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Hello everyone,
I'm using Captivate 2019 and am struggling to create an advanced action that does what I need. I hope that someone here who has more experience with advanced actions can help. Here is what I am trying to do:
-establish a slide that will be like a "home" page, in the sense that the learner will return to it a few times throughout the training
-on the home page, start by showing one image, which I will use as button
-when the learner clicks the button, they are taken to a software simulation
-at the end of the software simulation, they click a return button that jumps them back to the home page
-when they return to the home page, the first button should show but now a second button should also show
-the second button takes the learner through a second simulation; again, they return to the home page and a third button now displays
My buttons are not displaying when I return to the home page after a simulation. Can anyone help me understand how the script should be structured?
The most likely reason for your problem is due to the order of your decision blocks. A later decision block is causing Clue 2 to be hidden again.
Try reversing the order of your decision blocks. Put the one currently in first place at the back of the order and see whether that then means your second button is visible when you test it.
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You need to have a custom user variable for each of the destinations your user will jump to from the home page. Call the variable something that clearly indicates what it is tracking. (E.g. Sim_01, Sim_02, etc). Set the Default value of each variable to 0.
When the user clicks your home page button and jumps to the destination page, set the ON Slide Enter action to Assign the relevant tracking variable to 1, this indicates the user has visited that destination.
One the home page, you need to have a Conditional Advanced Action that gets executed by the On Slide Enter event of the Home page. It should have several Decision Blocks in this Advanced Action, each of which checks the value of the tracking variables and if they are set to 1 they will SHOW the relevant image button, ELSE the action HIDEs the same image button. So if the user has just visited Simulation 1 and the Sim_01 variable is now set to 1, then your Conditional Action should SHOW the second image button, etc.
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Hi Rod,
Thanks so much for your reply. I was going about this backwards, trying to have a variable on my home page that was incremented each time the learner revisited it, and was failing miserably. 😉 I tried your solution but for some reason it is not working, and I can't figure out why. Here is a screenshot of the Advanced Action on my homepage:
In this screenshot, you can see that when the variable on my first simulation is set to 1, two things happen: I change the state of my first image (clue 1) to visited, and then show my second image (clue 2). However, when I publish the project and test it, clue 1 does indeed change to the visited state, but clue 2 does not show.
In the next screenshot, you can see that I have assigned a value of 1 to the variable on the starting page of my simulation:
I've reviewed your instructions and my scripts several times, and can't see the error. Any thoughts?
Thanks much!
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The most likely reason for your problem is due to the order of your decision blocks. A later decision block is causing Clue 2 to be hidden again.
Try reversing the order of your decision blocks. Put the one currently in first place at the back of the order and see whether that then means your second button is visible when you test it.
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Hi Rod,
Thank you so much for your help! Everything is working now. Just fyi, I'm building a treasure map, which starts by displaying one clue . When the learner clicks on the clue, it takes them through a software simulation (which is the path to the answer). When the learner returns to the map, the clue has changed to a piece of treasure, and then then next clue displays, and so on. I appreciate your help!
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My pleasure.