide. 




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Hi there. Thank you for your reply. That screenshot you show above is not one I included, as I have no advanced actions with that name. I always name my advanced actions with more descriptive titles than "button text" to ensure that others working in the file will know what the action is being used for. Perhaps this is converging with another request you are assisting with? I'm attaching again here so you can see the full advanced actions for a correct and incorrect response. Correct works as desired (see quiz results, get resources slide, certificate), incorrect does not. 


I created my own quiz question slides, using multi-state objects with immediate feedback(icon that changes, button option switches to answer feedback and audio plays), I did not want to use the standard results slide. My custom slide includes a success state (Normal) or keep trying (Failure) state and both include the variables to show score as $$cpQuizInfoTotalCorrectAnswers$$ / $$cpQuizInfoTotalQuestionsPerProject$$.


If  you mean that I must include that default Captivate results slide instead of my own,  I would then have to use captivate built-in quiz question slides, wouldn't I? If not, what information contained on that default results slide is required to be included to ensure that my custom question slides and Captivate's default quiz results slide "communicate" with each other? 


Including the screenshots for the advanced actions for the quiz questions, as well as the screenshots for the advanced action for the results slide. quizresults2.pngquizresults1.png


In any case, here they are again. Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 2.38.37 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-08-21 at 2.39.22 PM.png




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Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Here are the two sections of the Advanced Interaction panel that pertain to the two question sections Knowledge Check 1 and 2. The question/options with the issue is/are in KC2_Q4 options B & C. 




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Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 9.31.47 AM.png




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Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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That screenshot was meant to show you the PREVIEW button for Advanced actions.  You didn't get it, because you are still not using that Preview view which is so much easier to understand, especially when you have a conditional decision and/or multiple decisions. Explore the Advanced actions dialog box fully:



You write so much, but it seems difficult to understand my tips and questions.

Finally I got the change of the Required field. PLEASE, get back to Optional, because the option you choose will cause problems for sure. There are better ways to force the learner to answer the questions.

I explicitly asked "Make sure to expand the Success and Failure columns." But they are not expanded which makes the Advanced Interaction panel useless for me. I cannot see which actions are triggered by which events.

What about my question about your 'custom results slide'?

Sorry, but we are both losing a lot of time, try to understand and answer my questions.




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Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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@Lilybiri Thanks so much for all of the time you've put into responding to my excessively worded questions. Thanks for your input. I'll figure it out on my own. 





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Aug 22, 2023 Aug 22, 2023

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I will just chime in with an answer to a couple of your questions:

Using the Captivate Quiz Results slide does not mean that you cannot build your own custom question slides using multi-state button objects.  As long as you set your buttons to report to the quiz if the correct answer is selected then the Quiz Result slide will score those buttons as quiz objects and mark clicking the correct button as a correct answer.


The real advantage of using the Quiz Results slide is that it has default quiz-related objects that you cannot recreate using ordinary buttons.  That includes the Continue button, which does a lot more than just continue and the Retake Quiz button resets all scored quiz objects back to zero (regardless of whether they are scored buttons, TEBs or quiz question slides).  If you are only using custom quiz slides, the Review Quiz button on the Quiz Results slide is not going to be a big help to you because it only takes the user back to show the answers they entered in actual quiz question slides.


Captivate's default quizzing functionality makes it easy for most people to create the kind of assessment components they want in a course module.  But that doesn't mean there are no other ways to create custom solutions.  The tricky bit is making sure your interaction logic doesn't introduce usability issues.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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Thank you @RodWard  for your input! I do have advanced actions already that reset the question slides on revisit so learners can try again.


Thank you!




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Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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I think you must be referring to resetting custom variables that you have created and that get incremented or assigned a value when users answer your questions.  Is that correct?


If it is not important for these scores to be recorded in your LMS then your current strategy is fine.  However, Captivate doesn't actually allow you to report a variable value to the quiz so that it gets recorded by the LMS.  And there are no Advanced Actions you can use to reset a true Captivate quiz question score for a second or third attempt.  To do that you really need to use the Retake Quiz button on the Quiz Results slide. 


Just wanted to clarify that for other users.




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