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Configuring The adobe connect server

Community Beginner ,
Aug 31, 2021 Aug 31, 2021

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Hi Dear Adobe team

I know you release new version (11.2) of Adobe Connect and our University want to purchase the license but before that we had concern and I wail ask

1-Can we add our language to this amazing server?

2-Is it possible Using the SSL? we have Wildcard SSL for our domain.

3-I don't know if we install adobe connect, is it install IIS or ngnix or Apache for web server or not, but it's highly important to us that we can configure the Cache for this server and running the HTTP/2 protocol. I mean response header for browsers.








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Aug 31, 2021 Aug 31, 2021

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Great questions! I'm not Adobe, but I'll share my thoughts.

  1.  This might be possible, though I've not seen it done before. There is a language.xml file on the server that can be modified to have whatever text you want. It wouldn't be an easy process, but you could modify the text from one or a few of the existing languages to meet your needs. How effective that would be is yet to be seen, and if you are looking for support with right-to-left languages, that may not work. 

  2.  Yes, SSL is often used and wildcard certificates are very common. There is good documentation on deploying Connect with SSL, most of which can be found here https://blogs.connectusers.com/connectsupport/adobe-connect-clusters/ 

  3. Connect uses Tomcat for it's web servers. When you install Connect you'll see configuration files for tomcat in the Connect version folder. I've not had to modify cache configurations, but I don't see why you couldn't. 





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 01, 2021 Sep 01, 2021

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Thanks to reply

1-I found 2 language.xml and I change something in it but it’s not show in the settings of language. I mean, Was changed the <language id="en"> to my language and change some part of it , Absolutely made a copy from original file too. I need to know if it possible to change the menu of class room in other language?

2-and if yes, is it possible to change the font of that?

3-What’s different between RTMPS and ACTS?

4-We have WordPress site with LMS by Learndash and its fine, we want to our student go to room automatically with the credential of WordPress login into Adobe Connect rom. Is it possible?

5-I’m not familiar with tomcat and have no idea to run cache for 





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Sep 01, 2021 Sep 01, 2021

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  1.  No idea, I suspect this falls into the category of things that could be possible, but the level of effort to do this as a unique customization for your environement that will be overwritten with any update and may require a different method of changing with future versions of Connect may not be worth the end result. 

  2. The font in the menus in the Meeting? I don't believe this is possible.

  3. RTMPS is a SSL encrypted version of the Real Time Media Protocol that Flash uses to deliver real-time audio and video. ACTS is the Adobe Connect Transmuxing Server that packages the meeting into an HTML wrapper for display web browsers.

  4.  Yes, you would just need to use the API workflow documented for launching a meeting with external authentication: https://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/webservices/launch-meetings-external-authentication.html 

  5. I have no idea either. Never had cause to identify this 





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 03, 2021 Sep 03, 2021

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At the end of this week I can cheek this forum and reply your comment

Thank you for reply and sharing your knowledge


Now in win 2k16 I have problem, when windows restarted, I have only access to dashboard of http://localhost:8510/ and for accessing to ACTS or the other fqdn of my Adobe Connect server, I must restart all of SQL Services, rather than windows was started now and it can’t open it…

Specifically: SQL Server SEIP Service

Windows Firewall is off, I was installed the F-Secure Server Security Premium witch is our Antivirus that we use over the local network, and I thought maybe because of this security tools we have problem, but after removing that the problem stile here

What is configuration for firewall? what ports should be opened? And they are tcp or udp and outgoing or incoming?

3days ago we didn’t install the av software and firewall was disabled and I saw that the windows were infected with svchost file from Crypto and use the 100% of cpu and ram to mining. and for fixing I had to installed the server again.






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