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Is Adobe serious about Docker?

Community Beginner ,
Jun 15, 2021 Jun 15, 2021

Needed to update my CF Addons container and went to Adobe Docker page and found out that Bintray is dead (good) but that instead of moving CF Docker files to someplace like Docker Hub - I have to manually download a .tar file?    


It's 2021? Is Adobe serious about Docker / containers and modern infrastructure????

And the best part was when I finally DID manually download the CF2018 tar file for the container image it was broken.   So frustrated with Adobe's direction lately.

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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 16, 2021 Jun 16, 2021

Hi Jim,

We are planning on having our Docker image both on Amazon ECR and DockerHub. Docker Hub is a work in progress we should be there very soon. On ECR we have the ColdFusion container at https://gallery.ecr.aws/adobe/coldfusion/




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Community Expert ,
Jun 18, 2021 Jun 18, 2021

That is such great news to hear, Kishore. Thanks for sharing it. Really looking forward to the images being on Dockerhub, but in the meantime great to see that they are on ECR as well.


In fact, it's such good news that I just posted a couple of blog entries about it to help spread the news, first a brief one at the CF portal, and then an elaborated one on my own site. (There are some issues that I have identified there, both about the info offered on the ECR repos and in the docs, which I hope someone at Adobe might attend to.)

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)
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Community Beginner ,
Jun 18, 2021 Jun 18, 2021

Charlies has provided a great 'todo' list in his blog post above.  I hope Adobe addresses these issues ASAP 🙂  Everything I run these days is via Docker so it's frustrating when I have to fumble about with ColdFusion because it doesn't conform to what everyone else is doing.

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Explorer ,
Oct 18, 2021 Oct 18, 2021

Note that latest tag is an anti-pattern in Docker.
It breaks the immutability contract of Docker. If you build an image from the tag 'latest-2021' you can end-up with 2 different versions depending on when the build happens without knowing it. It's sounds good and all for development but this is a rather bold move if you want to use that image in production.
Can you please provide images for each updates?



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Community Expert ,
Oct 18, 2021 Oct 18, 2021

Nico, while you're right that latest is an anti-pattern, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that that's all Adobe offers at the ECR repo, if you looked only here.

If instead you go to the ECR repos for each of the CF versions specifically, you'll see that Adobe DOES there offer update-specific images. See the "tags" tab at the ECR pages for CF2018 and CF2021, currently listing an image tag each for the current lastest updates to those.

And the same is offered at the Docker Hub repo pages for each of CF2018 and 2021, but again some folks may stop and look only at the generic CF repo page there, which again has only the latest tag


I would agree that Adobe could/should consider either not offering that generic CF page (on both sites), or add ALL the tags in one coldfusion repo page (which is what they had done with the old BinTray/jfrog site).

That said, things are not ALL you wish them to be. First, there is only 1 specific update for each, for now (not more than one, as again the bintray site did have). I hope they will at least keep the current ones and add new ones as new updates come out. Better still would be if they would create and offer images for other past/recent updates.


Also, the "latest" tag does exist in ALL of the repo pages above, even those with an update-specific tag. To be fair, Adobe is not the only Docker image creator to follow it. In fact, it's something of a standard (for the sake of ease of use) even if it's not a best practice for fixing a specific version.  Again, though, those who want to can--of course only if they think to look for it.


I did, when they posted all these. But I'm a glutton for such punishment. 🙂 Ok, I dig around so that I can help people and offer complete answers. I do appreciate that not everyone will be willing or would even think to do that, so as I said above I think Adobe could improve things.


Hope that's helpful for you and other readers.

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)
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Explorer ,
Oct 18, 2021 Oct 18, 2021

Oh, wow this is really helpful, and I wish it was indeed properly documented!


I think it's OK for latest tag to exist as it's good for prototyping, quick tests, but should definitely not be the only option!


Thank you Charlie

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