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Getting Sporadic "I/O Exception: peer not authenticated" Error Using CFHTTP

Explorer ,
Jun 30, 2020 Jun 30, 2020

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Hi all -


I'm running the Developer Edition of CF 2018. I'm doing a POST call to an https URL using CFHTTP:


<cfhttp url="https://www.theremotesite.com" method="post" result="httpResp" timeout="60">
    <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json" />
    <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#myData#">



The call works fine about 75% of the time, but for the other 25%, this comes back:



The same POST through the Postman app never results in this error.


I am seeing multiple posts on the Web about this problem, but the issues mentioned appear to be constant, not sporadic, and they seem to be related to CF9 and that era.


The solutions mentioned is some of those articles (updating the truststore, updating the JVM, swapping providers, etc) are not in my comfort zone, and I'm hesitant to make changes that will be problematic to back out. Some of thee articles are:


I need to get this issue fixed soon, so if anyone has a soution, I'm all ears, and would be very appreciative to hear it!

Advanced techniques , Server administration






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

There are indeed explanations and solutions for that challenge, rimshot,

And easily reverted if needed.


First, about the sporadic nature, I suspect that is not about cf, but rather is likely caused by the fact that the remote site you're  calling has a load balancer, such that calls go to multiple web servers that are not identically configured, and something about one (or more) is configured such that the cfhttp call fails.
As for what you need to do, it MAY involve importing certificates, b




Community Expert ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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It indeed looks like a sporadic issue with certificates in ColdFusion's store. What's your operating system?


Just to clarify, by CF2009 you of course mean CF 9. 


Have you downloaded the certificate from the site. If so, then it is a painless exercise to import it into ColdFusion's key store. The following steps come from a recent thread on importing certificates


1) Copy your certificate file to the temp directory, so that its path is something like:
c:\temp\certificate_file.cer (assuming you're on Windows)

2) Open the DOS Command (CMD) Prompt as Administrator;
Use the CD command to navigate to C:/ColdFusion2018/jre/bin;

(I have assumed your ColdFusion installation directory is C:/ColdFusion2018)

Run the DOS command keytool /?

You will see that importcert is the flag for importing certificates.

3) Run the DOS command:

keytool -importcert -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias your_unique_chosen_name -keystore C:/ColdFusion2018/jre/lib/security/cacerts -trustcacerts -file C:/temp/certificate_file.cer

(I have assumed your ColdFusion installation directory is C:/ColdFusion2018 and that the file name is certificate_file.cer)

4) Restart ColdFusion.







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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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BKBK - Yes, thanks. CF9 is what I meant. I've updated my original post.


Thanks. I will definitely try the certificate key store steps in whatever priority order the responses here indicate might be best. If a cert is missing in the store, though, I can't help but wonder why ity would work some of the time.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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Rimshot: "If a cert is missing in the store, though, I can't help but wonder why ity would work some of the time."

Then Charlie_Arehart's will be a more likely explanation. The Webmaster or Server Admin could provide you all the certificates you need.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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There are indeed explanations and solutions for that challenge, rimshot,

And easily reverted if needed.


First, about the sporadic nature, I suspect that is not about cf, but rather is likely caused by the fact that the remote site you're  calling has a load balancer, such that calls go to multiple web servers that are not identically configured, and something about one (or more) is configured such that the cfhttp call fails.
As for what you need to do, it MAY involve importing certificates, but instead it more likely is simply a need to update the jvm that cf uses.. I discuss that in a post:
You'll see I quote there the very error you indicate. And yes, I discuss how a jvm update is easily reverted if done correctly, with more detail in another post I point to there.
Finally, I want to plead to all reading this thread that if you ever DO decide to try to import certificates "into cf" (which means cf's jvm), it's CRITICAL to note first WHERE that jvm is as indicated in the cf admin. It may NOT be the jre folder in the coldfusion folder, and yet many blogs and technotes (and bkbk's comments here) suggest you import any certs into that. That location is indeed the DEFAULT (when cf is first installed), but if the jvm cf uses HAS been updated (as discussed above), then any cert you import needs to be imported into the lib/cacerts in THAT new jvm folder, or cf won't see it.


But again, the cert import may NOT be needed at all, only the jvm update. I see it in helping people with all this about weekly.


And while it all makes sense when one understands what I'm sharing, I realize that many won't want to have to take it all in. Or they may fear they still don't understand things well enough to do it on their own. For such folks, I'll note that I can do it with them in as little as 15 mins (remotely, via screenshare, on a consulting basis), showing also how easily it can be reverted (on you own, in seconds).


But hopefully you can do what's needed, and find understanding of what's going on, with just the info above. Let us know how it goes, rimshot.

