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Issues with Asset panel in Adobe Captivate (2019 release)

Adobe Employee ,
Aug 05, 2020 Aug 05, 2020

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Asset Panel is blank

When you click Asset Panel on the toolbar, the panel appears empty.


  1. Download Assetpanel.txt file and save it on your machine locally.
  2. Rename the file Assetpanel.js.
  3. Copy AssetPanel.js file from the attached to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64\ui_components\AssetsPanel folder.
  4. Restart Adobe Captivate and launch the Asset Panel.

Unable to download characters from the Asset Panel

When you try to download characters from the Discover tab, a blank screen appears. The file gets downloaded in the Temp folder; you cannot open the file.



Clear preferences.

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64\utils.
  2. Run the batch file CleanPreferencesWin.

Delete the following folders from C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\eLearning Assets.

  1. 11_5
  2. Content
  3. Characters_11_5
  4. Interactions_11_5
  5. Layouts > 11_5

Update to the latest version of Captivate.

  1. Launch Adobe Captivate.
  2. Click Help > Check for Updates.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Clear preferences.

  1. Navigate to Captivate installation location > Utils.
  2. Run the file CleanPreferencesMac.

Delete the following folders from Documents > My Adobe Captivate Projects > Adobe > eLearning Assets.

  1. 11_5
  2. Content
  3. Characters_11_5
  4. Interactions_11_5
  5. Delete the folder 11_5 in Documents > My Adobe Captivate Projects > Layouts. 

Update to the latest version of Captivate.

  1. Launch Adobe Captivate.
  2. Click Help > Check for Updates.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Captivate crashes while downloading characters from the Asset Panel

Captivate crashes or freezes if you try to insert any character from the Asset Panel.


If you are on Windows, unzip and replace the file CaptivateUI.dll  file in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 2019 x64.

Note: Take a backup of the file before replacing it.

If you are on MacOS, follow the workaround below:

Instead of clicking the file, mouse over the Download button, and then click the size that you want to download.


Advanced , Download assets




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Community Expert ,
Feb 07, 2021 Feb 07, 2021

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@Seekered the community is made up of users just like you. Rod is a respected member of this community who has helped thousands of users. Badgering him with hateful messages like this one will not be tolerated. Community members who offer assistance do so on a voluntary basis and are not obligated to assist you, especially if the solution to your issue isn't known.


If you require Adobe Technical Support please reach out to them. 


P.S. Both Rod and I are freelance elearning designers, developers and not backed by some large corporation.

Paul Wilson, CTDP




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 07, 2021 Feb 07, 2021

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@Paul Wilson CTDP At no point have I demanded anyone to assist me and if something i've said is so hateful it should be removed by a moderator anyway. It was Rod who seemed to be persistent in badgering a new user with inflammatory and useless remarks from the start. Yes, some of my comments when I was frustrated were uncalled for but this situation could have been avoided if I could delete my comments but this forum (like other Adobe products) has flaws. I appreciate the help in the other section and look forward to further elearning. 




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Community Expert ,
Feb 07, 2021 Feb 07, 2021

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Not using ALL CAPS in your 'requests' for assistance might help to clear up the confusion about whether or not you are 'demanding' something.


If you acknowledge your own comments were uncalled for then by all mean apologize for them.  Blaming everyone else for your frustration and the way you have handled it does not excuse it. 


And...please be aware that the people that might have helped you on the other thread you started about this issue are the same people you've been insulting on this one. 


This issue with the Assets panel now appears to be something at Adobe's end.  Possibly a server down.  So, if you just use a little patience you may find that it resolves itself once Adobe support techs become aware of it.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 07, 2021 Feb 07, 2021

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UPDATE:  Looks like the assets panel server is now working again.  My system sees it fine.  Hopefully everyone else will too.  But some word from Adobe about what happened here would be very welcome.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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@RodWard Maybe I used all caps because I am a young teacher who is trying to be successful during his first teaching assignment, using money that I don't have to purchase a program that immediately does not work.


You interpreted my capital letters as aggression instead of dispair and that is not my fault. It is my opinion that leaving those types of comments might give others (who are having problems) hope that they are not the only one in the boat and is not a criticism of the OP. If anything it ADDS data to the forum that suggests there is a greater problem (as there was in this situation).


If you've been  in this industry as long as it seems, you should have identified my position as frustration. Maybe I hit on a pet peeve of yours but you knew exactly what you were doing when you decided to interject with a useless sarcastic comment instead of a compassionate, understanding, or at least a comment relevant to the problem (even if you so decide to mention my capital letters). 


Unless you're willing to take on culpibility of the fact that you were antagonizing myself, I'm not interested in apologizing to you because it is my opinion that this is your domain and you were being a bully. I don't apologize to bullies.


Thanks for the update ROD.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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Asset Panel up and running on my end this morning.




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Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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The use of all caps on internet forums is a fairly well acknowledged sign of someone 'raising their voice' in print form.  If you are a teacher then I'm sure you're already aware of that.  It doesn't add any useful data to this forum, just more noise. 


I have been in this industry, and on this forum, long enough to recognise this type of conduct for what it is.   Yes, it may be caused by an inability to deal with frustration, but isolating a cause does not excuses the conduct. And repeated statements blaming everyone except oneself comes across as very childish and entitled.


Let's imagine how you as a teacher would react if one of your own students burst into your classroom yelling at the top of their voice because they were frustrated about a problem they were unable to solve.  Then, when you tell them to curb their attitude and quiet down, they claim you are a bully, they are the innocent victim, and their conduct is all your responsibility.


As a teacher...who would you say has the problem?




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Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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I've read this again and I believe that Rod was simply pointing out the error or your ways and legitimately trying to help. Rather than making excuses for yourself, why not simply apologize for shouting at Rod and the forum. We are Captivate users so we understand the frustration. The software doesn't always behave as you would expect it to but there is no reason to take it out on your fellow Captivate users.

Paul Wilson, CTDP




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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@RodWard @Paul Wilson CTDP 

You both keep referring to me as blaming other people and making excuses for my problems. This is untrue, as I have taken full responsibilty for how I have conducted myself lately throughout this forum. You also say that I am taking it out on everyone else which is ALSO untrue. I simply stated (in CAPS <<< Crime) that the solutions given weren't working for me and that there seems to be something greater going on (in not so many words). The only individual I may have been less than polite towards would be Rod. This is because of how Rod decided to engage a new user. If Rod was truly interested in helping myself, I don't think he would have led with the sarcastic comment he left. Instead (and in MY OPINION) he was looking for points from his fellow experts and peers by choosing to be condensending. 


Not only have I admitted and taken responsibilty for what I've said, I believe that I have done the courtesy of explaining myself to you even though I am truly not required. If your opinion is that this makes me childish and entitled, then you have every right to that opinion and I won't even hold it against you Rod. I'm sure you're a great guy and I'm sure you're very helpful to many people but in this situation you missed the mark on HELPING myself. 

Hoping other new users (frustrated or not) are received with more understanding and compassion even IF you must point out the "error in their ways". 


Thanks guys. 




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Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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'Apology' accepted.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 16, 2022 Sep 16, 2022

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All this--you can't be serious.




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New Here ,
Feb 03, 2023 Feb 03, 2023

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I appreciate your suggestion, but it isn't working for me. Despite downloading the assetsPanel repair and carefully following the instructions, nothing changed. I also downloaded the proxy server fix you recommended elsewhere, but that did not work either. Please assist in fixing this since I am unable to view a preview in the browser or access the assets panel. Curiously, the explore tab appears to be working properly. Only the download and assets tabs fail to open. I'm running the newest release of Windows 10.




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