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Quiz Retake - Create Option to Review Content OR Go Directly to Quiz Questions

Community Beginner ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Hi All,

Blame Lilybiri for creating an Advanced Actions monster.

Lilybiri gave the instructions for, upon quiz retake, using the system variable "cpQuizInfoAttempts" to skip the intervening course content and display just the quiz questions. This works perfectly, just what I wanted.... then.




I want to create an option:
1: Click Retake Quiz button

2: Have a slide display giving the user a choice:

--- a: take me directly to the module's quiz

-- b: let me review the module's content before I take the quiz


Now I can insert this navigation slide in the modules _following_ Module 1, BUT the Retake Button goes to the first question of the quiz. 


I don't see a way of cheating and having the first "quiz" slide a navigation slide that allows for retaking the quiz or reviewing content. There may be a conditional action that would allow for this, but I am now beyond my very limited knowledge.

Is there a way to have the Retake Button go to the slide BEFORE the first quiz question?


Or is there another approach I have not tumbled to?


MANY thanks, all! A tremendous learning experience and youall are absolutely amazing!











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Community Expert ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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Sorry, but you never did see a 'monster' of an advanced action. I have seen a lot of them in consulting jobs and always succeeded in simplification. But I'll take the blame as usual.

If you want this to happen on the score slide, why needing an extra slide? Or do you want this to be possible in other situations? Maybe you really want a 'monster'?

Simple solution: add a custom button ot the score slide, which is possible if you use a shape button. You can give it exactly the same look of the normal quiz buttons which are of the type transparent button. Label that button 'Retake Content' and give it the 'simple' action 'Go to slide 1'.

Or, if you insist on an extra navigation slide, you can use cpQuizInfoAttempts again. Put that slide before the first quiz slide. Create a condtional advanced action to be triggered on Enter for that navigation slide to skip that slide for the first Quiz attempt:

   IF cpQuizInfoAttempts is equal to 1

      Go to Next slide




On the first quiz slide, put another conditional action:

  IF cpQuizInfoAttempts is greater than 1

      Go to Previous Slide




Of course if you want to keep skipping content slides, you'll need to combine with those actions.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 02, 2021 Nov 02, 2021

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OK, I am giving myself a SLIGHT pat on the back, since I came up with your approach a while after I posted my inquiry here.




On the first module, it isn't working. So maybe my self-congratulations is a bit premature.


I ended up in a loop in which  USER OPTION slide (Take Quiz / Review Content) would go to the first quiz which then looped it back to the User Option slide because of the advanced action on that first quiz question.


My goober workaround was to create a new placeholder FIRST Question slide whose sole purpose is to handle the advanced action to take the user to the USER OPTION slide. The USER OPTION buttons then direct the user to either down to the first quiz or back to the beginning. 


This placeholder first question slide has no points set on it, nor is it set to report to the LMS.


NOW.... tell me that I have totally goobered up your very elegant solution, but I couldn't come up with another way to break this loop.


Please let me know if the above makes NO sense and I will try again.


Again, my thanks!













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Community Expert ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Not sure now what you are talking about? Is it the original question about needing to retake the content on a second quiz attempt? Or are you talking about the solution which gives the learner the choice between retaking the complete course or retaking the quiz only? Or did you want to combine both: when retaking only the quiz, the content slides should be skipped, when retaking the complete course all slides need to be visited? I didn't offer a solution for that combination yet. In that situation you will need an extra Boolean user variable which stores the choice of the learner. It doesn't matter if that choice is made using an extra button on the score slide, or by your 'extra' slide (which complicates everything as adding unnecessary slides mostly do). Use a variable v_content which you define with a default value of 0. That would mean that only the quiz is retaken, not the content. If the learner choose to retake also the content slides, you need to toggle that variable to 1.


The actions to skip the content slides (on the last slide of a question slide sequence) will now need a combined condition:

   IF cpQuizInfoAttempts is greater than 1   AND

       v_content is equal to 0

  Jump to ....              where you indicate the first quiz slide of the next sequence




That will cause the jump (skipping content slides) only if the learner choose to retake only the quiz.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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Yes, things are getting complicated.


Here is my goal:

1: If a user fails a course, then have the ability to retake the quiz without going automatically through the course content.


2: On each module before the user takes the quiz, have the option to either take just the quiz questions, OR go through the content again and then take the quiz.


3: All other modules should follow this pattern in 2:.


