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Multiple Quizzes in a Course

Community Beginner ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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I am developing a refresher course that allows a learner to take a pre-test. If the learner passes the pre-test, they do not have to take the course. Failing the pre-test takes the person to Lesson 1 and is given two attempts to pass the final course test. The problem is having the pretest taken only once, and yet maintain the two attempts for the other learners that have taken the entire course. Thank you!






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Community Expert , Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

Yes there is a way.  You simply put the pretest in a different SCORM module to the main test and you set up the LMS so that the learner only has to pass the pretest module in order to be given a pass for the entire course. 


But this solution depends heavily on whether or not your LMS is flexible enough to cope with such a requirement.  For starters, you may need to be using SCORM 2004 rather thatn SCORM 1.2 since the later version of SCORM (2004) allows for sequencing of SCO modules in a cours



Community Expert , Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

You didn't confirm that you are using real Pretest slides. It feels to me like you are using normal quiz slides for the Pretest as well. In that case, you need indeed to have at least one of the quizzes in a separate project as Rod points out. The Pretest slides were added some versions ago to make it possible to have both a Pretest and a normal Quiz in the same project.  For that same reason the results of the Pretest are stored in other quizzing system variables, which value is not transmitted



Community Expert ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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Which version do you use? The default Pretest questions use the same quizzing master slides, but have different system variables and the results are not included in the Total score, which will be reported to the LMS. You can set up the Quiz preferences (with two attempts on quiz level) and they will only be applied to the real quiz slides. The result of the Pretest leads to branching, based on the conditional action CPPretestActionwhich you need to edit. That advanced action appears automatically when you insert one or more Pretest slides.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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Thank you for responding!! I am using Captivate 2019. At first, I used the Pretest question, but I need my pretest scored and taken only once. I have the Quiz Perferences set to 2 attempts, but then that allows the pretest to be taken twice. Is there a way to separate the attempts: One attempt for the pretest // two attempts for learners completing the course


Thank you!!






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Community Expert ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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Yes there is a way.  You simply put the pretest in a different SCORM module to the main test and you set up the LMS so that the learner only has to pass the pretest module in order to be given a pass for the entire course. 


But this solution depends heavily on whether or not your LMS is flexible enough to cope with such a requirement.  For starters, you may need to be using SCORM 2004 rather thatn SCORM 1.2 since the later version of SCORM (2004) allows for sequencing of SCO modules in a course.  You can configure rules that require modules to be done in a given order etc.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

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Thank you!!




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Community Expert ,
Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

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You didn't confirm that you are using real Pretest slides. It feels to me like you are using normal quiz slides for the Pretest as well. In that case, you need indeed to have at least one of the quizzes in a separate project as Rod points out. The Pretest slides were added some versions ago to make it possible to have both a Pretest and a normal Quiz in the same project.  For that same reason the results of the Pretest are stored in other quizzing system variables, which value is not transmitted to the LMS but used only in the conditional action which I mentioned in my previous answer.




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