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Issue with slides not displaying when project is published in HTML5

New Here ,
Mar 25, 2022 Mar 25, 2022

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I am using Captivate 2019 (v: on a PC machine, working in both Chrome (99.0.4844.82 64-bit) and Edge (

Version 99.0.1150.36 (Official build) (64-bit)).
I've created a project, currently with 4 slides. These slides have multiple advance actions set up to display/hide content when the image/button is clicked.
The first slide displays correctly when published, showing/hiding content when image/button is clicked.
The second and third slides do not come through when published, nor do my 'back' and 'next' buttons appear on any of the pages. 
I also checked the box in Preferences to Hide the play bar - however, this also still displays after publishing.
Here is the timeline for the 3rd slide - each of these slides is expected to do the same thing and I'm duplicating the first slide (the one that works) and changing all variables to match the captions and smartshapes in each slide's advance actions.
I also tried completely deleting all published files in my DAM before unzipping the newest published zip file - but this did not work either.
What am I missing?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.








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Community Expert ,
Mar 25, 2022 Mar 25, 2022

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Is it possible to show the advanced actions (Preview window please)? That timeine screenshot only shows that you have three buttons, but that will never explain the problem.

It feels like something is wrong with those actions. You edited a duplicate advanced action for each of the buttons, but is there no way to double-check while previewing? Insert the used variables in a text container and check if they are updated as expected? Show also the Advanced Interaction panel (F9) to see all the events and actions used on those slides.

I am worried about the fact that you get a playbar whereas you deactivated it in Project, Skin editor. That is very weird, and I hope you didn't corrupt the project.





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New Here ,
Mar 25, 2022 Mar 25, 2022

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Thanks for the quick response. I've attached a Word doc with one slide's advance actions and the Advanted Interaction Panel.

To clarify, I did not edit a duplicate advance action, I duplicated the first slide, then created a new advance action for the second slide. Doing the same process for the 3rd slide. The variables in slides 2 and 3 (smartshapes, text captions, etc.) did change with each slide.

I hope I answered your questions and provided the necessary info to further troubleshoot.







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Community Expert ,
Mar 25, 2022 Mar 25, 2022

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Rather difficult. In the Advanced Interaction dialog I see TWO Next buttons on each slide, and a Previous button. They kept the normal pausing point at 1.5secs. Why TWO Next buttons? Maybe they are covered up. Dragging all interactive objects to the top in the stack order is a good practice.

You use  bitmap mages as buttons to trigger the advanced actions. Those butttons do not have a pausing point. They do change states. However those actions are not logical to me. You are not sure that the three buttons will be triggered in a specific sequence but the actions are set up supposing that first button triggering ...1answer is clicked, then ...2answer etc. In my logic I would expect to have each button resetting two text and two shapes to normal, and one to the other state. Can you explain how to force the sequence of clicking?  I suspect that all text and shapes are in the Normal state when entering the slide, and that the option 'Retain state...' is not checked.

So far I don't see a duplicate use of names, you kept mostly the generic names. 

There are no variables in your actions, although you mention them several times. Since you treat only states, using a shared action wouldn't help a lot.






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