I figured the "placeholder" quiz question was a bubba approach to the task I was trying to resolve, and I suspected there was a way to variable my way out of it, but lacked the knowledge to do so. Aside from resources like you and Paul Wilson, I am not seeing a lot of information about user variables or even what the system variables control and how to control them. 


My next hole is now to figure out how to set a button to set a v_variable condition, but at least I have a term I can now use to search for.


I appreciate your forebearance with the newbie questions! Thank you!







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Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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I have over 250 blog posts and the majority of them are talking about using variables and advanced actions. 

The first question is the default situation.  But since you have quiz slides in between content slides, you'll need to use the advanced action I posted in your first thread to skip over the content slides, based on the value of the system variable cpQuizInfoAttempts. 


Second question is new, or was explained in a way I couldn't understand. You'll need a slide for the choice between taking the full course or limit to only the quiz slides. You can do this either with two buttons, or by using the Radio buttons learning interaction. You need to have something to 'remember' that choice and for that reason you'll need a user variable. Contrary to user variables you need to define them under Project, Variables. It will be a Boolean, which means that it has only two possible values: 0 or 1. However that means False/True or No/Yes as well. Search in my blog for variables and you will be drowned in information. I suppose you want this in combination with the situation in the first question? Steps:

  • Create the user variable, v_quiz in the Variables dialog box, default or start value = 0, which means that in that situation the learner will take the course, not only the quiz.
  • Create a start slide with two buttons and a message 'Do you want to go directly to the quiz and skip content?'. The first button 'No' just needs a 'Go to Next Slide' action. The second button 'Yes' will need a short advanced action:
        Assign v_quiz with 1
       Jump to  first quiz slide                   replace this by the slide number of the first quiz slide
  • On the last quiz slide of a sequence of quiz slides, you'll need a little bit more complicated conditional action for the Success and Last Attempt events, because you'll need now two conditional decisions:
        First decision 'QuizOnly'
         IF v_quiz is equal to 1 AND
              cpQuizInfoAttempts is equal to 1
           Jump to first quiz slide of next sequence
    Second decision 'LaterAttempt'
         IF cpQuizInfoAttempts is greater than 1
           Jump to first quiz slide of next sequence





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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OK.... this is just an acknowledgment that I have seen your response, and it looks like exactly what I need. I am running out of way to express appreciation.


Next: Yes, my scope has changed from the original discussion which was how to show just quiz questions without content. As your earlier approach worked so well, I got this harebrained scheme to include the ability to choose just quiz or content AND quiz. So this is your fault for showing me the potential of what _could_ be done.<ggg>  Whether is _should_ be done is another discussion. And please note the jest in my "blame" sentence... <ggg>. You are opening a new world to me. And for that I am profoundly grateful. 


For too long I have been using Captivate as a way to animate PowerPoints. I have _known_ there was more potential, but now I am in a position where I am able to explore what Captivate can do. Now I need to learn how to do it.


FINALLY.... I don't know what the rules on this forum are for solicitiation, but if you have a paid course that is available, I would certainly be very interested in your offering. Do you have your blog posts in any central location, or do I surf for your content here? Finding this kind of immediately usable, concise information is invaluable to me.


I will work with your v_variable approach and scream when I run into issues. But <sadly> it may be a day or two before you hear from me again. </jest>







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Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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You can find me on my website, and what I offer as possibilities as trainer and consultant. Look for lilybiri.com. You will also find a direct link to my blog on that website. Just sent me the contact form if you want to know more.


BTW I understood your joke about blaming me, do not worry.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 03, 2021 Nov 03, 2021

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My first <scream>:


>>Create a start slide with two buttons and a message 'Do you want to go directly to the quiz and skip content?'. The first button 'No' just needs a 'Go to Next Slide' action.<<


???? How do I get the project to this "start slide" with the Yes/No decision buttons????


The default "Retake Quiz" button returns to the first quiz question of the first module. This is what prompted me to create a "shell" quiz question so I could attach actions to it.


Do I put these "yes/no" buttons on the quiz results page that are then triggered to appear upon a failure score?


Or do I retain the "shell" quiz question to support this "Yes/No" decision in the first module - for the second, third and fourth modules I am not confronted with this issue.


I know the "shell" quiz slide is poor form, but I am not grasping how to get to the decision "yes/ no" slide if I rely on the "Retake Quiz" button the results page. I suspect - with no knowledge - that the "Retake Quiz" button does more than just navigate back to the first quiz question -- it must update some parameters for the LMS and other stuff... but this is speculation on my part.


I am clearly missing something very basic and obvious to all except me. <sigh>









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