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Does anyone know of any widgets (for HTML5) that would listen for a mouse wheel double click? My limited javascript skills (i.e. copying other people's code examples) aren't working for me!
To explain, in the software we are recording a mouse wheel double click returns the application to a default zoom level. There is no button or other way to achieve the same thing in the software, so we'd like to find a way to simulate this task.
Thanks in advance!
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This JavaScript will do the trick. Change yourelement name to the name of the Captivate element.
var count = 0;
var timeout;
var myButton = document.getElementById("yourelementname")
myButton.addEventListener("auxclick", captureMouseWheel, false);
function captureMouseWheel( e )
if ( e.button == 1 )
if ( !timeout )
timeout = setTimeout( function()
timeout = undefined;
}, 250);
count = 0;
function check()
if ( count >= 2 )
//mousewheel doubleclicked
count = 0;
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Normal Click Boxes in Captivate have the option for respoinding to a Double-Mouse Click.
But if you want more flexibility and options for HTML5 then the CpExtra HTML5 widget is the only other solution I know of:
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However, please bear in mind that your situation is very different to a normal interaction. Having to listen for a double click event on the mouse wheel (not a mouse button) might be next to impossible to achieve without custom coding.
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Thanks Rod. I do have your cpextra widget, but unfortunately the double click doesn't register for the mouse wheel. I'll keep fighting with my dodgy javascript and see if I can get there!
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This JavaScript will do the trick. Change yourelement name to the name of the Captivate element.
var count = 0;
var timeout;
var myButton = document.getElementById("yourelementname")
myButton.addEventListener("auxclick", captureMouseWheel, false);
function captureMouseWheel( e )
if ( e.button == 1 )
if ( !timeout )
timeout = setTimeout( function()
timeout = undefined;
}, 250);
count = 0;
function check()
if ( count >= 2 )
//mousewheel doubleclicked
count = 0;
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Thanks so much. That's very generous of you!
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The mouse click on my computer hasn't been working properly for the past month. I'm testing my mouse for this website Macrotester. then I want to change