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Good Afternoon,
I'm making a post today to better understand the Success/Completion Criteria under Status representation
I'm using Captivate 2019 with SCORM 1.2
My issue currently is I am developing a module for new associates. It starts with a video and then followed by a quiz. If the Assocate passes the quiz, then the module will close and their completion will be recorded in our LMS
If the Associate fails then they are to review the video and upon completion they will reiceve credit.
My problem is currently I cannot make it do both, it's either one or the other.
I'm trying to understand the "and/or" under Success/Completion Status, it seems like when I check both boxes "Quiz is passed" and "Slide Views 100%" it requires both of them to be true in order to recieve credit. so is there a way to make it "Quiz is passed" or "100% Slide Views" to give the associate credit?
Thank you, I'm still new at this
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In SCORM 1.2 there was only one variable that tracked both completion and success. It was a shortsighted mistake that got corrected with SCORM 2004 which had separate variables to track each thing.
If you want more flexibility, and your LMS supports SCORM 2004, then I recommend you use that instead.
With regard to the Slide Views issue, you are correct that if you select both boxes then the participant would need to meet both criteria (score a pass as well as visit all slides in the project).
You can have just one or the other by simply deselecting one of the checkboxes. But you need to decide which is more important in deciding whether or not the person should be awarded credidt.
Personally, with SCORM 1.2's limitations, I have always felt that if you were choosing to talk about someone passing or failing the module, then it was implying they had to achieve a passing score. So using the Quiz is Passed option made more sense. If it was only really necessary for the person to get all the way to the end of the module, and quiz questions or scores were not that important, then using Slide Views made sense.
However, you need to be careful about using 100% Slide Views as if there is any chance that the learner can jump over or miss any slides, then they will not be awarded credit. So, using Slide Views with a Branching Story module can be problematic unless you also have use of a method of artificially marking certain slides as completed even though not visited. (The CpExtra HTML5 widget for Captivate is one way to achieve that. Details here...)
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Wow, thank you so much for the explination it definitley helps makes me understand this more. Unfortunately I believe my company's LMS only supports SCORM 1.2 currently but I'll ask the team if there's anything we can do about it.
I've had to modify my modules to put a "gimmie" button at the end worth 10 points (enough to pass) and branch awareness. This basicaly makes it so if they pass the quiz they get credit or they are diverted to watch the video again thanks to some advanced actions.
Thanks again.