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Hallo zusammen
Wir haben vor längerer Zeit ein E-Learning erstellt. Nun wird bei einer Zuordnungsfrage die Nummerierung nicht mehr angezeigt, es erscheint ein Grafikfehler.
Weiss jemand, woran das liegt? Es ist nur bei zwei Fragen, bei den anderen funktioniert es. So sieht es aus, wenn es funktioniert:
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
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Although I understand German, I dare not to answer in your language. You can use the translate feature if necessary.
You tell that this is an 'old' project. Do you remember which version was used to create this? Which theme did you use? Have you retried to reset the Quizzing Master slide for the Matching question?
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I can't tell you the version of captivate but it was in the year 2016. I don't know waht you mean with theme, i am not that experienced with Captivate... I tried resetting the Quizzing Master slide, but that did not work.
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Probably version 9. Which version did you use to open it now? You can find the version number under Help, About Captivate.
It is possible that these slides have corrupted. The used theme can be found under the Themes button, which also existed in version 9.
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I'm opening it with Version 9, it was probably made in this one too. The used theme in German is "weiss" and in English it's "light" I think.
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The White theme, is still available in version 11.8. It uses Trebuchet MS for all text on the quizzing master slides. I would try to re-install the original White theme, because it has probably been overridden by the original developer. Are you on Windows?
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Yes, I am on Windows. How do I re-install that?
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The theme White you are using at this moment is situates in this location for me:
Users/Public/Public Documents/Adobe/elearning assets/Layouts/11_5/en_us
You'll need to replace the version number by 9, and the locale by 'de_DE'.
The original White theme can be found under the installation folder:
Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Captivate 9/Gallery/Layouts/9../de_DE
Copy that original White theme and paste it over the one in the Public documents.
I hope this is correct because I cannot double-check due to not having the version you are using. Full name of the theme is White.cptm.
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didn't work. still can't see the letters. I am wondering why some work and some don't...
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I am out of ideas now, this is really a very old version in the IT world.
You could try to edit the Object styles for the quiz components, maybe use another (websafe) font. Don't forget to reset the master slides for existing quiz slides. Can you try to create a matching question in a new project to check it is a consistent bug. It is possible that just this slide has corrupted.
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If i duplicate the slide and try itt out, the letters are showing. if I hide the dupicated slide, the letters don't show. Does this ring a bell?
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Probably a corruption of the original slide. It looks bit weird that duplication will restore the original master slide, but that is not the first weird trick in Captivate. This is a strange workaround but I am glad that it solved your problem.