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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Charlie_Arehart - Thank you for the response. I will try the JVM update.


I called the same URL numerous times using Postman from the same machine running CF, and never got the "Connection Failure" message. Wouldn't a load balancer issue equally affect calls from both CF and Postman?





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Community Expert ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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No, Postman doesn't use the same keystore as your JVM. In general, browsers have much larger keystores than JVMs do. So it's likely that Postman (or Chrome, or your OS, wherever Postman is getting its stored certs) has root and intermediate certs for both servers behind the load balancer.


And that's where I think your problem is. When you purchase a cert, you get not just that cert itself, but the root and intermediate certs upon which the individual server cert relies. For example, when you go to www.google.com, your browser receives that certificate for www.google.com and finds out whether it has a certificate of its own that says www.google.com is a valid certified name that corresponds to Google, Inc. This may involve one or more additional certificates. In Google's case, there's an intermediate certificate from "GTS CA 1O1" that says your browser should trust www.google.com. But that certificate itself isn't trusted! So, your browser looks for a certificate that says "trust GTS CA 1O1", and finds a root certificate from "Google Trust Services - GlobalSign Root CA". As far as I know - and I could be wrong about this but am too lazy to look - your browser only really needs to have the root certificate, and it'll then go out and get the intermediate cert as well as the server cert. (I do know that your JVM doesn't actually need the server cert when it's doing this, but it does need the server and intermediate certs.) 


So, back to your problem. Let's say that server A got its certificate at one time, and server B got its certificate at a different time. It's possible for them to have different root and/or intermediate certs. So your JVM would trust one server cert but not the other.


Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC

Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC





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Explorer ,
Jul 09, 2020 Jul 09, 2020

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Charlie_Arehart - I'm on CF2018 with the latest update (9) so I updated my JVM to 12.0.2 yesterday afternoon. Afterward, I experienced no more "peer not authenticated" connection failures over about 50 cfhttp calls. I did get back two "No such host is known" connection failures, but they may be related to a an issue I'm having with my wi-fi dropping out sporadically. So it seems the JVM update may have solved my issue! I'll keep an eye on it over the next few days and report back. Thanks!





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Community Expert ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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Hi, rimshot. How have things turned out, since the jvm update? Did it keep the problems at bay?


Also, did you catch my later observation regarding the Java 12 you had gone to, and why 11 would be better? 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Explorer ,
Jul 28, 2020 Jul 28, 2020

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Hi Charlie_Arehart. Once I updated to version 12 there were no more errors over many submissions; however, I saw your note about version 12 early last week and changed it to 11.0.7, then we had issues with our firewall until a few minutes ago, so I haven't been able to test the connection much on 11.0.7. I'll keep an eye on it and report back after it's been through its paces. Thanks!

(P.S. In any case, I think the update of Java showed itself to be a good solution, so I'll mark it as the answer.)





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Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2020 Jul 28, 2020

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Thanks for the update, the the marking of a correct answer. Hope your testing with 11 goes well (as it would indeed be best for you).


Please do let us know how it goes. (And it may help to offer that answer in reply to the last comment on the page here, where in fact I raised the issue about Java 12.)

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Community Expert ,
Jul 06, 2020 Jul 06, 2020

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I'd bet that @carehart is almost certainly right about there being a load balancer here, with at least two servers behind it with different configurations. Can you share the URL of the server?


Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC

Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC





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Explorer ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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Dave_Watts - Thanks for the response. Sorry, it's an internal URL, and is inaccessible from outside.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 09, 2020 Jul 09, 2020

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Great to hear that you may have solved it, rimshot, with that JVM update. (Your reply confirming that is nested within a set of replies, so I thought I would draw the point out here, to make it easier for future readers to see that the problem was solved--or at least, you're waiting to confirm over time if it is so. And if it is, I hope you will mark as "the answer" the first comment where I indicated that.)


BTW, you mention you moved to Java 12. I would not recommend that. I explain why in another blog post (which I link to from the one I pointed to in my first reply). It would be in your interest to see if instead Java 11.0.7 (the latest current Java 11 update) would work. As I explain in the post, Oracle no longer supports Java 12 (or 13 or 14), but they do still support Java 11. See the post for more. The point is, you don't want to be running a Java version that Oracle no longer supports.


Anyway, glad you got the problem solved.

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Engaged ,
Nov 04, 2022 Nov 04, 2022

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Just came across this posting.  We're experiencing this exact same sporadic "peer not authenticated" issue when working with PayPal REST services.  We are on CF2021.  We have an update scheduled for CF and the JVM for tonight.  Fingers crossed it solves the issue.





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New Here ,
Dec 13, 2022 Dec 13, 2022

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Did the update fixed the issue?





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